13 types of vitamins and their functions

in #knowledge6 years ago (edited)


What types of vitamins and their functions – Vitamin is an organic compound that is needed by our body to regulate metabolime the body to stay healthy and help the process of growth. Our body cannot produce their own Vitamins, therefore we need to get Vitamins from a variety of food and the health of our body so that Supplemen stay awake.

Basically our body requires only Vitamin in amounts or the levels a bit, but if the amount of the required levels or is not sufficient then the body metabolism will be interrupted so that cause disease. Health disorder or a disease caused by Vitamin deficiencies referred to by the term Avitaminosis.

13 types of vitamins and their functions

There are two large groups of vitamins, namely Vitamin that can dissolve in water (the Water Soluble Vitamins) and the vitamins are soluble in Fat (Fat Soluble Vitamins). Vitamins-vitamin that can dissolve in the water of which was Vitamin B and Vitamin C, whereas Vitamin-vitamin that can dissolve in fats are Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K.

The following are the types of Vitamins and their functions, food sources and disease incurred due to its shortcomings.

1. Vitamin A

The Name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Retinal, Retinol, Carotenoids
Function: important to the sense of sight, maintaining healthy skin and Body immunity
Diseases caused by shortcomings: Nyctalopia, cataracts, Hyperkeratosis (white lumps at hair follicles), Keratomalacia (destruction of the cornea)
Food sources of Vitamin a: Fruits are red and yellow (Connection, red chilies, Bananas, papaya), milk, Margarine, liver and kidneys, the vegetables are green and yellow.

2. Vitamin B1

The Name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Thiamine
Function: essential for the nervous system and heart function, prevent the disease beri-beri
Diseases caused by shortcomings: power year the body decreases, the disease Beri-beri, lack of appetite, dry skin, flaky skin, hard fruit water is great.
Food sources of Vitamin B1: Corn, green beans, soy beans, meat, milk, bread, flour, fish, chicken, lean meat and others.

3. Vitamin B2

The Name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Riboflavin
Function: important to skin, the growth of body tissue, preventing the eye sensitivity to light
Diseases caused by shortcomings: Ariboflavinosis Disease, Decrease the resistance of the body, the skin is dry, scaly skin, mouth dry, chapped lips.
Food sources of Vitamin B2: milk, bananas, green beans, asparagus, leafy green vegetables, meat without fat.

4. Vitamin B3

The Name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Niacin, Niacinamide
Function: Helps the food into energy, helps the nervous system, preventing the disease pellagra, preventing depletion of appetite.
Diseases caused by its shortcomings: the disease Pellagra (a disease because eating less) nausea, insomnia, body limp, muscle cramps and seizures easily.
Food sources of Vitamin B3: Eggs, bread, chicken, beef, fish (tuna and salmon), leafy vegetables, asparagus, liver, yeast, milk, Avokado, broccoli.

5. Vitamin B5

The name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Pantothenic acid (Pantothenic acid)
Function: Helps solving the food (especially the FAT),
keep the communication of the nervous system and the brain, producing a compound of fatty acids, sterols, neurotransmitters, and hormones of the body.
Diseases caused by weakness, Paresthesia, muscle Disease: easy cramps, trouble sleeping, dry and scaly skin.
Food sources of Vitamin B5: broccoli, Avokado, meat, vegetables.

6. Vitamin B6

The Name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Pyridoxine (Pridoksin)
Essential functions: the health of teeth and gums, essential for red blood cells and nervous system, producing antibodies.
Drawback: disease diseases caused by Anemia (a lack of blood), disorders of the nervous system
Food sources of Vitamin B6: Meat, bananas, vegetables and nuts.

7. Vitamin B7

The Name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Biotin
Function: Help biochemical reactions in the body such as the transfer of carbon dioxide and the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
Cons: diseases caused by Dermatitis, Enteritis, depression, nusea, anemia and hair loss.
Food sources of Vitamin B7: meats, egg yolks, bananas, beans, wheat and yeast.

8. Vitamin B9

Biochemistry (Vitaminer) name: Folic acid (Folate)
Function: to prevent defects in the fetus, it helps the body in the process of metobolisme proteins that take place, building red blood cells healthy, lowering the risk of heart disease.
Cons: diseases caused by Defects in the fetus
Food sources of Vitamin B9: Spinach, peas, sunflower seeds, potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, eggs and liver.

9. Vitamin B12

The name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Cyanocobalamin, hydroxycobalamin, methylcobalamin
Functions: maintaining the health of the nervous system, preventing the disease anemia and it is important for the growth of children.
Drawback: disease diseases caused by Anemia (Lack of blood), quickly tired.
Food sources of Vitamin B12: fish, meat, eggs, milk, liver.

10. Vitamin C

The name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Ascorbic acid (Ascorbic acid)
Function: it is important for the health of teeth and gums and bone, forming the body cells and blood vessels, prevent scurvy, in enhances the durability of the body as an antioxidant.
Diseases caused by shortcomings: chapped Tongue, decreased energy/quickly exhausted, scurvy, a disease canker sores, anemia.
Food sources of Vitamin c: citrus fruit, tomatoes, arbei, Strawberry, asparagus, cauliflower, milk, butter and fish.

11. Vitamin D

The Name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Cholecalciferol, Ergocalciferol (Kalsiferol)
Function: Important for teeth and bones, helps the body use
Calcium and Phospor, prevent the disease rahkitis (softening of bones in children).
Diseases caused by shortcomings: Rheumatoid arthritis (inflammation of joints), Osteomalasia (loss of elements of phosphorus and calcium in excess), diabetes, diseases of Rahkitis.
Vitamin D food sources: fish, eggs, liver, mushrooms, soy, milk, shrimp, oysters. Exposure to sunlight.

12. Vitamin E

The Name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Tocopherols, Tocotrienols
Function: important to the function of the blood, preventing excessive fatty acid, keep your network healthy skin, eyes, liver and red blood, as a natural antioxidant, protects the lungs from air pollution.
Cons: diseases caused by infertility, disorders of the nerves and muscles.
Food sources of Vitamin e: vegetable oil, wheat, grains, yeast, fish, lettuce, egg yolk.

13. Vitamin K

The Name Biochemistry (Vitaminer): Phylloquinone, Menaquinones
Function: helps the body's metabolism and prevent diabetes, suppress the process of bleeding due to pemakain compound aspirin or antibiotics redundant, lowering the risk of developing the disease osteoporosis.
Diseases caused by shortcomings: it inhibits blood clotting, decreased bone density.
Food sources of Vitamin K: green leafy vegetables, avocado, kiwi, parsley (parsley).


Thank you for sharing this helpful information! I think it's essential to know this, especially if someone has some vitamin deficiency, so they know what to eat more. For example, when I see that my skin has its "bad" days, I try to eat more food with vitamins that are good for it, like green leafy vegetables, fish, and grains. Sometimes I take https://www.thorne.com/products/dp/collagen-plus to maintain it healthy even more. I rarely eat junky food, so I don't have any problems with pimples.

Most people don't even know what is in vitamins. Therefore, it is necessary to read their contents carefully when choosing vitamins. If you do not know which vitamins are better to choose, it is better to ask for help from professionals. My doctor advised me of several different supplements. Now I often buy them here https://ordervitaminsdirect.com/collections/optimizers, and for a good reason. During the use, I noticed that I became more efficient; moreover, my physical and mental condition improved. I began to wake up with a smile on my face.

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