Nothing Is What It Seems

in #lifde6 years ago (edited)

This weeks episode of Surviving the Matrix. Please share.
Warning: contains some graphic content to 5:30 min

This video was randomly cropped by youtube :(


thanks Max. Resteemed as every little helps.
My Heart is with Gaza.

thank you brother

sir @maxigan,

This is so amaxing sir. Really appriciated on your video so much. This so much informative. Great work sir. keep it up. Best of luck for you sir.

many thanks for saying so :)

welcome sir.

Good work brother, sharing.

thank you tony

The man who knows more than most when the currencies will die is Martin Armstrong. He says the last currency standing will be the US$ around 2020/21 by then ALL other currencies will be gone.
Everyone should read his daily blog
A post from today

Great work, resteemed! Everything you said is so true, especially pushing specialization skills, and this is most visible with doctors, if you are sick now they do not consider your body as a whole anymore, you are told, you need to go to this and that specialist so you have to go to all these doctors like the cardialogist, the gastroenterologist, the neurologist, the immunologist, and so on.... and most of the time they do not understand the real cause behind the illness (not that they want to anyway because they prefer to give you pills to mask the symptoms ...not to cure the illness) so people just get worse and unhealthier and the pharma companies just become richer and richer. Like you said we really need to bring about the change we want to see in the world. Thank-you and please take care Max

You are a legend Max Igan. Wish I could meet you.

Keep up the good work brother.

Many thanks brother. If you are anywhere near California, come to Regeneration in San Diego next weekend and say hi ;)

I love how you put it in the wider perspective. Everyone should listen to this. <3

"nothing is what it seems" I can't love this any less; thanks a great deal for sharing such great content, I'm glad i came across this
Much love @joyart

thanks joy

You're welcome

The Powers That Were really do not like this one KnightStar Max...the program I use to download videos to watch offline made me sign into my Google account to be able to...that has never happened for any video...and you know what I download...Keep going you've got them running scared...resteemed and shared everywhere else BroStar...Huge Huggies...Mwuah!!!

Wonderful as aways. Its funny I am a wake to most of the stuff you talk about, but can't express it; the way you explain is inspirational, thanks. Indeed we are in a dire place at the moment but the tides are turning I truly think this! The hundredth monkey is stirring 💯🐒