What's for Breakfast? (Jan 27 '17)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #lchf8 years ago (edited)


If you're going Keto like I am, wanting to inspire Ketogenesis in your body, then you're probably going longer between dinner and breakfast. I'm doing a 16-hour fast, so that means that breakfast usually happens at lunchtime.

Today's meal consists of:

  • 1 mutant boiled egg that cracked in the cooking pot this morning
  • About a cup of prawns cooked in salt water
  • A wedge of Brie
  • A berry smoothie
  • And a special dipping sauce I made out of, in order of majority: organic Apple Cider Vinegar, coconut soy sauce balsamic[1], and coconut amino

All the carbs are in my drink, which is roughly a quarter of my daily carb limit. The sauce is so tasty that I'm tempted to knock off the rest of the prawn packet I cooked. But the primary rule is: Eat When Hungry. So I shall have to control myself. Which is very difficult around seafood, for me.

We've had a bit of trouble with PH balance, lately, hence the vinegar. If you're feeling listless and down, despite having your salty broth and your MCT - try seeing what a little Apple Cider Vinegar does for you. It might help, and if it doesn't, then look up vitamins and see which one you might be missing out on.

Food is the most delicious way to balance your essential elements.

[1] I made a mistake based on the fact that it was dark and I think I'm not allowed to have soy sauce because carbs.


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Ooh, lots of questions :-)

First off, what is your daily carb limit, and what is triddins? (answer in paleo-trail if you prefer) I want to work mine out, and I know trial is the only way, but yours might give me a starting point.

Are you only doing two meals a day? I'm fasting 14 hours overnight, and working towards only two meals, but still at 3 for now. Or 2 and some snacks in the middle which is less than ideal.

The smoothie - is that the one you posted the other day?

What is the difference between coconut soy sauce, and coconut amine? I'm familiar with coconut amino sauce, but not either of these terms.

  1. @triddin and I both try to stay below 20g of carbs per day. Our macros vary a little bit, but 20g is a good ballpark.

If you're easing into Keto, I'd recommend that you start at 50g carbs and work your way down from there. We did Keto Extreme(tm) and I got knocked on my arse for a fortnight with the Keto Flu.

  1. Yes. Two meals a day. Breakfast(midday) and dinner(at about 6 or 7 at night). With minimum to zero snacking in-between.

  2. Yes, that is a smoothie I posted earlier. I did link to the post.

  3. I don't really know. They're both dark liquids that are made out of coconut. I'm prepared to be wrong about this, but coconut amino (bloody typos) is fermented in its making. Coconut soy sauce balsamic is like imitation soy balsamic, and lower carbs. @triddin - I think we all need an education. I am already aware that I have made a terrible mistake...

There's an app or a website somewhere that can give you individualised macros based on height and birth year... and maybe some other key factors. Perhaps my Hubby will provide a handy link? Or write a review of it? Hint hint cough cough hint...


Ah, coconut balsamic, that's a new one on me. Have just done a bit of searching and found a good one in NZ. Might have to try that out.

Yes, am very familiar with the keto flu, from when I did all animal foods for a year. Not nice! But that was more high protein than high fat, so prob wasn't actually in ketosis then. But thinking about it now.

Oops, sorry, missed the smoothie link in the post.

Looks delicious to me! :D

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