Kaktus Berduri

in #ksi6 years ago

image kaktus adalah sejenis bunga unik yg berbentuk bulat dan memiliki banyak duri, kaktus salah satu bunga yg mampu menyimpan air paling banyak n lama sehingga ia tidak perlu disiram setiap harinya..bahkan jika terlalu banyak disiram dia akan mati.

Keindahan bunga kaktus tergantung dari seni melihatnya, seperti di foto ini bunga yg jatuh helaian nya ke atas kaktus tampak cantik dan indah walaupun diantara duri disana...


Hi! @campsudinov. I don't understand what you write. But your photo is nice. It's so lively.

I said that :

"Indonesiacactus is a kind of unique flower that shaped round and has many thorns, cactus one of the flowers that can keep water at most long n so that he does not need watering every day .. even if too much watered he will die.
The beauty of the cactus flowers depends on the art of seeing it, as in this photo the flower that fell its strands onto the cactus looks beautiful and beautiful even though among the thorns there ..."

By the way thanks for your upvote and your comment..
Nice to meet you...

kiriman yang indah,saya sudah apvote kiriman anda,jangan lupa apvote kiriman baru saya terimaksi

Terima kasih banyak..

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