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RE: The Truth about Leftists

in #liberals8 years ago

" A lion may attack you, eat you while you're still alive, and kill you slowly, but you can't call this evil, the lion is just eating. If a human being was to do the same action, it is evil"

According to you.

But as humans, we eat other animals all the time. It's completely normal, and you've been raised this way. Given a different culture, you might see animals as people, and choose to only eat vegetables.

This makes good/evil very subjective.

It sounds like everything you're saying is just your opinion, and although I agree with some parts of it, I recognize that my agreement is also my opinion.

There is no objective truth to what you're saying, or to what I'm agreeing with, except for the fact that lions do eat animals alive, and humans eat animals, and some humans view eating beings with brains as "evil", and some consider it "neutral" or even "good". None are correct. The entire concept of good/evil is imaginary.

Having empathy doesn't mean anything. My cat has empathy, because once I was dancing, and I hit my head. I pretended to die.

My cat came over and started pawing at me, to see if I was ok. Dogs will do the same. They will feel love and empathy for their companion human.

The only difference is that we are more intelligent.

This doesn't make us gods though, able to say what is good or evil.

There is no god, so there is no good or evil.
Or if there is a god, no matter the religion, I think there are many philosophies that would condemn this "god" to life as a normal person.

This god, if it exists, would not have to be respected, nor obeyed.
It is just another being in this universe, and it has no more power than we give it.

Of course, that's assuming it exists.

No matter what though, I see no way for objective good or evil to exist.
It seems like it is ALWAYS subjective.

It's just your opinion. My opinion, seeing as I'm a human, might be similar, but an alien species could think something else entirely, as could a robot, or a human that was a farmer, and didn't mind breeding animals or slaughtering them.

There is no morality that stands true for all people. The golden rule is nullified, because no one wants to be BBQ. Yet, we still make other beings into BBQ, and vegans or meat eaters have their own morals, which make perfect sense to them.

But not to each other.

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