Dear Badgescum...

in #liberty6 years ago


How disgusting! What other molesters does the letter writer appreciate for their crimes?

If you fear "traffic stops", stop molesting and robbing drivers.

If you don't want to be filmed "doing your job", get a job that doesn't come with the obligation of letting your bosses see exactly what you are doing every single second you are on my clock, collecting a paycheck funded by money stolen from me and others who neither want nor need you.

The mainstream media can't crucify a character which doesn't exist.

Everyone gets tired at work. Everyone feels misunderstood. I promise you no one misunderstands you more than those deluded people who support you in spite of what you do.

So, you hurt when your fellow molesters die. If cops die, it isn't just because they are guilty of wearing a uniform and a badge-- it is because of the crimes committed by the gang they are announcing their membership in. A gang they would be kicked out of if they refused to commit the same crimes. You are guilty of the same things the dead armed government employees were guilty of. You can't show up for your "job" without violating life, liberty, and property.

Yes, you are flesh and bone like me. And so is the rapist, the mugger, the serial murderer, and other people who make the decision to violate others. So?

The only thing you serve and protect are the politicians who give you the power and excuses to molest and steal, and the Blue Line Gang.

I don't want you or need you. Go away. Forever. Find an HONEST job and stop being a hired gun for the State. It's a mistake you could correct in less than a second, if you have a gram of principles and ethics.

It should HURT to be this much of a copsucker.

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Imagine it. Imagine if everyone in "law enforcement" - beat cops, prison guards, desk workers, management - imagine if they all just quit and did something productive with their lives instead. Imagine the massive productivity boost to this country's economy!

We need to cut cops slack because they just want to go home to their families safely after doing their jobs. Mundanes are not to be afforded the same consideration.

I just want to go home at the end of the cops' shifts, too. But you're right... our opinions don't matter to the Blue Line Gang.

Really discusting sir need to hang them.

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