Renewing My Vows With Nature

in #journey8 years ago


The morning forecast boasted a high above 60, so we packed our bags and headed off on an adventure. 

As we walked to the edge of campus and beyond, it was refreshing to see students outside of their rooms for a change. Like us, they had wandered out warily, hesitant to believe that the blue skies and sunshine were more than a myth. We saw kids lounging in hammocks, playing Frisbee, laying in the grass. We kept walking.

Using a folded-up note card with scribbled directions as our guide, we traveled south. After just 20 minutes we were in unfamiliar territory. We admired shops and found new restaurants we'd like to visit someday. We passed rows of old Victorian houses with wraparound porches and upstairs balconies. We continued.

Our excitement intensified when we discovered a secluded trail. The city noises and smells faded away as we followed the cement path into the woods, and soon we were all alone with the trees, the birds, and the fresh breeze. Eventually, we emerged into the rural outskirts of town. We felt like hitchhikers with our bags on our backs as we walked the narrow strip between oncoming traffic and cornfields.

We were far from home and surrounded by countryside. Our feet ached and our necks were stiff--but we loved it. We inhaled the rich air all too reminiscent of spring. We laughed, held hands, and reveled in such a beautiful day.

Finally, we came to one of our tentative destinations, a nature preserve. Upon arriving we sat down to have lunch. Many people walked past, said hello, and allowed us to pet their dogs. When we'd had enough of a break we set out to explore the preserve.

We climbed logs in the woods, him exercising while I followed behind taking photos and documenting such a lovely afternoon. We found a breathtaking field consisting of nothing more than strikingly blue sky and silky ferns in every direction. When we came to a fallen tree, he saw an opportunity to jump and balance...I saw an opportunity to rest, and watch. I looked around and was overcoming with gratitude at having spent a day outdoors instead of one spent staring at screens.

With sunset just around the corner, we began our journey toward home. Having plotted a looping path, the walk back was shorter than the way we'd came, and we got to experience new scenery as we returned to the center of town. We decided to treat ourselves to a nice dinner, and although we were thoroughly disheveled and dressed in sweatpants, we were welcomed in and shown to our table.The cool air, delicious food, and relaxation served as the perfect ending to our day of trekking. The dinner conversation was light and happy.

Finally, we arrived at home. After eagerly dropping our bags and changing into fresh clothes, we turned out the lights, slid under the duvet, and slept soundly for two hours, although it had only been 6 p.m.

My last thought before I drifted off into an easy, dreamless sleep was that I was so happy to have had the chance to renew my vows with nature.

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