Getting Fit with Steemit! - My new Steemit Fitness Blog

in #journey8 years ago

Getting Fit with Steemit! - My fitness journey

Hey steemit people! I hope everyone is good and loving steemit!

I've been on my fitness journey for a few years now. Fluctuating up and down like everyone does when it comes to weight, especially after having kids ( I know other moms can relate and so can dads!) I never worked out before until after I had my first daughter (picture) I was an active person growing up, I played sports, grew up in a farm, etc. But after my first daughter I knew I would have to put effort into getting my body back. Man was it HARD!

I'd start by working out for a few weeks then life would happen and I wouldn't work out for a few weeks. It was on ongoing battle. But I did get in decent shape.

After my second child I worked out hard for 6 months straight. Then I went back to work. I had two jobs at the time so my boyfriend could stay home with the kids. I couldn't seem to find time to get any sort of working out in at all which lead me to gain around 40lbs in a year and a half.... YIKES!!

Which leads me to where I'm at now. I'm a mom of two amazing, beautiful little girls, I work two jobs and come fall ill be going back to school to finish my nursing diploma. Every morning I get up and workout without fail for the past 6 months. I've seen incredible changes! I still have the "mommy pooch", but with eating well (yes I still have cheat days because we all need those!) and working out I'm getting back to my goals with my fitness journey!

My progress to date, not exactly where I want to be, but very proud of what I've been able to do in such a short time.

The start

(I look so pleased lol)

Shot today, after my workout (weight vest, not weird workout top...incase you were wondering)

Keep following me to learn more about my journey, the workouts I do, what I eat, what protein powder I use, etc! Can't wait to continue to share more with all of you!



Keep motivated, and do not give up!!! I've lost 40lbs since the beginning of this year. It hasn't been easy, but I feel much better, and healthier!

Awesome! And sometimes it's hard but it's worth it, you're proof, 40lbs is no joke. It's true too, when I take a day or two off, I just , well, feel off.

What is your goal? Its great to exercise to feel good and be healthy but you already look great! Keep it up mommy, i know its hard struggling work and motherhood and then adding exercise! :)

I want to shed the I'm a mom had a baby fat and tone up, but more importantly just to be healthy and set a good example for my kids. You got that right, got to squeeze in time whenever you can these days.

Keep it up!! Thank you for the post!!

forward to hearing from you outstanding results ! Good job! , @chippy

Thanks, sure hope they're outstanding enough :)

Interested to see your progress. Good luck!

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