@aftabkhan10 Zanib was not the daughter of kasoor she was daughter of Pakistan she was the daughter of all peoples live in Pakistan she was a daughter of mine.
we can not bear this any play with our kids. we need Justices for Zanib
No rapist shouldn't be hanged but given that punishment which make him realise what the pain is and what that small girl has gone through ..and pray God gave him pain until his death
can't imagine her pain we are living in hell
apni ki bangladesher
nice done
go ahed
thanks to share friend
@aftabkhan10 Zanib was not the daughter of kasoor she was daughter of Pakistan she was the daughter of all peoples live in Pakistan she was a daughter of mine.
we can not bear this any play with our kids. we need Justices for Zanib
The rapist should be hanged.
we all have to raise the voice for our daughter #justiceforzainab @aftabkhan
No rapist shouldn't be hanged but given that punishment which make him realise what the pain is and what that small girl has gone through ..and pray God gave him pain until his death
The rapist should be hanged.