RE: The Tossed and Forgotten - An Ode to Our Veterans
The military industrial complex will continue to spit out reasons for war. In some cases war is necessary, like if we were to actually be truly attacked and our homes, lives, families, ect. we're in jeopardy. People would have to stand up.
I hope and pray for peace in you. My stepbrother, an army vet, killed himself a couple of years ago. It wasn't his first attempt either, he was in constant turmoil. It was right after Christmas. He didn't want to go with his mom and sister, who traveled from Colorado to Wisconsin to celebrate near us. We found out why he didn't want to go the hard way. All the warning signs were there, but he never got real help and he jumped off a cliff. If you ever need anyone to talk to, you can talk to me. :) Much love, @snowpea Amazing peom by the way. :)
Yes, unfortunately the Military-Industrial Complex will always come up with new reasons for war. They're all bs though. Read War Is A Racket by MajGen Smedley Butler and you'll fully understand just how dark the real reasons for war are. The hard truth of the world that most people seem to not grasp, is that wars would cease if everyone refused to fight the battles of these super rich fat cats who couldn't care less about any of our lives as long as they make a profit. War is never fought for just reasons, it's always for profit and the Military-Industrial Complex has a long history of arming/funding/training both sides of any conflict. But how will the puppet leaders of any nation fight wars against each other if we the people refuse to fight?
Thank you for your hope and prayers for peace. I am so terribly sorry to hear about your stepbrother. Reading that literally brought tears to my eyes. A part of the deep seated psychological trauma effects I took home from the military is I now cry uncontrollably every time I see/hear/read/watch any mention of troops dying in battle or coming home and committing suicide. Thank you so much for offering your ears and your time for me if I ever need someone to talk to in the future. I really appreciate that so much, and honestly that means the world to me even if we're just complete internet strangers right now. I can't say thank you enough.