Is our lack of empathy and love leading to our demise?

in #lackofemapthy7 years ago

My thoughts and prayers go out to those in Florida, first and foremost. As a parent, I feel for those who have lost their own children or those who they might see as a 'child once removed' (I know I have a bond with my best friend from High Schools parents and I graduated quite some time ago!).

I live in Ohio, and over this past weekend, we had 2 of our police officers killed while responding to a residence with a recent history of problems. They knocked at the door and were greeted with gunfire, one dying onsite and the other in the hospital. This was a major hit to our suburban community. A place where most officers go to, in essence, be safe.

Now, I am a shooter of all things (Archery, pistol, rifle, shotgun, blackpowder, etc...). Given the option, I would rather be out punching holes in paper or ringing steel plates as a challenge. However, as times are changing and our world is getting darker and , it is becoming worrisome that the potential laws might eliminate (or hinder) that option from my daughter and future generations.
Now I have issues, as a Libertarian, with more laws. Because as we all know, laws are only as good as the people willing to follow them. And they do nothing but muddy the maters, and create hurdles that might hinder those in need. I think that in a lot of ways, we as a society, need to be more self-regulating rather than leaving it up to laws.
Families, friends, and coworkers need to be more receptive and less afraid to have those 'tough talks' with some who might seem off. I have had those talks before with friends and family members who have seemed depressed, easily upset, etc. I have, not yet, gotten to the point where I am worried enough to reach out to anyone outside of their other family members. I can say, however, that if I really was worried about this I would not hesitate to make a call. In some ways, I would rather lose a friend out of concern than turn a blind eye to something that could be much more tragic.

I guess, as an American and not wanting to lose my guns. I understand that I might be a law abiding citizen, and keep a level head but I also know that there is a small percentage of people out there who can't do this. We already have laws on the books that prove that this can't be prevented, because someone who wants to get something illegally will find a way to do so (the failed 'war on drugs' shows this every single day).

I wonder how some others across the world have dealt with these situations? Too often, we Americans can be like the proverbial ostrich with our heads in the sand. Also, I think we Americans are too 'plugged in' thanks to digital crack like Facebook, which is nothing more than a 'keeping up with the neighbors' and does not really depict the reality those people might be dealing with. If someone is going through rough times, seeing friends and acquaintances showing off how 'their life is perfect' can push some into a deeper place in the world. I can honestly say, that when I was young, I am glad digital crack like this wasn't around, because I know it would have messed me up.

Is there such a lack of love for life itself and for others across the world, or is it just here in America?
I can't tell you how many times I hear people say they would 'kill' because of something idiotic. Not to defend life or love, but just out of a simple 'quick to anger' and wanting 'instant gratification' which is something older generations didn't seem to have.

Life for me was not easy by any stretch of the imagination.
As a kid, I was bullied.
I didn't fit into my school, neighborhood, or the rest of society... or so it seemed.
There were many dark times in my childhood, and many of them were never known to my family.
I do know that God won't hand me anything I can't handle, but that was something that took a lot of time to realize and learn. There was a time I walked away from the church, due to needing to 'clear my head and spread my wings' but after a number of years realized I needed it still. Not as a crutch, but the community itself.
I have talked with others over the years, and the 'demise of the front porch' has led to people not knowing their neighbors, and thus we don't look out for each other anymore. How many people out there really know their neighbors? We might know them if we our children play with theirs, but do we know who we can really trust? I know my wife and I have talked to our daughter and she knows what houses are acceptable for a non-critical emergency and which ones are a 'last resort'. This is sad, since I try to take pride in knowing my neighbors, but that doesn't mean they will be receptive to that, for whatever reason.
It might suck, and I might have doubts and suffer, but I have to be able to reach out to those around me and ask for help when necessary. That might be from family, friends, work, people at church, or even those on the internet in groups I care about. But in all cases, I have to understand that the Trolls and demons out there will try and taunt me, and drive me down.
These are all things I am striving to teach my daughter, as the world she will grow up in has great opportunities on the surface, but there is a darkness below that is much greater than I experienced.

PS: Thanks to all for letting me rant!