its finaly here check this long term invstment
helo dear steemians
i wasent online for a loong time im sorry for that i was bussy with some other projects so i had to replan my time.
i hope all of you all good.
lets start with some bad news biznet one of my top investment programms looks like it got scam.
i dont wana talk yet too much abaut it but still some fact. because of the russian federation biznet is obligate to shot down
theyre doors in russia.
lets give it some time to see if its realy scam or they can handel this situation.
it shows once more that invest in just one company can kill you :D luckely we dont do this and have all our money in differents
programms so i didnt eaven realy care that biznet got down.
the only thing who made me a bit angry that a loot of my downline are not on theyre break eaven point yet, but like biznet sad
they will try to give back first all the people the money who still in minus and just invested short time ago.
like my mother every time said when i was young there closes a door and an other one will open and watch here.
since the 20 of september there finaly came out a long awaited company called Leniex corp.
Leniex is a company who was like biznet they do trading in forex and will use theyre skills now olso for the crypto market.
the company exist since 2014 but since the 20 .9 .2017 they open up theyre doors olso for small investors,
Leniex is registred in new york under the name of philipe blake. you olso can see al the registration documents on theyre
there are 6 traders who will do the hole work in trading. when you enter the hompage you can see theyre realy spendet some
time and money to do this page. its realy professional and one of the moust important things is the transparence you can go
see the trading they did. what gives me a realy safe feeling.
i wil promote this company more than other companies becuase its a long term investment that means it will keep on for lets
hope for a realy long time.
if you watch the investment packets they have you can see the minimum investment is just 50$ waht gives you daily 0.5%
but like the usual companys like leniex more you invest more % you get what is totaly normal.
i invested a realy good amount of money and im already builing up my team my levels are already growing and my partners
if you woud like to join my team or one of my investments you can find a loot of post here or just write me in comments.
i will let you here my referal link
i know after reading this post eaven my english is not that good but study this investment and i know you will take the right
desicions.enjoy your day and live life