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RE: Guillaume Cardinal

in #joy7 years ago


  • Took you long enough! ;)

Like I've said many, many times before. You have given me so much motivation, courage and inspiration so it's hard for me to even describe. And I'm not even talking about your upvotes, which oviously have been greatly appreciated. I am talking about you as a person who've acknowledge me. You as a person who believe in me and the things I write about. With awesome comments and wonderful support for a long period of time, you've made my Steemit journey easier and truly enjoyable.

  • For that, I will always be thankful.

I've been voting for you as a witness for a long time and I truly wish that others would do the same because you deserve to be in the top! - Please publish another article shortly again. I love your articles!


I'm glad to have been such an inspiration! This is a very cool feeling!

I will try to publish a lot more regularly. It seems I needed time to post this foundation post.

I would love to have at least 1 article from you per week to read. But I can totally understand that it's hard for you to find time to produce articles when you spend this much time on Steemit curating and doing other things.

It's a shame we don't have more time. I would love to have a couple of extra hours per day too. 32 hours instead of 24 would've been great! :D

These posts are a great way to find new friends to follow too. A friend of @teamsteem is a friend of mine!

I am in awe while reading this. I have proposed an actual implementation on my blog for EXACTLY what you're describing here. I'm new to Steem and still am working full time and so have not had any eyes on my idea nor have I had the time to get eyes on it.

I IMPLORE you to, if you felt this post was a description of a beautiful future for humanity of which you want to have a part in making happen to please read my post.

Tear it apart, leave all feedback, positive and negative. Be constructive in your criticism. Help me improve it. Help share it with others that will improve it. I've been thinking of the most fool proof, positively oriented retrofitting of the current game we all participate in for months now. I think I have a great start and I think this post outlines the goals with which my idea proposes a concrete solution for.

I apologize in advance for posting this everywhere and spamming this, but the future is too bright and these ideas are too powerful not to share with everyone. We have too much potential as humans for bringing positivity to all to waste our technology spinning up more get rich quick schemes and social media dopamine feedback loops to addict customers.

Thank you for being a part of this wonderful platform and thank you if you even considered checking my post. I very much look forward to collaborating with like minded people seeking honesty, liberty, hard work, prosperity, openness, collaboration, and cooperation to leave the world in a better state that than which we entered. I believe without doubt that is possible and that all we have to do is utilize the beautiful technology that the generations before us have helped to create and that our generation in a general sense is failing to find the most beneficial use of.

Thank you for putting such effort into your work @teemsteem I truly look forward to consuming all of it and collaborating with you.