Lantana - ecstacy to some, agony to others.

in #lantana6 years ago

Lantana ( Lantana camara ) is renowned as an invasive weed in many warm climate Countries, but there are several Dwarf or low-growing varieties, such as this Lantana camara "Landmark Yellow" and the Blue Lantana montevidensis, that are very useful plants in the landscape and garden. This Yellow Lantana grows to less than 1 metre tall, and is hardy once established and relatively pest free. It has a long flowering season, and is suitable for all temperate and warmer climates. Photo is from a Sydney garden.

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It was an early introduction elsewhere in the tropical world, where it soon escaped the confines of gardens and became a . L. camara is a prickly shrub, about 3-6 ft in height, with ovate rough leaves and almost continuous displays of blooms that appear as clusters made up of tiny florets. Orange or red-orange are the commonest colors, but there are cultivars with larger white, pink, or lemon-yellow flowers.

People like having Lantana in a garden because of the pungent smell of the leaves, and appreciate the reliable display of bright flowers. In Thailand, several colors are sometimes grafted onto a single trunk and the result trained into a standard. Lantana always prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Propagation is by air-layering or from woody cuttings.


Congrats, you have won the Fav. comment Award for your comment .Great pics and short but informative info. Well done !

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Common lantana is a rugged evergreen shrub from the tropics. The species will grow to 6 ft (1.8 m) high and may spread to 8 ft (2.4 m) in width with some varieties able to clamber vinelike up supports to greater heights with the help of support.

The leaves are 2-5 in (5-12.7 cm) long by 1-2 in (2.5-5 cm) wide with rounded tooth edges and a textured surface. Stems and leaves are covered with rough hairs and emit an unpleasant aroma when crushed (smells like cat pee). The small flowers are held in clusters (called umbels) that are typically 1-2 in (2.5-5.1 cm) across. In the tropics lantana is a non-stop bloomer. Where it is killed to the ground by frost the lantana blooms in summer and fall.

Flower color ranges from white to yellow, orange to red, pink to rose in unlimited combinations, in addition the flowers usually change in color as they age. A lantana may look orange from a distance but the flowerhead is examined at close range it consists of individual white, yellow and red flowers that blend when viewed from afar.

Lantana is extremely easy to grow requiring little attention and is seldom bothered by pests or disease. It has low water requirements and can be used in xeriscapes and can handle the heat growing in containers and hanging baskets under sunny conditions. Lantana is a favorite species for butterflies and non-invasive lantanas should be a part of any butterfly garden.

Another lantana species that is also a popular garden plant is the weeping or trailing lantana Lantana montevidensis which is low growing trailing species that is particularly nice for hanging containers and groundcover.


You have won the Silly Sausage Award for your comment and it's great pics and info. Well done !

Thank you! I will keep contributing to your posts. :)

The lantana plant is one of the most popular annuals used in gardens. They are favored because their blooms are long-lasting, they are easy to grow, and they thrive in most soil conditions. Deadheading is carried out to encourage continuous blooming and to prevent the growth of the berries. Some of the cultivated varieties (cultivars) of this plant grow to as much as 5 - 6 ft in height, forming large, bushy mounds, while others stay low and spread, reaching up to 4 ft in width, but only 1 - 2 ft in height.

Lantana is a genus consisting of more than 150 species of flowering plants in the Verbena family. The clusters of flowers borne by the lantana plants, called umbels, are a mix of red, orange, yellow, or blue and white florets. The flowers typically change color as they mature, resulting in a multicolored inflorescence. The flowers mature into toxic berries, which start off as green and turn black as they mature.

Growing and Caring for a Lantana

  • Lantana are fast-growing, evergreen shrubs. These plants grow well in most soil conditions, but they prefer slightly acidic soil.
  • They do well in hot climate and do not need much watering. Moist, fertile, and well-drained soil are the best choices for them.
  • Seeds should be sown in the spring, but it can also grow well from semi-ripe cuttings in summer.
  • A balanced liquid fertilizer should be sprayed once a month during the growing period.
  • Deadhead the plant as and when required. Indoor-grown varieties require extensive pruning in late winter.


An insect repellent (also commonly called bug spray) is a substance applied to skin, Spanish Flag (Lantana camara) (against Tea Mosquito Bug.

Biologies, Coulidiati, Phytochemistry and biological activities of extracts of three 3 Species of Combretaceae of Burkina Faso: Combretum acutum Laws; Combretum nioroens Aubrex. Ex Keay and Combretum sericeum G. Balanitaceae used in traditional medicine in Burkina Faso.

Valensin Interaction of ferulic acid derivatives with human erythrocytes monitored by pulse field gradient NMR diffusion and NMR relaxation atudies. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, Toxicology, Iseki, In vitro and in vivo antioxidant properties of ferulic acid: A comparative study with other natural oxidation inhibition.

In scrub areas of New Caledonia the plant scrambles through the vegetation not unlike climbers. However in taller forests it is absent and is rarely found in large treefall gaps. In areas where natural fires occur they stimulate thicker regrowth.

source of info



Lantana camara is a species of flowering plant in the verbena family, that is native to the American tropics. It has been introduced into other parts of the world as an ornamental plant and the Lantana camara ended to be considered an invasive species in many tropical and sub-tropical areas. It can be seen in the wild and along footpaths, deserted fields, and farms
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If you haven’t heard the news, the Lantana flower has grown up a lot and is no longer the fairly invasive, considered by some to be “a weed”, albeit a beautiful one, that it used to be. The careful cultivation of this semi-tropical plant that is native to the more tropical regions of Africa and the Americas has resulted in hybrids which have evolved to include those that can be potted

Lantanas like splendid and full sun, and flourish in any sort of soil which is a genuine in addition to for poor cultivating locales. You can skip waterings, yet when you do water, you will need to do as such completely. They have been known to wind up obtrusive in a few atmospheres, yet I genuinely can't picture it myself. In the event that they developed all the more completely in my garden, at that point I would love that. They emit such excellent little blooms that I simply cherish them, as do the butterflies. Lantanas draw in an extensive variety of butterflies.

Lantana is native to tropical regions of North and South American and Africa. Its berries are edible when ripe, but toxic while still green. The leaves are also toxic to animals and humans if ingested.


Lantana is a beautiful butterfly and hummingbird attracting plant. Chapel Hill Lantana is derived from a cross between Miss Huff and New Gold.


Lantana camara is a native to tropical regions and exists as dozens of strains and varieties that are highly variable in appearance. Although common lantana it is not native to Florida, it has been naturalized in the state for centuries (I wonder how many centuries it takes before a plant is considered native?)


Lantana is very easy to grow and will adapt to most soil types. Too much water and fertilizer will reduce bloom.By seed or cuttings taken in the summertime. Lantana hybrids and named selections are propagated by cuttings.


Lantana will add vibrant long-lasting color to shrub groupings. This is a fast growing shrub that is quick to flower so gardeners in cold climates can enjoy this tropical plant as an annual. Lantana tolerates salt spray and can be used in beach plantings.


Pets have reportedly become ill after ingesting lantana. The unripe berries are known to be very toxic and the foliage toxic to livestock. Lantana is listed as a Category I invasive exotic species by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, which means that it is known to be "invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida."


Lantana, a wonderful flower:-
One of my all time favorite reasons for growing lantana is that they are an amazing butterfly magnet! Butterflies cannot seem to resist lantana to the degree that where you see lantana growing on a warm day, you will also see butterflies enjoying their nectar. That is a win win for me!


The native habitat for Lantana is in tropical and subtropical both North and South America. They will grow on the margins of forests, and in disturbed sites. They can be very hardy and survive even intense heat once established.


Lantana, or shrub verbena, grow as an evergreen or deciduous shrub. They do best in zones 9 and 10 or in Sunset's zones 12 & 13, and 15-22. You can find many colors of this flower now more than ever. From pale colors to the more bold colors. The intensity of the colors can change as the flower matures as well. You will find the colors red, orange, yellow, pinks and purples even now.


One thing I have found to keep the blooms coming, it to occasionally trim back the plant. When flowers fade, I do a form of dead heading the flowers, so they will produce more.


When initially planting your lantana, follow the directions closely. I also apply a liquid flower fertilizer in the summer sometimes, especially for my potted plants. The only down side I have with this flower, is the need to replant every year, because where I live they can't survive the winter.



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