Farmer/Kokesh2020 Threat Allegations - Simple Summary of Events, and My Position; Demands.

in #kokesh6 years ago (edited)

Official Statement and Demands:

I am actually very tired and frustrated from the situation. Especially the stonewalling many, many individuals are facing when they simply ask questions about the situation. I am looking for it to be resolved as soon as possible as I wish to get on with my life. However, threats against my family and my safety have been made, and as such, I cannot stand idly by and just shrug my shoulders, and just sweep this under the rug.

As for the claims that I am a “troll,“ “attention-seeker,” or “saboteur” of some sort, and all other such dismissive attempts at marginalization of my character, my main concern, motive, and purpose for pursuing these answers is, was, and always has been to keep people that care about liberty from being defrauded, threatened, and silenced for simply dissenting where ideas not congruent with libertarian principle are presented.

It is imperative that @BenFarmer come forward with an address of this alleged evidence either:

  1. Publicly admitting guilt and apologizing without caveat, and revealing who--if anyone--worked with him in attempt to accomplish this evil act of aggression.

  2. Making a logically sound, thorough, and evidentially substantiated denial of the evidence and allegations publicly, and clearing his name.

Thank you.


Is Kokesh currently running for election anywhere? If so, contact the person he is running against. That seems like something any politician would love to bring into a campaign, and an election would be a place that Kokesh would have to give some answers.

Glad you decided to talk to "some" people, and I hope those people are not emotionally involved. Hang in there; nothing lasts forever.

The video appears to show a SIGNAL APP discussion revolving around cyber shenanigans and or a whisper campaign that was intended to assassinate your character, besmirch you, or cause you psychological drama. I didn't read all the messages so I don't know if physical harm was discussed. Because of the campaign, guilty or not, it's more easy for them to ignore you than it would be to prove a negative or admit guilt to something particularly low and potentially illegal.

The only way I can imagine that Farmer could provide an evidentially substantiated denial would be if he were in jail on the day in question. That would be proof that he didn't have access to a cell phone. If you have evidence of a crime and can involve law enforcement I recommend you do so especially seeing as how you seem to fear for the safety of your family.

In all fairness though, one can be a “troll, attention-seeker, or saboteur” and also be a victim of a criminal conspiracy. So even if you are any of those things, AHEM, that doesn’t make whoever may have attempted to do whatever to you morally right, especially if said efforts are illegal. The onus may ultimately be on you to press charges against Farmer if you believe the data to be credible.

Yet considering all of the latest efforts to smear people seeking office you may also want to consider the possibility that the SIGNAL conversation may have been spoofed. I tried once to get that particular APP to work on a computer without a cell phone and quickly learned that you have to have a cell phone number. I think the big question here is whether or not a cloned cell phone could be used to spoof a SIGNAL conversation from one party to another.

Another thing to consider is the privacy of your source who you say is a white hat but is willing to do all of those creepy things mentioned? If they do those things for a living, I’m not sure how white their hat is, maybe a bit greyer. No offense if the hacker-person is reading as grey is the best of both worlds. My point is if you do press charges, they’re going to want to get that evidence from you which could lead back to the grey hat which might potentially cause them some blowback.

All that said, I’d join the bandwagon and resteem the hell out of some of these posts if I were certain it was what it appears to be. Yet in this day and age, there are so many dirty tricks that I don’t want to play a role of potentially being someone’s useful idiot. I guarantee you that neither of the major political parties like the idea of Kokesh stealing votes from their party. They’d much rather have the equation Coke vs. Pepsi than they would Coke vs. Pepsi vs. Mountain Dew. Throw Mountain Dew into the mix and both sides might lose an incalculable number of votes, so much so, that their quantum thingamajigs could not compute.

It does seem pretty amateur hour or possibly downright stupid that a guy would be doing something like this on a phone registered in their name. This, as opposed to using a burner or the dark web, so if what appears to have gone down is what happened, they must have used the hacker services in the past before, enough to trust them anyhow. Color me agnostic on this one, all of the above was me wargaming it all in my mind. It seems to me almost impossible to get to the bottom of the matter without seeking out a lawful remedy.

As I said, it’s impossible for him to prove that he didn't do it, and if he did do it, there’s no way in hell he’ll admit to it. In that sense, your predicament and efforts to expose what you’ve learned can create the perception that you are a victim of a bad actor, or that you’re someone willing to slander his political enemy with potentially false information or inconclusive evidence. The video to me at face value seems damning, but one also has to consider the potential of spoofing as well as the chain of custody. One bit of good news I can foresee is that if they did do this, it would be in their best interest to shut it down immediately.

Already considered. No one made an accusation. Just asked. Got mocked. Thanks.

Sorry that you were mocked. I know you've been on their case
hard for some time, they might not have compassion for you.
It might be a bad PR move on their part, but they could be salty.
Frm what you described it sounded like they took a financial hit.

Ultimately, this is a really twisted account and might explain some
of the behind the scenes of what is happening in the Deep State.
They'd be dumb as fuck to move against you now. Coming to the
forefront IMO should keep you safe if the threat was posed by them.

It doesn’t matter.

I would answer any concerned party in this case, regardless of any disagreements in the past. Just another example of what slimy people they are.

Well, I hope you get answers but I think you'll
need to press charges to do so. The demands
will only work on a certain type of person. You
can bet if it were them, the hackles are up now.

Or more likely several days ago when you first
brought the issue to the forefront. If it's them,
admitting to it would destroy their cause and 2
deny it publicly would hurt them just as much.

To me it's not a mystery why they are silent.
If they allow you to make them peep they open
the door for any and everyone to do the same.
It looks horrible as hell to say I didn't rape/threat
Amy, John, Bill, Bobby, Jamie, Ross, Kim etc. etc.

It's almost like the Kavanaugh thing, I would not
let it go for too long if you want to remain credible.
Or rather you cannot play the card indefinitely we
have been through that drama all too recently. (ツ)_/¯

I would not
let it go for too long if you want to remain credible.
Or rather you cannot play the card indefinitely we
have been through that drama all too recently.

I am not sure what you mean here. Can you explain? My credibility does not change because of their silence.

Yeah, maybe that came off wrong. Anyone's
claims about a crime is more credible if the
victim takes legal action at the time the crime
was committed. If you don't report it and just
parade it out as a talking point when or if he
runs in 2020 that would make me ? ur intent.
But that's just me and I'm a skeptic by nature.

I honestly don't know what to think about this
it's almost unbelievable that someone would
stoop to that level. So it's hard to know what
is the truth. It seems like some cointelpro shit.
Question is did it come frm his chief strategist
or was it manufactured to make it seem so? It's
possible you could be getting gaslit.

In the age of deepfakes voice cloning and random
crazy off the wall shenanigans it's hard to know what
one should believe nowadays. I'm conspiracy-minded
in case that didn't shine through like a glow bug.

Ugh. What a fucking mess.

This is what happens when voluntarists try to take part in an immoral political system. Better plan: grow vegetables, not government.
