How to learn Korean - How to make Korean(HanGwr) letters(syllables)

in #korean-language6 years ago (edited)

How to make Korean(HanGwr) letters(syllables)

내고향 황강.PNG

The initial consonant can be used as 14 basic consonants and 5 double consonants.
And all vowels can be used as a middle vowel.
The last sound is the 27 consonants used as a vertical consonant.

We can combine these three HanGwr alphabets to make one syllable of HanGwr.
However, there are two ways to combine the alphabet of HanGwr.

The first method is to combine one initial consonant and one middle vowel.
In this case, the middle vowel is the last sound.
In other words, the syllable is completed without a vertical consonant.

A. We construct the HanGwr syllable by combining 19 initial consonants
and Middle vowel 'ㅏ'.

가(Ga) 나(Na) 다(Da) 라(Ra) 마(Ma) 바(Ba) 사(Sa)아(Xa) 자(Ja) 차(Cha) 카(Ka) 타(Ta)
파(Pa) 하(Ha) 까(Gga) 따(Dda) 빠(Bba) 싸(Ssa) 짜(Jja)

B. It is possible to make HanGwr syllables by combining 19 initial consonants,
Middle vowel 'ㅏ' and Vertical consonant.

각(Gag) 낙(Nag) 닥(Dag) 락(Rag) 막(Mag) 박(BaG) 삭(Sag) 악(Xag) 작(Jag) 착(Chag)
칵(Kag) 탁(Tag) 팍(Pag) 학(Hag) 깍(Ggag) 딱(Ddag) 빡(Bbag) 짝(Jjag)

C. We construct the Hangul syllable by combining 19 initial consonants
and Middle vowel 'ㅑ'.

갸(Gya 냐(Nya) 댜(Dya) 랴(Rya) ~ ~ ~ 쌰(Ssya) 쨔(Jjya)

D. It is possible to make Hangul syllables by combining 19 initial consonants,
Middle vowel 'ㅑ' and Vertical consonant.

갹(Gyag) 냑(Nyag) 댝(Dyag) 략(Ryag) ~ ~ ~ 쌱(Ssyag) 쨕(Jjyag)

In this way, you can make HanGwr syllables.
The initial consonant 19 letters, Middle vowel 21 letters, and the vertical consonant 27 letters can be combined to make the HanGwr letters are endless.

So Korean can express a lot of sounds in letters.
The words of any country in the world can be expressed in letters.
Also, any animal sounds can be expressed in all letters.

변형자음과 모음-초중종성.PNG

You can combine all these consonants and vowels to create many kinds of sounds.
So you can express the human sound, the language, all the sounds of animals.
And we can express the sound of nature, the sound of the wind, the sound
of waves. They can also make gestures or sounds that mimic people or animals.

So HanGwr is a great invention.
That is why global linguists are the most perfect language.
It is the best achievement of linguistics made by king SeyJong.

HanGwr consonants have their own names.

자음이름 기역니은.PNG

The sound of a mixed consonant can be read by simply following each name in turn.

혼합자음 -받침.PNG

HanGwr vowels can be read just as they sound. Each has no unique name.
HanGwrRoMang writes the first letter of a syllable in capital letters.
ByXwbSyXos (비읍시옷) consists of four syllables.
By-Xwb-Sy-Xos(비-읍-시-옷) is four syllables.

And 'x' of HanGwrRoMang is silence.
The capital letter 'X' is the first letter of a syllable.

Did you now understand how to make HanGwr syllables?
The Korean word is a combination of these syllables.
There are a lot of words in Korean as one syllable.
And there are many words consist of two or more syllables.

Until now, we studied all the alphabets, consonants and vowels of HanGwr.
We studied the names of consonants and vowels, and how to make syllables in combination.
Let's study the actual Korean words and sentences from the following post!

내고향 황강.PNG
[Meaning of HanGwr sentence in picture]

My hometown HoangKang River
내 고향 황 강

I miss my hometown HoangKang River
그리운 고향 황 강
This is where I was born
이곳은 내가 태어난 곳
GeyngSangNamDo HabChenGun
경상남도 합천군
Korea's most famous temple
대한민국 가장 유명한 절
It's where HayInSa temple is.
해인사가 있는 곳이다.

영문 네임카드.PNG

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