KINESIS - An efficient medium of exchange and efficient store of value.

in #kinesis4 years ago

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Money is a major factor affecting the economy of every society. As a result of technological advancement, and digitization of activities in the world of today, the need for tokenization of money and assets has is required. Another issue facing the monetry system would be how to deal with economical factors such as volatility, inflation, being efficient medium of exchange, and being an efficient store of value etc. These challenges need to be addressed for introduction of any fiat currency and likewise for digital currency. Kinesis Monetary System has been specially designed to address these factors. In this article we will be exploring the various ways kinesis money system ensures an efficient medium of exchange and efficient store of value.

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You instantly purchase real gold or silver, security, when you buy your Kinesis currencies.Instantly purchase real gold or silver secured in one of our seven partner box situated all around the world. These bolts store your precious metals, completely free of precious metal is in digitalize using Blockchain technology, allowing you to send it to other Kinesis wallets traded on the Kinesis blockchain Exchange, or spend it easily and freely using our Kinesis debit card. Each transaction with a new log out of your account, simply adds or detracts from the amount of gold or silver in your account, which is easily displayed and access from your wallet. These transactions are done in nanoseconds. And the Kinesis currency you own can be transferred back into real gold or silver, any time you want. Even the Kinesis wallet and debit card, runs off the stellar blockchain system is so powerful, no matter how many transactions are being made across the world. You know your payments will be made quickly, safely and securely. So why should you trust us with DBS world's leading electronic exchange with physical precious metals company entrenched in the industry, with knowledge, expertise and experience. It has been built the best part of a decade. We are at the forefront of making history and redefining how physical bullion is treated and used as a functional currency, which was in the market fluctuates up and down so why not use Kinesis currencies based on some of the safest commodities on Earth, gold and Silver sound like a good opportunity to you. Check out the KV D token sale now and be part of the revolution Kinesis. The future of currency.


Elements of Kinesis
Below are the major elements of Kinesis include

  • Gold & Silver:
    The kinesis tokens are backed 1:1 by their corresponding grams of gold and silver. Which means that the holders of the coin have legitimate titles to the bullion used for 1:1 backing of KAU and KAG coins. The KAU and KAG Token are the major currencies of Kinesis System. Other currencies specifications include;
    Gold Wholesale Currency (KWG) - 1 Kg gold contract and token consisting of gold bars with minimum fineness of 9999, and the Silver Wholesale Contract (KWS) - 1,000 troy ounces of silver contract and token, consisting of silver cast bars of minimum fineness of 999, and Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT) - which is the capital raising token for the execution of the Kinesis project. It is an ERC-20 token and all KVT holders will have a share of transaction fees for life.

  • Yield:
    The Minters Yield is designed to bring new gold and silver into the platform, it came online at the end of 2020. 25% of the fee pool is allocated to this mentors yield

  • The holders yield is provided to people who hold on to Kinesis cryptocurrencies in their wallet. This is a purely passive return designed to compete with traditional stock dividends are earning interest in a traditional savings account, 15% of the fee pool goes toward the holders yield.

  • The Deposit Yield is applicable on the initial deposit into your account. Its purpose is to incentivize large initial deposits, similar to opening up a new bank account and receiving a reward for that 5% of the fee pool goes towards the depositors.

  • The referral yields offers a small incentive to bring in more participants into the ecosystem, you'll receive 7.5% of the fees paid via referrals, forever.

  • The Kinesis velocity token yield in my opinion is the most exciting opportunity for passive income generation that Kinesis offers, it's like getting stock as an early founding member of a team with a stock that generates you dividends for life. The Sealed accounts for the largest proportion of the fee pool at 20%, only 300,000 of these tokens will ever be made available, and by holding just one of these tokens, you'll be allotted, one 300,000 of the 20% fee pool for all transactions on the Kinesis platform for life,

  • ** Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Technology**
    Decentralized and secure system to enhance financial experience.

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This year, they've done a pretty good job of hitting their milestones, a few projects were delayed a few weeks, but I can't really fault them for that even the kind of year that we've had, they launched native mobile apps for iOS and Android revamped the Kinesis exchange to make it easier to manage accounts and perform the minting process, They also added more currencies to the exchange, which adds more versatility into the currency pairs that can be traded volume on the exchange has grown rapidly over the year, specifically for the Kut/USD market pair hitting 2 million daily volume transactions fairly consistently now some pairs are still pretty low, so there is work to be done to get more adoption into the exchange.

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Kinesis list of partners is growing fairly nicely, their previously announced integration with Indonesian POS go seems to be live and in the early stages of a rollout. In October 2020, they announced a partnership with Seabury asset management which will see a new physical asset class added to the canvas Kinesis emerald tokens are KDM backed one to one against Emeralds 1k M equaling one carat of emerald gemstones. This will see $100 million worth of emeralds enter the cases Exchange, which is very interesting in terms of volume on the system. There are 305,000ku,
approximately worth 17 point 7 million US dollars and 480,000 kg worth approximately 11 point 5 million US dollars, so there's a lot of work to get to that 1% penetration of the trillion dollar gold market in terms of future growth and development now much has been revealed as to what they'll be working on next, the rest of the yields are expected to come online this year.

The Kinesis Ecosystem gives alot of investors globally to the party exposure of gold. Members will be have the opportunity to trade in gold and silver, and also store them and in then receive rewards from a portion of the day ecosystem generated revenue.

#Kinesis $KAG $KAU #cryptocurrency #blockchain #decentralization

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