
I love this..lmao Give it red eyes tho..make it look scary

This is interesting. I mean the concept of a secretary. Hmm... maybe, I should get myself one.

Bot that reports suspicious, large votes is a good idea, but how about all the self-voting that goes under the radar?

What keeps a small account from creating a post, commenting it nine times, upvoting the post and comments, and repeating that every day?

That way, they can maximize their ROI from their Steem Power. If enough people do that, the effect is the same as a whale or multiple whales doing it.

On top of that, the small accounts have the advantage of operating under the radar and/or being tolerated.

My solution proposal to the reward pool abuse is to eliminate the reward pool for authors and curators altogether and introduce a tipping system.

It eliminates the reward pool abuse without actually changing much in the rest of the system, even though many people have a difficult time grasping this.

I'm jealous, I don't get a secretary.

I'll be your secretary. What do you need sir!