SLC22-W3 / Human Rights (DDHH)

in #law-s22w32 months ago


Edited by canva

Hello Steemians,

I am delighted to participate in this competition called "Steemit Learning Challenge Season 22 Week3" which deals with human rights, a universal and fundamental theme. As a Tunisian citizen, I will explore these questions through the prism of the laws and social realities of my country, in order to offer a relevant and contextualized analysis.


According to what you have explained in class, say in your own words and explanations whether you consider that human rights are respected or violated in your country.

In Tunisia, human rights have made significant progress since the 2011 revolution. The 2014 Constitution constitutes a major step in guaranteeing these rights in particular by enshrining freedom of expression, the right to education, the right to health and the protection of women's rights, the country has also passed progressive laws such as the law against violence against women in 2017.

However, violations persist, for example restrictions on press freedom have been reported, with journalists facing legal proceedings or intimidation, and police brutality, particularly during social protests, remains a recurring problem, Besides, the conditions of detention in some prisons are considered inhumane by human rights organizations, these problems show that, although efforts are made, respect for human rights is not fully guaranteed in practice.


According to the laws of your country, say whether Human Rights have the same value as the Constitution of your country, whether they are supra-Constitutional or whether the Constitution prevails over international treaties on Human Rights.

In Tunisia, international human rights treaties have a status superior to national laws but inferior to the Constitution, this means that although these treaties are legally binding, they must harmonize with constitutional provisions, the 2014 Constitution explicitly recognizes the primacy of human rights and urges the State to respect its international obligations.

However, in practice the application of these principles may vary. For example, although Tunisia is a signatory to international conventions such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), challenges remain in their implementation, particularly with regard to torture, fair trials and non-discrimination.


Mention any organization in your region that has jurisdiction over Human Rights. According to your assessment, say how useful it has been and how its operation has influenced the respect for Human Rights in your country.


In Tunisia, the main competent body is the National Authority for the Prevention of Torture (INPT), this body's mission is to monitor places of detention and prevent abuse, it plays a crucial role in highlighting the violations of human rights, investigating cases of torture and recommending corrective measures, however, its impact remains limited by financial constraints, a lack of staff and sometimes insufficient cooperation from authorities.

Furthermore, Tunisia cooperates with other regional bodies such as the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, which monitors the implementation of African human rights treaties, although these institutions have a positive influence , their effectiveness is often held back by structural and political limitations.

Have you or someone close to you been a victim of human rights violations? If so, what was the situation and were you able to assert your rights?

Personally, I have not been a victim of human rights violations, however, a relative was faced with unjustified delays in a legal case, this type of delay is a recurring problem in Tunisia, reflecting an often overloaded and lacking judicial system resources, in this case the slowness of the procedure led to a deterioration of confidence in the judicial system, After several appeals and legal interventions, the rights of my loved one were partially restored, but this experience highlights the importance of improve access to fair justice and fast.


Practical case 1

In this case, although the loss of a son was tragic, the victim's human rights (right to life) were not violated by the State, the perpetrators of the crime were identified, tried and sentenced in accordance with to the law, The State respected its obligations by investigating the case, prosecuting the guilty and applying justice, therefore, a complaint before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights would not be admissible, since no violation of state obligations is established in this context, this case illustrates that human rights can be respected even in tragic situations if justice mechanisms function properly.

Practical case 2

In this case, the human rights of the victim (right to life) and her family (right to justice) were seriously violated, the death of the victim following police violence and the failure of the state to identifying and prosecuting those responsible constitutes a direct attack on fundamental rights, the resulting impunity reflects a systematic failure of the State's obligation to protect its citizens and ensure fair justice.

A complaint before international bodies such as the African Human Rights Commission would be justified, as the families have exhausted domestic remedies without obtaining redress, this case highlights the importance of strengthening national mechanisms to prevent impunity and guarantee respect for human rights.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @lil.albab, @miftahulrizky, @heriadi to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,


Your post presents an insightful and comprehensive analysis of human rights in Tunisia. You've skillfully addressed key topics like constitutional provisions, international treaties, and the role of organizations in safeguarding these rights. The practical case assessments were particularly well-argued, showcasing your understanding of justice mechanisms. Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful and impactful perspective! 😊
