in #learnwithsteem3 years ago

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This has long been debated by scholars,it has been around since the biblical time
"Is free will an illusion?" Do we make our own decisions? or are they preordained ? What does it mean we are not making our own choices?,who is making them for us? and what gave them power over us?.

Is free will an illusion?

The hair,nails,our affect all comes from where we come from,we don't make these choices. Though we choose our hair,nails and cloth we wear this decision is determined from where we come from. The society we come from help shapes our decision making,taking a Muslim sister for example the way she dress by covering her head when she has to go out though she made the decision of wearing the hijab herself before going out but this decision was made based on where she came from.

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Sam Harris said "thought and intention emerge from background causes of which we are unaware and over which we have no conscious control".

This statement is not entirely correct because I have friends that we grew up together from the same neighborhood and we didn't end up to be the same,we chose our own path which led some to their early grieve and some in prison some are doing better than me and we all came from the same town

According to nehru "life is like a game of cards the hand you're dealt is determinism how you play is free will"

No matter where we came from and how our decision making is shaped by our subconsciousness the decisions we make always come with consequences and we should be ready at all time to dance to the consequences of all the decisions we made.
I drop my pen

Thank you all for your time