오늘의 식단 0903

in #krsuccess6 months ago

오늘의 식단

점심 : 순대국밥(매운맛) 땀이 콸콸콸~~;;;

저녁 : 갈비살 400g정도, 옥수수1개반, 포도2송이
--식재료가 냉장고에 썩을 위험에 처해서 무리하게 먹었더니 속이..;;
90클럽에서 80클럽으로 가기 위한 길은 험난하다..하지만 꾸준히 계속하는 데 그 묘미가 있으리라~~한번 멈췄다고 아예 포기하기보다는 넘어져도 다시 일어서는 오뚝이 정신이 필요하다~^,,^


"😋 Yum! Your meal looks delicious! 🤤 The spicy sundae soup sounds especially tempting 😊. I'm impressed by your dedication to reaching 90 club, though ( 속이.. indeed!) 💪. Keep pushing forward, and remember that every setback is an opportunity to bounce back stronger! 💥 Would love to hear more about your fitness journey - what motivates you to keep going? 🤔 Also, don't forget to vote for @xpilar.witness by heading over to https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses - let's support each other and make the Steem community shine even brighter! ✨"