Power Law Distribution of Steem Account Values ---Or Why I Will Never Be a SteemWhale!

in #law8 years ago

This is only my third article on Steem and my wallet has a value of $45.04 right now which is not bad considering that I have never bought anything on Steem. The two articles I wrote were rather short and really neither had that much original content. In this article I am looking at the power law behavior of account value compared to the number of accounts of Steem.

This is a SteemWhale which I am not

This is account value data from Steemd.

1 MV = 1M VESTS = 240.853 STEEM = $875.019

Active last 24 hours
$ MV level accts accts % stake
$0 0 dust 91 1.80% 0.00%
$9 0.01 newbie 3515 69.71% 0.04%
$90 0.1 user 643 12.75% 0.12%
$900 1 superuser 497 9.86% 0.81%
$9,000 10 hero 200 3.97% 3.00%
$90,000 100 superhero 71 1.41% 10.64%
$900,000 1,000 legend 25 0.50% 35.84%
5,042 accounts
active stake: 50.46%
inactive: 49.54%

Active last 7 days
$ MV level accts accts % stake
$0 0 dust 286 2.11% 0.00%
$9 0.01 newbie 10966 80.80% 0.12%
$90 0.1 user 1141 8.41% 0.19%
$900 1 superuser 745 5.49% 1.20%
$9,000 10 hero 287 2.11% 4.33%
$90,000 100 superhero 115 0.85% 17.95%
$900,000 1,000 legend 31 0.23% 43.95%
13,571 accounts
active stake: 67.75%
inactive: 32.25%

All accounts
$ MV level accts accts % stake
$0 0 dust 1894 5.43% 0.01%
$9 0.01 newbie 27713 79.48% 0.42%
$90 0.1 user 2711 7.78% 0.42%
$900 1 superuser 1839 5.27% 2.49%
$9,000 10 hero 498 1.43% 7.94%
$90,000 100 superhero 168 0.48% 24.76%
$900,000 1,000 legend 43 0.12% 63.97%
34,866 accounts
total stake: 100.00%

These reports exclude the reserved @steemit account.

A power law is a functional relationship between two variables, where a change in one variable results in a proportional relative change in the other variable. One variable varies as a power of the other. The Steem account values in dollars compared to the number of account shows a good correlation and a nearly straight line

Power law distribution of account values on Steem

From Wikipedia: "the distributions of a wide variety of physical, biological, and man-made phenomena approximately follow a power law over a wide range of magnitudes." and also from Wikipedia "more than a hundred power-law distributions have been identified in physics (e.g. sandpile avalanches), biology (e.g. species extinction and body mass), and the social sciences (e.g. city sizes and income)." Several that are interesting are fractals, the Pareto distribution, and pink noise.

The takeaway from this is that I will never be a SteemWhale and I have a typical account valuation. If you like this article please make a comment!


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