The Universal Directory System Containing Everything & Anything, Knowpedia Directory Version 0.01

in #knowpedia6 years ago


After years of work I present to you the universal directory version 0.01.

The Knowpedia Directory is the cutting-edge universal directory system of everything & anything. Every topic in the entire universe is given a specific alpha-numerical code from A0-9 to J0-9. Using the directory, anyone can map topics such as art, people, sciences, ideologies, ethnicities, recipes, and more to a specific well-established code. Note that category naming still needs work.

You may realize the limitless possibilities the KD gives us at first, but if not I will outline a few of them.

Learn Any Language

The directory system allows people to map every possible language and word to a Knowpedia Directory code, making this directory a language in itself. Therefore, if someone understands the directory well enough, it becomes a full language in itself. Meaning when you learn the directory system, learning any other language becomes simple.

Classify All Information

The directory system also comes with a well thought out tagging system. Meaning databases, blockchains, and any information storage system can design themselves based on the directory system. Therefore, as long as a person understands the directory system, they may go to any information storage system using the KD and immediately understand it.

Open-Source for You & I

As you learn the system and find improvements, simply submit suggestions to the community and we will begin implementing them into the next version. The system is created for all to learn, contribute, and benefit.

The Tree of the Knowledge Network

The K.D. Version 0 puts everything in the form of a hierarchical knowledge classification system. Its purpose is to pair with the Knowpedia knowledge network allowing anyone to neatly post entries under any topic imaginable and systematically categorize them by subject, discipline, category, topic, and so on.

Steem Platform Launch, Coming Soon

Upon final launch, users may sort their topic entries using the Knowpedia Directory by category, topic, time-period, content-type (written, video, audio, etc.), and browse it by whatever knowledge they seek. You’re free to enjoy this monumental work below. For more information, visit the project announcement post with this link: “”.

Knowpedia Directory Table

a) A0) Topic’s Beginning: Whence the topic is from?

b) A1) Topic’s Time-Interval: When the topic exists?

c) A2) Topic’s Function: How the topic works?

d) A3) Topic’s Attitude: Why the topic works?

e) A4) Topic’s Features: Which the topic is?

f) A5) Topic’s Attributes: Whose is the topic?

g) A6) Topic’s People: Who is the topic?

h) A7) Topic’s Qualities: What is the topic?

i) A8) Topic’s Location: Where is the topic?

j) A9) Topic’s Ending: Whither (where to) the topic goes?

A0) Topic’s Beginning: The source (whence) of all. [A0] [“-an” or “-ite” suffix words]

B0) Origin X [A0-B0]: The source of all origination.

C0) “Universen” X [A0-B0-C0]: The source of all universalization.

C1) “Astroian” X [A0-B0-C1]: The source of all “astrozation”.

D6) “Astrologian” X [A0-B0-C1-D6]: The source of all “astrologization”.

C3) “Meteoran” X [A0-B0-C3]: The source of all “meteorization” (weather).

B1) “Sensean” X [A0-B1]: The source of all sensation.

C1) “Moralan” X [A0-B1-C1]: The source of all moralization.

C2) “Imaginan” X [A0-B1-C2]: The source of all imagination.

C3) “Visualan” X [A0-B1-C3]: The source of all visualization.

D0) “Pinkian” X [A0-B1-C3-D0]: The source of all “pinkion”.

D1) “magentan” X [A0-B1-C3-D1]: The source of all “magention”.

D2) “Purplen” X [A0-B1-C3-D2]: The source of all “purplion”.

D3) “Indigoan” X [A0-B1-C3-D3]: The source of all “Indigion”.

D4) “Bluen” X [A0-B1-C3-D4]: The source of all “bluion”.

D5) “Turquoisen” X [A0-B1-C3-D5]: The source of all “turquoision”.

D6) “Greenian” X [A0-B1-C3-D6]: The source of all “Greenion”.

D7) “Yellowian” X [A0-B1-C3-D7]: The source of all “yellowion”.

D8) “Orangen” X [A0-B1-C3-D8]: The source of all “orangion”.

D9) “Reden” X [A0-B1-C3-D9]: The source of all “redion”.

C4) “Smellian” X [A0-B1-C4]: The source of all “smellization”.

C5) “Hearian” X [A0-B1-C5]: The source of all “audition”.

D#) “Squeakian” X [A0-B1-C5-D#]: The source of all “squeakion”.

D#) “Whinean” X [A0-B1-C5-D#]: The source of all “whineion”.

C6) “Tastean” X [A0-B1-C6]: The source of all “tasteion”.

D#) “Sweetan” X [A0-B1-C6-D#]: The source of all “sweetion”.

D#) “Saltan” X [A0-B1-C6-D#]: The source of all “saltion”.

D#) “Souran” X [A0-B1-C6-D#]: The source of all “sourion”.

D#) “Umamian” X [A0-B1-C6-D#]: The source of all “umamion”.

D#) “Bitteran” X [A0-B1-C6-D#]: The source of all “bitterion”.

C9) “Tactilen” X [A0-B1-C9]: The source of all taction.

B2) “Expertan” X [A0-B2]: The source of all education (“expertization”).

B3) “Philosophan” X [A0-B3]: The source of all philosophization.

C2) Aesthetician X [A0-B3-C2]: The source of all aestheticization

C3) Artisan X [A0-B3-C3]: The source of all artwork.

C6) Beautian X [A0-B3-C6]: The source of all beautification.

B4) “Mentalan” X [A0-B4]: The source of all mentalization.

C0) “Measurean” X [A0-B4-C0]: The source of all measurement.

C1) “Systematician” X [A0-B4-C1]: The source of all system.

C4) Mathematician X [A0-B4-C4]: The source of all “mathematization”.

C8) Memorian X [A0-B4-C8]: The source of all memorization.

B5) Socialite X [A0-B5]: The source of all socialization.

C1) “Criminian” X [A0-B5-C1]: The source of crimination.

C4) “Economician” X [A0-B5-C4]: The source of all distribution (“economicization”).

C5) “Politician” X [A0-B5-C5]: The source of all politicization.

C#) “Competian” X [A0-B5-C#]: The source of all competition.

B6) “Spiritan” X [A0-B6]: The source of all spiritualization (life).

C0) Race X [A0-B6-C0]: The source of all racialization.

D0) Albino X [A0-B6-C0-D0]: The source of all Albinoization.

D1) European X [A0-B6-C0-D1]: The source of all Europeanization.

0) E#) Italian X [A0-B6-C0-D1-E0]: The source of all “Italianization”.

1) E#) German X [A0-B6-C0-D1-E1]: The source of all “Germanization”.

D2) Asian X [A0-B6-C0-D2]: The source of all Asianization.

0) E#) Chinese X [A0-B6-C0-D2-E#]: The source of all “Chineseization”.

1) E#) Japanese X [A0-B6-C0-D2-E#]: The source of all “Japaneseization”.

D3) Mediterranean X [A0-B6-C0-D3]: The source of all Mediterraneanization.

D4) Arabian [A0-B6-C0-D4]: The source of all Arabianization.

D5) American (Native American) X [A0-B6-C0-D5]: The source of all Americanization.

0) E#) Cherokee American X [A0-B6-C0-D5-E#]: The source of all “Cherokee Americanization”.

1) E#) Apache American X [A0-B6-C0-D5-E#]: The source of all “Apache Americanization”.

2) E#) Navajo American X [A0-B6-C0-D5-E#]: The source of all “Navajo Americanization”.

3) E#) Cheyenne American X [A0-B6-C0-D5-E#]: The source of all “Cheyenne Americanization”.

D6) Latin X [A0-B6-C0-D6]: The source of all Latinization.

0) E#) Hispanic X [A0-B6-C0-D6-E#]: The source of all “Hispanicization”.

1) E#) Spanish X [A0-B6-C0-D6-E#]: The source of all “Spanishization”.

D7) Indian X [A0-B6-C0-D7]: The source of all Indianization.

D8) Caribbean X [A0-B6-C0-D8]: The source of all Caribbeanization.

0) E#) Jamaican X [A0-B6-C0-D8-E#]: The source of all “Jamicanization”.

D9) African X [A0-B6-C0-D9]: The source of all Africanization.

0) E#) Ethiopian X [A0-B6-C0-D9-E#]: The source of all “Ethopianization”.

B7) Technician (Create-an) X [A0-B7]: The source of all technicalization.

C2) Electrician X [A0-B7-C2]: The source of all electrification.

D4) “computerian” X [A0-B7-C2-D4]: The source of all computation.

C7) “machinean” X [A0-B7-C7]: The source of all mechanization.

B8) “Realan” X [A0-B8]: The source of all realization.

B9) “Substantialan” X [A0-B9]: The source of all substantiation.

C0) “Voidian” (Void-Energy) X [A0-B9-C0]: The source of all “voidization”.

C1) “Radioactivean” (Nuclear-Energy) X [A0-B9-C1]: The source of all “nuclearization”.

C2) Electrician X [A0-B9-C2]: The source of all “electricization”.

C3) “Fireian” X [A0-B9-C3]: The source of all “fireion.

C4) “Airian” X [A0-B9-C4]: The source of all “airization”.

C5) “Wateran” X [A0-B9-C5]: The source of all “waterization.

C6) “Earthian” X [A0-B9-C6]: The source of all “earthization”.

C7) “Metalian” X [A0-B9-C7]: The source of all “metalization”.

C8) “Magnetian” X [A0-B9-C8]: The source of all magnetization.

C9) “Massian” X [A0-B9-C9]: The source of all “massization”.

A1) Topic’s Time-interval: The timing (when) of all. [A1] [“-ly” suffix words]

B0) Originally X [A1-B0]: The timing of all “originary”.

C0) Universally X [A1-B0-C0]: The timing of the whole “universery”.

C1) Astronomically X [A1-B0-C1]: The timing of all “astromery”.

D6) Astrologically X [A1-B0-C1-D6]: The timing of all “astrologicary”.

C3) Meteorologically X [A1-B0-C3]: The timing of all “meteorolicalary” (weather).

B1) Sensibly X [A1-B1]: The timing of all sensory.

C1) Morally X [A1-B1-C1]: The timing of all “moralery”.

C2) Imaginatively X [A1-B1-C2]: The timing of all imagery.

C3) Visually X [A1-B1-C3]: The timing of all visionary.

D0) Pinkly X [A1-B1-C3-D0]: The timing of all “pinkery”.

D1) “Magentaly” X [A1-B1-C3-D1]: The timing of all “magentary”.

D2) “Purplely” X [A1-B1-C3-D2]: The timing of all “purplery”.

D3) “Indigoly” X [A1-B1-C3-D3]: The timing of all “indigory”.

D4) Bluely X [A1-B1-C3-D4]: The timing of all “bluery”.

D5) “Turquoisely” X [A1-B1-C3-D5]: The timing of all “turquoisery”.

D6) Greenly X [A1-B1-C3-D6]: The timing of all greenery.

D7) “Yellowly” X [A1-B1-C3-D7]: The timing of all “yellowery”.

D8) “Orangely” X [A1-B1-C3-D8]: The timing of all “orangery”.

D9) Redly X [A1-B1-C3-D9]: The timing of all “redery”.

C4) Smelly X [A1-B1-C4]: The timing of all “smellery”.

C5) Audibly X [A1-B1-C5]: The timing of all Auditory.

C6) Tastefully X [A1-B1-C6]: The timing of all “tastery”.

C9) Tactilely X [A1-B1-C9]: The timing of all “tactilery”.

B2) Expertly X [A1-B2]: The timing of all “Expertery”.

B3) Philosophically X [A1-B3]: The timing of all “philosophery”.

C2) Aesthetically X [A1-B3-C2]: The timing of all “aestheticary”.

C3) Artfully X [A1-B3-C3]: The timing of all artistry.

C6) Beautifully X [A1-B3-C6]: The timing of all “beautifiery”.

B4) Mentally X [A1-B4]: The timing of all “mentary”.

C0) Measurably X [A1-B4-C0]: The timing of all “measurery”.

C1) Systematically X [A1-B4-C0]: The timing of all “systemery”.

C4) Mathematically X [A1-B4-C4]: The timing of all “mathematary”.

C8) Memorably X [A1-B4-C8]: The timing of all memory.

B5) Socially X [A1-B5]: The timing of all “socialary”.

C1) Criminally X [A1-B5-C1]: The timing of “criminalery”.

C4) Economically X [A1-B5-C4]: The timing of all Distributary (“economicery”).

C5) Politically X [A1-B5-C5]: The timing of all politicery.

C#) Competitively X [A1-B5-C#]: The timing of all “competery”.

B6) Spiritly X [A1-B6]: The timing of all “spiritary”.

C0) Racially X [A1-B6-C0]: The timing of all “racery”.

B7) Technically X [A1-B7]: The timing of all “technicalary”.

C2) Electrically X [A1-B7-C2]: The timing of all circuitry (“electricery”).

C7) Mechanically X [A1-B7-C7]: The timing of all machinery.

B8) Really X [A1-B8]: The timing of all “realary”.

B9) Substantially X [A1-B9]: The timing of all “substantary”.

A2) Topic’s Function: The study (how) of all. [A2] [“-logy” suffix words]

B0) “Originology” X [A2-B0]: The study of all originality.

C0) Cosmology X [A2-B0-C0]: The study of all “univereness”.

C1) Astronomy X [A2-B0-C1]: The study of all “outerspaceness”.

D6) Astrology X [A2-B0-C1-D6]: The study of all “astrologicalness”.

C3) Meteorology X [A2-B0-C3]: The study of all “meterologicalness” (weather).

B1) “Sensology” X [A2-B1]: The study of all sensuality.

C1) “Moralology” X [A2-B1-C1]: The study of all “morality”.

C2) “Imagineology” (“Perceiveology”) X [A2-B1-C2]: The study of all imaginative.

C3) “Visionology” X [A2-B1-C3]: The study of all visibility.

D0) “Pinkology” X [A2-B1-C3-D0]: The study of all pinkness.

D1) “magentaology” X [A2-B1-C3-D1]: The study of all “magentaness”.

D2) “Purpleology” X [A2-B1-C3-D2]: The study of all “purpleness”.

D3) “Indigology” X [A2-B1-C3-D3]: The study of all “Indigioness”.

D4) “Blueology” X [A2-B1-C3-D4]: The study of all blueness.

D5) “Turquoiseology” X [A2-B1-C3-D5]: The study of all “turquoiseness”.

D6) “Greenology” X [A2-B1-C3-D6]: The study of all greenness.

D7) “Yellowology” X [A2-B1-C3-D7]: The study of all yellowness.

D8) “Orangeology” X [A2-B1-C3-D8]: The study of all “orangeness”.

D9) “Redology” X [A2-B1-C3-D9]: The study of all redness.

C4) “Smellology” X [A2-B1-C4]: The study of all smelliness.

C5) “Audiology” X [A2-B1-C5]: The study of all audibleness.

C6) “Taste-ology” X [A2-B1-C6]: The study of all tastefulness.

C9) “touch-ology” X [A2-B1-C9]: The study of all touchability.

B2) “Expertology” X [A2-B2]: The study of all expertise.

B3) Ideology (“philosophology”) X [A2-B3]: The study of all “philosophity”.

C2) Aesthetics X [A2-B3-C2]: The study of all “aestheticness”.

C3) Artisticness X [A2-B3-C3]: The study of all artfulness.

C6) Cosmetology (“Beautology”) X [A2-B3-C6]: The study of all beautifulness.

B4) Psychology (“Mentology”) X [A2-B4]: The study of all mentality.

C0) Metrology X [A2-B4-C0]: The study of all measurability.

C1) Systematics X [A2-B4-C1]: The study of all systematicness.

C4) Mathematics X [A2-B4-C4]: The study of all “mathematicness”.

C5) Linguistics X [A2-B4-C5]: The study of all language.

C8) “Memorology” X [A2-B4-C8]: The source of all Memorableness.

B5) Sociology X [A2-B5]: The study of all sociality.

C1) Criminology X [A2-B5-C1]: The study of criminality.

C4) Economics X [A2-B5-C4]: The study of all economical.

C5) Politics X [A2-B5-C5]: The study of all political.

C#) “Competology” X [A2-B5-C#]: The study of all competitiveness.

B6) Biology (“Spiritology”) X [A2-B6]: The study of all spirituality.

C0) Genealogy X [A2-B6-C0]: The study of all “geneticness”.

C3) “Medicine-ology” X [A2-B6-C3]: The study of all “medicialness”.

D7) Pharmacology X [A2-B6-C3-D7]: The study of “pharmaceuticalness”.

C7) Zoology X [A2-B6-C7]: The study of all animity (abilities of animals).

B7) Technology X [A2-B7]: The study of all technicality.

C2) Electronics X [A2-B7-C2]: The study of all electricity.

D4) Computer Science (Computer-ology) X [A2-B7-C2-D4]: The study of all computability.

C7) Mechanics X [A2-B7-C7]: The study of all mechanicalness.

B8) Physics (“Realology”) X [A2-B8]: The study of all reality.

C0) Astrophysics X [A2-B8-C0]: The study of all “astrophysicalness”.

C3) Thermodynamics X [A2-B8-C3]: The study of all “thermodynamicalness”.

C5) Acoustics X [A2-B8-C5]: The study of all audibleness.

C6) Geophysics X [A2-B8-C6]: The study of all “geophysicalness”.

B9) Chemistry (“Substantialology”) X [A2-B9]: The study of all substantiality.

C1) Radiochemistry X [A2-B9-C1]: The study of all radioactive substances.

C2) Electrochemistry X [A2-B9-C2]: The study of all electric substances.

C3) Photochemistry X [A2-B9-C3]: The study of all light substances.

C6) Biochemistry X [A2-B9-C6]: The study of all spiritual (biological) substance.

D2) Neurochemistry X [A2-B9-C6-D2]: The study of all tbd.

C7) Industrial-Chemistry X [A2-B9-C7]: The study of all creational (industrial or manufactural) substances.

C8) Magnetochemistry X [A2-B9-C8]: The study of all magnetic substances.

C9) Geochemistry X [A2-B9-C9]: The study of all celestial body (planet) substance.

A3) Topic’s Attitude: The belief (why) of all. [A3] [“-ism” or “-sophy” suffix words]

B0) Originalism X [A3-B0]: The belief of all originalist.

C0) Universalism X [A3-B0-C0]: The belief of all the “universeist”.

C1) “Astroism” X [A3-B0-C1]: The belief of all astronomist.

D6) “Astrolism” X [A3-B0-C1-D6]: The belief of all astrologist.

C3) “Meteorism” X [A3-B0-C3]: The belief of all “meteorist” (weather).

B1) Sensism X [A3-B1]: The belief of all “sensist”.

C1) Moralism X [A3-B1-C1]: The belief of all moralist.

C2) “Imaginism” X [A3-B1-C2]: The belief of all imaginer.

C3) “Visionism” X [A3-B1-C3]: The belief of all “visionist”.

D0) “Pinkism” X [A3-B1-C3-D]: The belief of all “pinkist”.

D1) “magentaism” X [A3-B1-C3-D1]: The belief of all “magentaist”.

D2) “Purpleism” X [A3-B1-C3-D2]: The belief of all “purpleist”.

D3) “Indigoism” X [A3-B1-C3-D3]: The belief of all “Indigioist”.

D4) “Blueism” X [A3-B1-C3-D4]: The belief of all “blueist”.

D5) “Turquoiseism” X [A3-B1-C3-D5]: The belief of all “turquoiseist”.

D6) “Greenism” X [A3-B1-C3-D6]: The belief of all “Greenist”.

D7) “Yellowism” X A3-B1-C3-D7]: The belief of all “yellowist”.

D8) “Orangeism” X [A3-B1-C3-D8]: The belief of all “orangeist”.

D9) “Redism” X [A3-B1-C3-D9]: The belief of all “redist”.

C4) “Smellism” X [A3-B1-C4]: The belief of all “smellist”.

C5) “Audioism” X [A3-B1-C5]: The belief of all “audioist”.

C6) “Tasteism” X [A3-B1-C6]: The belief of all “tasteist”.

C9) “touchism” X [A3-B1-C9]: The belief of all “touchist”.

B2) Expertism X [A3-B2]: The belief of all experts.

B3) Philosophy X [A3-B3]: The belief of all philosophist.

C2) “Aestheticism” X [A3-B3-C2]: The belief of “aestheticist”.

C3) “Artism” X [A1-B3-C3]: The belief of all artist.

C6) “Beautifulism” X [A1-B3-C6]: The belief of all “beautist”.

B4) Mentalism X [A3-B4]: The belief of all mentalist.

C0) “Measureism” X [A3-B4-C0]: The belief of all “measureist”.

C1) “Systemicism” X [A3-B4-C1]: The belief of all “systemist”.

C4) “Mathematism” X [A3-B4-C4]: The belief of all mathematist.

C5) “Linguism” X [A3-B4-C5]: The belief of all linguist.

C8) “Memorism” X [A3-B4-C8]: The belief of all “memorist”.

B5) Socialism X [A3-B5]: The belief of all socialist.

C1) Criminalism X [A3-B5-C1]: The belief of “criminalist”.

C4) “Economism” X [A3-B5-C4]: The belief of all economist.

C5) Politicism X [A3-B5-C5]: The belief of all “politicalist”.

C#) “Competism” X [A3-B5-C#]: The belief of all competitor.

B6) Spiritualism X [A3-B6]: The belief of all spiritualist.

C0) Racism X [A3-B6-C0]: The belief of all racist.

B7) “Technicalism” X [A3-B7]: The belief of all technologist.

C2) “Electricism” X [A3-B7-C2]: The belief of all “electricist”.

D4) “Computerism” X [A3-B7-C2-D4]: The belief of all “computerist”.

C7) “machanism” X [A3-B7-C7]: The belief of all machinist.

B8) Realism X [A3-B8]: The belief of all realist.

B9) “Substantialism” X [A3-B9]: The belief of all “substantialist”.

A4) Topic’s Course: The actions (which) of all. [A4] [“-ate” or “-ing” suffix words]

B0) Originate X [A4-B0]: The actions of all original.

C0) Universalize X [A4-B0-C0]: The actions of all universal.

C1) “Astroate” X [A4-B0-C1]: The actions of all astral.

D6) Astrolize X [A4-B0-C1-D6]: The actions of all astrological.

C3) “Meteorize” X [A4-B0-C3]: The actions of all meteorological (weather).

B1) Sensate X [A4-B1]: The actions of all sensual.

C1) Moralize X [A4-B1-C1]: The actions of all moral.

C2) Imagine X [A4-B1-C2]: The actions of all “imageful”.

C3) Envision X [A4-B1-C3]: The actions of all “visionful”.

C4) Smell X [A4-B1-C4]: The actions of all “smellful”.

C5) Hear X [A4-B1-C5]: The actions of all “audioful”.

C6) Taste X [A4-B1-C6]: The actions of all tasteful.

C9) touch X [A4-B1-C9]: The actions of all “touchful”.

B2) Expertize X [A4-B2]: The actions of all “expertal”.

B3) Philosophize X [A4-B3]: The actions of all philosophical.

C2) Aestheticize X [A4-B3-C2]: The actions of all aesthetical.

C3) “Arting” X [A4-B3-C3]: The actions of all artful.

C6) Beautify X [A4-B3-C6]: The actions of all beautiful.

B4) Mentalize X [A4-B4]: The actions of all mental.

C0) Measure X [A4-B4-C0]: The actions of all measurability.

C1) Systemize X [A4-B4-C1]: The actions of all systematical.

C4) Mathematize X [A4-B4-C4]: The actions of all mathematical.

C5) Lingualize X [A4-B4-C5]: The actions of all lingual.

C8) Memorize X [A4-B4-C8]: The actions of all “memorial”.

B5) Socialize X [A4-B5]: The actions of all social.

C1) Criminalize X [A4-B5-C1]: The actions of criminal.

C4) Economize X [A4-B5-C4]: The actions of all economical.

C5) Politicalize X [A4-B5-C5]: The actions of all political.

C#) Competing X [A4-B5-C#]: The actions of all competitive.

B6) Spiritualize X [A4-B6]: The actions of spiritual.

C0) Racialize X [A4-B6-C0]: The actions of all racial.

B7) Technologize X [A4-B7]: The actions of technical.

C2) Electrify X [A4-B7-C2]: The actions of all electrical.

D4) Computerize X [A4-B7-C2-D4]: The actions of all computational.

C7) Mechanize X [A4-B7-C7]: The actions of all mechanical.

B8) Realize X [A4-B8]: The actions of real.

B9) Substantiate X [A4-B9]: The actions of substantial.

A5) Topic’s Attributes: The traits (whose) of all. [A5] [“-al” suffix words]

B0) Original X [A5-B0]: The traits of all originate.

C0) Universal X [A5-B0-C0]: The traits of all the Universalize.

C1) Astral X [A5-B0-C1]: The traits of all “Astizeing”.

D6) Astrolize X [A5-B0-C1-D6]: The traits of all astrological.

C3) “Meteorize” X [A5-B0-C3]: The traits of all meteorological (weather).

B1) Sensual X [A5-B1]: The traits of all sensate.

C1) Moral X [A5-B1-C1]: The traits of all moralize.

C2) “Imageful” X [A5-B1-C2]: The traits of all imagine.

C3) “Visionful”X [A5-B1-C3]: The traits of all envision.

C4) “Smellful” X [A5-B1-C4]: The traits of all smell.

C5) “Audioful” X [A5-B1-C5]: The traits of all hear.

C6) Tasteful X [A5-B1-C6]: The traits of all taste.

C9) “Touchful” X [A5-B1-C9]: The traits of all touch.

B2) “Expertal” X [A5-B2]: The traits of all expertize.

B3) Philosophical X [A5-B3]: The traits of all philosophize.

C2) Aesthetical X [A5-B3-C2]: The traits of all aestheticize.

C3) Artful X [A5-B3-C3]: The traits of all “arting”.

C6) Beautiful X [A5-B3-C6]: The traits of all beautify.

B4) Mental X [A5-B4]: The traits of all mentalize.

C0) Measurability X [A5-B4-C0]: The traits of all measure.

C1) Systematical X [A5-B4-C1]: The traits of all systemize.

C4) Mathematical X [A5-B4-C4]: The traits of all Mathematize.

C5) Lingual X [A5-B4-C5]: The traits of all lingualize.

C8) “Memorial” X [A5-B4-C8]: The traits of all memorize.

B5) Social X [A5-B5]: The traits of all socialize.

C1) Criminal X [A5-B5-C1]: The traits of criminalize.

C4) Economical X [A5-B5-C4]: The traits of all economize.

C5) Political X [A5-B5-C5]: The traits of all politicalize.

C#) Competitive X [A5-B5-C#]: The traits of all competing.

B6) Spiritual X [A5-B6]: The traits of all spiritualize.

C0) Racial X [A5-B6-C0]: The traits of all racialize.

B7) Technical X [A5-B7]: The traits of all technologize.

C2) Electrical X [A5-B7-C2]: The traits of all Electrify.

D4) Computational X [A5-B7-C2-D4]: The traits of al computerize.

C7) Mechanical X [A5-B7-C7]: The traits of all mechanize.

B8) Real X [A5-B8]: The traits of all realize.

B9) Substantial X [A5-B9]: The traits of all substantiate.

A6) Topic’s People: The souls (who) of all. [A6] [“-ist” or “-rs” suffix words]

B0) Originalist X [A6-B0]: The souls of all originalism.

C0) “Universeist” X [A6-B0-C0]: The souls of all the universalism.

C1) Astronomist X [A6-B0-C1]: The souls of all “astroism”.

D6) Astrologist X [A6-B0-C1-D6]: The souls of al “astrolism”.

C3) “Meteorist” X [A6-B0-C3]: The souls of all “meteorism” (weather).

B1) Sensist X [A6-B1]: The souls of all “sensism”.

C1) Moralist X [A6-B1-C1]: The souls of all moralism.

C2) imaginer X [A6-B1-C2]: The souls of all “imaginism”.

C3) “Visionist” X [A6-B1-C3]: The souls of all “visionism”.

C4) “Smellist” X [A6-B1-C4]: The souls of all “smellism”.

C5) “Audioist” X [A6-B1-C5]: The souls of all “audioism”.

C6) “Tasteist” X [A6-B1-C6]: The souls of all “tasteism”.

C9) “Touchist” X [A6-B1-C9]: The souls of all “touchism”.

B2) Scientist (“Expertist”) X [A6-B2]: The souls of all expertism.

B3) Philosophist X [A6-B3]: The souls of all philosophy.

C2) “Aesthetist” X [A6-B3-C2]: The souls of all aestheticism.

C3) Artist X [A6-B3-C3]: The souls of all “artism”.

D1) Litterateur X [A6-B3-C3-D1]: one who writes.

D2) Illustrator X [A6-B3-C3-D2]: one who illustrates.

D3) Photographer X [A6-B3-C3-D3]: one who photographs.

0) E#) Radiograph X [A6-B3-C3-D3-E#]: Photography using radiation. (ex: X-ray photograph)

D4) Videographer X [A6-B3-C3-D4]: one who videographs (films).

1. E#) Cinematographer X [A6-B3-C3-D4-E#]:

D5) “Musicist” X [A6-B3-C3-D5]: one who is skilled in music.

D6) Dancer X [A6-B3-C3-D6]: one who is skilled in dance.

D7) Sculptor X [A6-B3-C3-D7]: one who sculpts.

D8) Performer X [A6-B3-C3-D8]: one who performs.

0) E#) Actor, Actress X [A6-B3-C3-D8-E#]:

D9) Architect X [A6-B3-C3-D9]: One who “architects”

C6) Cosmetologist X [A6-B3-C6]: The souls of all "beautism” (“cosemetologism”).

D1) “Groomist” X [A6-B3-C6-D1]: The souls of all TBD.

D2) Tattooist X [A6-B3-C6-D2]: The souls of all TBD.

D3) Makeup-Artist X [A6-B3-C6-D3]: The souls of all TBD.

D4) “Perfumist” X [A6-B3-C6-D4]: The souls of all TBD.

D5) Hygienist X [A6-B3-C6-D5]: The souls of all TBD.

D6) Dermatologist [A6-B3-C6-D5]: The souls of all TBD.

D7) Nailist X [A6-B3-C6-D6]: The souls of all TBD.

B4) Mentalist X [A6-B4]: The souls of all mentalism.

C0) “Measureist” X [A6-B4-C0]: The souls of all “measureism”.

C1) “Systemist” X [A6-B4-C1]: The souls of all “systemicism”.

C4) Mathematist X [A6-B4-C4]: The souls of all “mathematism”.

C5) Linguist X [A6-B4-C5]: The souls of all “linguism”.

C8) “Memorist” X [A6-B4-C8]: The souls of all “memorism”.

B5) Socialist X [A6-B5]: The souls of all socialism.

C1) “Criminalist” X [A6-B5-C1]: The souls of criminalism.

C4) Economist X [A6-B5-C4]: The souls of all “economism”.

C5) “Politicalist” X [A6-B5-C5]: The souls of all politicism.

C#) Competitor X [A6-B5-C#]: The souls of all “competism”.

B6) Spiritualist X [A6-B6]: The souls of all spiritualism.

C0) Racist X [A6-B6-C0]: The souls of all racism.

B7) Technologist X [A6-B7]: The souls of all “technicism”.

C2) “Electricist” X [A6-B7-C2]: The souls of all “Electricism”.

D4) “Computerist” X [A6-B7-C2-D4]: The souls of all “Computerism”.

C7) machinist X [A6-B7-C7]: The souls of all “machanism”.

B8) Realist (Physicist) X [A6-B8]: The souls of all realism.

B9) Chemist (“Substantialist”) X [A6-B9]: The souls of all “substantialism”.

A7) Topic’s Qualities: The features (what) of all. [A7] [“-ity” suffix words]

B0) Originality X [A7-B0]: The features of all “originology”.

C0) Universality X [A7-B0-C0]: The features of all the “universeist”.

C1) “astroness” X [A7-B0-C1]: The features of all astronomist.

D6) “Astroliness” X [A7-B0-C1-D6]: The features of all astrologist.

C3) “Meteorness” X [A7-B0-C3]: The features of all “meteorist” (weather).

B1) Sensibility X [A7-B1]: The features of all “sensology”.

C1) Morality X [A7-B1-C1]: The features of all “moralology”.

C2) Imaginative X [A7-B1-C2]: The features of all “Imagineology”.

C3) Visibility X [A7-B1-C3]: The features of all “Visionology”.

D0) Pinkness X [A7-B1-C3-D0]: The features of all “pinkology”.

D1) “magentaness” X [A7-B1-C3-D1]: The features of all “magentaology”.

D2) “Purpleness” X [A7-B1-C3-D2]: The features of all “purpleology”.

D3) “Indigoaness” X [A7-B1-C3-D3]: The features of all “Indigiology”.

D4) Blueness X [A7-B1-C3-D4]: The features of all “blueology”.

D5) “Turquoiseness” X [A7-B1-C3-D5]: The features of all “turquoiseology”.

D6) Greenness X [A7-B1-C3-D6]: The features of all “Greenology”.

D7) Yellowness X [A7-B1-C3-D7]: The features of all “yellowology”.

D8) “Orangeness” X [A7-B1-C3-D8]: The features of all “orangeology”.

D9) “Redeness” X [A7-B1-C3-D9]: The features of all “redology”.

C4) Smelliness X [A7-B1-C4]: The features of all “Smellology”.

C5) Audibleness X [A7-B1-C5]: The features of all “Audiology”.

C6) Tastefulness X [A7-B1-C6]: The features of all “Taste-ology”.

C9) Touchability X [A7-B1-C9]: The features of all “touch-ology”.

B2) Expertise X [A7-B2]: The features of all “expertology”.

B3) “Philosophity” X [A7-B3]: The features of all ideology (“philosophology”).

C2) “Aestheticness” X [A7-B3-C2]: The features of all aesthetics.

C3) Artisticness X [A7-B3-C3]: The features of all “artistics”.

C6) Beautifulness X [A7-B3-C6]: The features of all cosmetology (“beautiology”).

B4) Mentality X [A7-B4]: The features of all “mentology”.

C0) Measurability X [A7-B4-C0]: The features of all metrology.

C1) Systematicness X [A7-B4-C1]: The features of all systematics.

C4) “Mathematicness” X [A7-B4-C4]: The features of all mathematics.

C5) Language X [A7-B4-C5]: The features of all linguistics.

D0) Vocabulary X [A7-B4-C5-D0]:

E0) Article X [A7-B4-C5-D0-E0]:

E1) Adverb X [A7-B4-C5-D0-E1]:

E2) Noun X [A7-B4-C5-D0-E2]:

E3) Adjective X [A7-B4-C5-D0-E3]:

E4) Conjunction X [A7-B4-C5-D0-E4]:

E5) Determiner X [A7-B4-C5-D0-E5]:

E6) Pronoun X [A7-B4-C5-D0-E6]:

E7) Verb X [A7-B4-C5-D0-E7]:

E8) Preposition X [A7-B4-C5-D0-E8]:

E9) Interjection X [A7-B4-C5-D0-E9]:

C8) Memorableness X [A7-B4-C8]: The features of all “memorology”.

B5) Sociality X [A7-B5]: The features of all sociology.

C1) Criminality X [A7-B5-C1]: The features of criminology.

C4) “Economicness” X [A7-B5-C4]: The features of all Economics.

C5) Politicalness X [A7-B5-C5]: The features of all politics.

C#) competitiveness X [A7-B5-C#]: The features of all “competology”.

B6) Spirituality (Liveliness) X [A7-B6]: The features of all “spiritology”.

C0) “Geneticness” X [A7-B6-C0]: The features of all genealogy.

C#) Ethnicity X [A7-B6-C#]: The features of all TBD.

C#) Personality X [A7-B6-C#]: The features of all TBD.

D1) Temperament X [A7-B6-C#-D1]: The features of all TBD.

D8) Habits X [A7-B6-C#-D8]: The features of all TBD.

C9) “Animity” (Zooness) X [A7-B6-C9]: The features of all zoology (study of animal).

B7) Technicality X [A7-B7]: The features of all technology.

C2) Electricity X [A7-B7-C2]: The features of all electronics.

D4) Computability X [A7-B7-C2-D4]: The features of all computer-science.

C7) Mechanicalness X [A7-B7-C7]: The features of all mechanics.

B8) Reality X [A7-B8]: The features of all “realology”.

B9) Substantiality X [A7-B9]: The features of all “substantology”.

A8) Topic’s Location: The place/object (where) of all. [A8] [“-rium” or “-ry” suffix words]

B0) Originary X [A8-B0]: The place or object of all originally.

C0) “Universery” (University) X [A8-B0-C0]: The place or object of the whole universally.

C1) Observatory (“Astromery”) X [A8-B0-C1]: The place or object of all astronomically.

D6) “Astrologicary” X [A8-B0-C1-D6]: The place or object of all astrologically.

C3) “Meteorolicalary” X [A8-B0-C3]: The place or object of all meteorologically (weather).

B1) Sensatory X [A8-B1]: The place or object of all sensibly.

C1) “Moralery” X [A8-B1-C1]: The place or object of all morally.

C2) Imagery X [A8-B1-C2]: The place or object of all imaginatively.

C3) Visionary X [A8-B1-C3]: The place or object of all visually.

C4) Olfactory X [A8-B1-C4]: The place or object of all smelly.

C5) Auditory X [A8-B1-C5]: The place or object of all audibly.

C6) Gustatory X [A8-B1-C6]: The place or object of all tastefully.

C9) “Tactilery” X [A8-B1-C9]: The place or object of all tactilely.

B2) “Expertary” X [A8-B2]: The place or object of all expertly.

C1) Library X [A8-B2-C1]: The place of all “libraryly”.

C2) Laboratory X [A8-B2-C2]: The place of all “Labatorally”.

B3) “Philosophery” X [A8-B3]: The place or object of all philosophically.

C2) “Aestheticary” X [A8-B3-C2]: The place or object of all aesthetically.

C3) Artistry X [A8-B3-C3]: The place or object of all artfully.

C6) “Beautifiery” X [A8-B3-C6]: The place or object of all beautifully.

B4) “Mentary” X [A8-B4]: The place or object of all mentally.

C0) “Measurery” X [A8-B4-C0]: The place or object of all measurably.

C1) “Systemery” X [A8-B4-C1]: The place or object of all systematically.

C4) “Mathematary” X [A8-B4-C4]: The place or object of all mathematically.

C5) “Languagery” X [A8-B4-C5]: The place or object of languagely” (“communicationally”).

C8) Memory X [A8-B4-C8]: The place or object of all memorably.

B5) “Socialary” X [A8-B5]: The place or object of all socially.

C1) “Criminalery” X [A8-B5-C1]: The place or object of criminally.

C4) Distributary (“Economicery”) X [A8-B5-C4]: The place or object of all economically.

D#) Dispensary X [A8-B5-C5]: The place or object of all “dispensely”.

C5) “Politicery” X [A8-B5-C5]: The place or object of all politically.

C#) “Competery” X [A8-B5-C#]: The place or object of all competitively.

B6) “Spiritary” X [A8-B6]: The place or object of all spiritually.

C0) Ancestry (“racery”) X [A8-B6-C0]: The place or object of all racially.

C2) Dormitory X [A8-B6-C2]: The place or object of all racially.

B7) “Technicary” X [A8-B7]: The place or object of all technologically.

C2) “Electricery” X [A8-B7-C2]: The place or object of all electrically.

D8) “Electronic-Storage” (“Databasery”) X [A8-B7-C2-D8]:

0) E1) Database X [A8-B7-C2-D8-E1]:

1) E8) Blockchain X [A8-B7-C2-D8-E8]:

a. F4) “Computation-Blockchain” X [A8-B7-C2-D8-E8-F4]:

i. EX: Bitcoin Core, Bitcoin Cash, etc.

b. F5) “Socialization-Blockchain” X [A8-B7-C2-D8-E8-F5]:

i. EX: Steem blockchain, etc.

C5) Costumery(“Fabricery” or general clothing) X [A8-B7-C2]:

D#) Toggery (Clothing) X [A8-B7-C2-D#]:

D#) Accessory X [A8-B7-C2-D#]:

C7) Machinery (“Metalery”) X [A8-B7-C7]: The place or object of all mechanically.

D8) Vehicle [A8-B7-C7-D8]:

0) E0) Spacecraft (Exosphere-craft) X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E0]:

1) E1) Thermosphere-craft X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E1]:

2) E2) Mesosphere-craft X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E2]:

3) E3) Jet-plane (Stratosphere-craft) X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E3]:

4) E4) Aircraft (Troposphere-Craft) X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E4]:

a. F#) Propeller-Plane X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E4-F#]:

5) E5) Watercraft X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E5]:

a. F#) Raft X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E5-F#]:

i. G#) Liferaft X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E5-F#-G#]:

b. F#) Boat X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E5-F#]:

i. G#) Lifeboat X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E5-F#-G#]:

ii. G#) Sailboat X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E5-F#-G#]:

c. F#) Ship X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E5-F#]:

6) E6) Land-craft X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E6]:

a. F#) Motorcycle X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E6-F#]:

b. F#) Car X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E6-F#]:

c. F#) Truck X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E6-F#]:

d. F#) Bus X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E6-F#]:

e. F#) Train X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E6-F#]:

7) E7) Earth-Crust-craft X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E7-F#]:

8) E8) Earth-Mantle-craft X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E8-F#]:

9) E9) Earth-Core-craft X [A8-B7-C7-D8-E9-F#]:

C8) Depository [A8-B7-C8]: The place or object of all depositionally.

D#) Vestiary X [A8-B7-C8-D#]: The place or object of toggery (clothing).

B8) “Realary” X [A8-B8]: The place or object of all really.

C0) Figures (Numbers/Data) X [A8-B8-C0]:

C1) Text X [A8-B8-C1]:

C2) Image/Diagram X [A8-B8-C2]:

C3) Video X [A8-B8-C3]:

C4) Smell X [A8-B8-C4]:

C5) Audio X [A8-B8-C5]:

C6) Hologram (Augmented- Realary) X [A8-B8-C6]:

C7) “Virtual- Realary” X [A8-B8-C7]:

C8) “Interactive- Realary” X [A8-B8-C8]:

C9) “Atomic-Realary” X [A8-B8-C9]:

B9) Substantary X [A8-B9]: The place or object of all substantially.

A9) Topic’s Ending: The result (whither) of all. [A9] [“-ion” suffix words]

B0) Origination X [A9-B0]: The result of all origin.

C0) Universalization X [A9-B0-C0]: The result of all “universen”.

C1) “Astrozation” X [A9-B0-C1]: The result of all “astroian”.

D6) “astrologization” X [A9-B0-C1-D6]: The result of all “astrologian”.

C3) “Meteorization” X [A9-B0-C3]: The result of all “meteoran” (weather).

B1) Sensation X [A9-B1]: The result of all “senseans”.

C0) Interception (Self-well-being sense) X [A9-B1-C0]:

C1) Moralization X [A9-B1-C1]: The result of all moral-ians

C2) Imagination (Perception) X [A9-B1-C2]: The result of all “imaginan”.

C3) Visualization X [A9-B1-C3]: The result of all “visualan”.

D0) “Pinkion” X [A9-B1-C3-D0]: The result of all “pinkian”.

D1) “Magention” X [A9-B1-C3-D1]: The result of all “magentan”.

D2) “Purplion” X [A9-B1-C3-D2]: The result of all “purplen”.

D3) “Indigion” X [A9-B1-C3-D3]: The result of all “indigoan”.

D4) “Bluion” X [A9-B1-C3-D4]: The result of all “bluen”.

D5) “Turquoision” X [A9-B1-C3-D5]: The result of all “turquoisen”.

D6) “Greenion” X [A9-B1-C3-D6]: The result of all “greenian”.

D7) “Yellowion” X [A9-B1-C3-D7]: The result of all “yellowian”.

D8) “Orangion” X [A9-B1-C3-D8]: The result of all “orangen”.

D9) “Redion” X [A9-B1-C3-D9]: The result of all “reden”.

C4) “Smellization” X [A9-B1-C4]: The result of all “Smellan”.

C5) “Audition” X [A9-B1-C5]: The result of all “Hearan”.

C6) “Tasteion” X [A9-B1-C6]: The result of all “tastean”.

C9) Taction X [A9-B1-C9]: The result of all “tactian”.

B2) “Expertization” X [A9-B2]: The result of all expert-an.

B3) Philosophization X [A9-B3]: The result of all “philosophan”.

C2) Aestheticization X [A9-B3-C2]: The result of all aesthetician.

C3) Artwork X [A9-B3-C3]: The result of all artisan.

D1) Literature X [A9-B3-C3-D1]:

D2) Illustration X [A9-B3-C3-D2]:

0) E1) Sketch X [A9-B3-C3-D2-E#]:

1) E2) Drawing X [A9-B3-C3-D2-E#]:

2) E3) Painting X [A9-B3-C3-D2-E#]:

3) E6) Portrait X [A9-B3-C3-D2-E#]:

D3) Photography X [A9-B3-C3-D3]:

D4) “Cinemation” X [A9-B3-C3-D4]:

D5) Music X [A9-B3-C3-D5]:

0) E#) Composing X [A9-B3-C3-D5-E#]:

1) E#) Singing X [A9-B3-C3-D5-E#]:

2) E#) Rap X [A9-B3-C3-D5-E#]:

3) E#) Playing X [A9-B3-C3-D5-E#]:

4) E#) Producing X [A9-B3-C3-D5-E#]:

D6) Dance X [A9-B3-C3-D6]:

D7) Sculpting X [A9-B3-C3-D7]:

D8) Performance X [A9-B3-C3-D8]:

0) E#) Drama X [A9-B3-C3-D8-E#]:

1) E#) Theatre X [A9-B3-C3-D8-E#]:

2) E5) “Musical” X [A9-B3-C3-D8-E#]:

D9) Architecture X [A9-B3-C3-D9]

C6) Beautification X [A9-B3-C6]: The result of all Beautian.

B4) Mentation X [A9-B4]: The result of all “mentalan”.

C0) Measurement X [A9-B4-C0]: The result of all “measurean”.

C1) System X [A9-B4-C1]: The result of all “systematician”.

C4) Mathematization X [A9-B4-C4]: The result of all mathematician.

C8) Memorization X [A9-B4-C8]: The result of all “memorian”

B5) Socialization X [A9-B5]: The result of all socialite.

C1) Crimination X [A9-B5-C1]: The result of “criminian”.

C4) Distribution (“Economicization”) X [A9-B5-C4]: The result of all “economician”.

C5) Politicization X [A9-B5-C5]: The result of all “politician”.

C#) Competition X [A9-B5-C#]: The result of all “competian”.

B6) Spiritualization X [A9-B6]: The result of all spirit-an.

C0) Racialization X [A9-B6-C0]: The result of all race.

D0) “Albinoization” X [A9-B6-C0-D0]: The result of all Albino.

D1) “Europeanization” X [A9-B6-C0-D1]: The result of all European.

0) E#) Italianization X [A9-B6-C0-D1-E#]:

1) E#) Germanization X [A9-B6-C0-D1-E#]:

D2) “Asianization” X [A9-B6-C0-D2]: The result of all Asian.

0) E#) “Chineseization” X [A9-B6-C0-D2-E#]:

1) E#) “Japaneseization” X [A9-B6-C0-D2-E#]:

D3) “Mediterraneanization” X [A9-B6-C0-D3]: The result of all Mediterranean.

D4) “Arabianization” [A9-B6-C0-D4]: The result of all Arabian.

D5) Americanization (Native American) X [A9-B6-C0-D5]: The result of all American.

0) E#) Cherokee Americanization X [A9-B6-C0-D5-E#]:

1) E#) Apache Americanization X [A9-B6-C0-D5-E#]:

2) E#) Navajo Americanization X [A9-B6-C0-D5-E#]:

3) E#) Cheyenne Americanization X [A9-B6-C0-D5-E#]:

D6) “Latinization” X [A9-B6-C0-D6]: The result of all Latin.

0) E#) “Hispanicization” X [A9-B6-C0-D6-E#]:

1) E#) “Spanishization” X [A9-B6-C0-D6-E#]:

D7) “Indianization” X [A9-B6-C0-D7]: The result of all Indian.

D8) “Caribbeanization” X [A9-B6-C0-D8]: The result of all Caribbean.

0) E#) “Jamaicanization” X [A9-B6-C0-D8-E#]:

D9) Africanization X [A9-B6-C0-D9]: The result of all African.

0) E#) “Ethiopianization” X [A9-B6-C0-D9-E#]:

B7) Technicalization (Creation) X [A9-B7]: The result of all technician.

C2) electrification X [A9-B7-C2]: The result of all Electrician.

D4) computation X [A9-B7-C2-D#]: The result of all “computerian”.

C7) mechanization X [A9-B7-C7]: The result of all “machinean”.

B8) Realization X [A9-B8]: The result of all “realitian”.

C0) Number X [A9-B8-C0]: The result of all TBD.

C1) Text X [A9-B8-C1]: The result of all TBD.

C2) Image X [A9-B8-C2]: The result of all TBD.

C3) Video X [A9-B8-C3]: The result of all TBD.

C4) Smell X [A9-B8-C4]: The result of all TBD.

C5) Audio X [A9-B8-C5]: The result of all TBD.

C6) Hologram (Augmented-Realization) X [A9-B8-C6]: The result of all TBD.

C7) “Virtual-Realization” X [A9-B8-C7]: The result of all TBD.

C8) “Interactive-Realization” X [A9-B8-C8]: The result of all TBD.

C9) “Atomic-Realization” X [A9-B8-C9]: The result of all TBD.

B9) Substantiation X [A8-B9]: The result of all “substantian”.

C0) Nonmetal (Space Element) X [A9-B9-C0-D#-E#-F#-G#]: The result of all TBD.

D#) Hydrogen X [A9-B9-C0-D#]

D#) Carbon X [A9-B9-C0-D#]

D#) Nitrogen X [A9-B9-C0-D#]

D#) Oxygen X [A9-B9-C0-D#]

D#) Phosphorus X [A9-B9-C0-D#]

D#) Sulfur X [A9-B9-C0-D#]

D#) Selenium X [A9-B9-C0-D#]

C1) Alkali-Metal (Force Element) X [A9-B9-C1-D#-E#-F#-G#]: The result of all TBD.

D#) Lithium X [A9-B9-C1-D#]

D#) Sodium X [A9-B9-C1-D#]

D#) Potassium X [A9-B9-C1-D#]

D#) Rubidium X [A9-B9-C1-D#]

D#) Caesium X [A9-B9-C1-D#]

D#) Francium X [A9-B9-C1-D#]

C2) Alkaline-Earth-Metal (Electric Element) X [A9-B9-C2-D#-E#-F#-G#]: The result of all TBD.

D#) Beryllium X [A9-B9-C2-D#]

D#) Magnesium X [A9-B9-C2-D#]

D#) Calcium X [A9-B9-C2-D#]

D#) Strontium X [A9-B9-C2-D#]

D#) Barium X [A9-B9-C2-D#]

D#) Radium X [A9-B9-C2-D#]

C3) Noble-Gas (Fire Element) X [A9-B9-C3-D#-E#-F#-G#]: The result of all TBD.

D#) Helium X [A9-B9-C3-D#]

D#) Neon X [A9-B9-C3-D#]

D#) Argon X [A9-B9-C3-D#]

D#) Krypton X [A9-B9-C3-D#]

D#) Xenon X [A9-B9-C3-D#]

D#) Radon X [A9-B9-C3-D#]

D#) Ununoctium X [A9-B9-C3-D#]

C4) Metalloids (Air Element) X [A9-B9-C#-D#-E#-F#-G#]: The result of all TBD.

D#) Boron X [A9-B9-C4-D#]

D#) Silicon X [A9-B9-C4-D#]

D#) Germanium X [A9-B9-C4-D#]

D#) Arsenic X [A9-B9-C4-D#]

D#) Antimony X [A9-B9-C4-D#]

D#) Tellurium X [A9-B9-C4-D#]

D#) Polonium X [A9-B9-C4-D#]

C5) Halogen (Water Element) X [A9-B9-C#-D#-E#-F#-G#]: The result of all TBD.

D#) Fluorine X [A9-B9-C5-D#]

D#) Chlorine X [A9-B9-C5-D#]

D#) Bromine X [A9-B9-C5-D#]

D#) Iodine X [A9-B9-C5-D#]

D#) Astatine X [A9-B9-C5-D#]

D#) Ununseptium X [A9-B9-C5-D#]

C6) Post-Transition-Metal X (Earth Element) [A9-B9-C#-D#-E#-F#-G#]: The result of all TBD.

D#) Aluminum X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

D#) Gallium X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

D#) Tin X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

D#) Indium X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

D#) Tin X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

D#) Thallium X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

D#) Lead X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

D#) Bismuth X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

D#) Ununtrium X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

D#) Flerovium X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

D#) Ununpentium X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

D#) Livermorium X [A9-B9-C6-D#]

C7) Transition-Metals (Metal Element) X [A9-B9-C#-D#-E#-F#-G#]: The result of all TBD.

D#) Scandium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Titanium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Vanadium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Chromium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Manganese X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Iron X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Cobalt X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Nickel X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Copper X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Zinc X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Yttrium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Zirconium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Niobium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Molybdenum X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Technetium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Ruthenium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Rhodium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Palladium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Silver X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Cadmium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Hafnium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Tantaium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Tungsten X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Rhenium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Osmium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Iridium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Platinum X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Gold X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Mercury X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Rutherfordium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Dubnium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Seaborgium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Bohrium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Hassium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Meitnerium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Darmstadtium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Roentgenium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

D#) Copernicium X [A9-B9-C7-D#]

C8) Lanthanoids (Magnetic Element) X [A9-B9-C#-D#-E#-F#-G#]: The result of all TBD.

D#) Lanthanum X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Cerium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Praseodymium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Neodymium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Promethium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Samarium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Europium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Gadolinium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Terbium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Dysprosium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Holmium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Erbium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Thulium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Ytterbium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

D#) Lutetium X [A9-B9-C8-D#]

C9) Actinoids (Mass Element) X [A9-B9-C#-D#-E#-F#-G#]: The result of all TBD.

D#) Actinium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Thorium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Protactinium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Uranium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Neptunium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Plutonium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Americium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Curium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Berkelium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Californium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Einsteinium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Fermium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Mendelevium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Nobelium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

D#) Lawrencium X [A9-B9-C9-D#]

Upcoming Categories

With your support, look forward to more in-depth categories coming soon such as …


a) X0) Number Games

b) X1) Text Games

a. Ex: Cards of humanity

c) X2) Diagram (Board) Games

a. Ex: Monopoly

d) X3) Video Games

a. Ex: Battlefield 5, Mario, etc.

e) X4) Scent Games

f) X5) Sound Games

g) X6) Hologram (augmented-reality) Games

a. Ex: Pokemon Games

h) X7) Virtual-Reality Games

i) X8) Simulated-Reality Games

j) X9) Sports (Atomic-Reality) Games

a. EX:Basketball, Soccer, Football

Music Genres







Solar Systems


And More


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