To anyone who's ever said: "SHOULDA/COULDA/WOULDA" & thinks their dreams are not feasible therefore not worth pursuing... Perhaps you've made some bad life choices; a few missed opportunities. You're a FAILURE! But not why you THINK you are!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

I'm here to tell that the loser you think you are... the failure that cannot fulfill your dreams in life; you're 100% correct. YOU ARE!!!! You are a failure that cannot obtain your dreams. Trust me. I'm going somewhere with this: keep reading....

As long as you believe that; as long as you think that... it'll always be true, and so I'm here to tell you that it goes both ways. Yes. You can be a rockstar. You can be a racecar driver. You can be a billionaire. Sound absurd? Absolutely. Sound impossible or highly improbable? Yes. IS it though? NOT AT ALL!!! IT IS ONLY BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE IT IS. CONVINCE YOURSELF IT ISN"T AND IT WON"T BE YOU"LL SEE!

Forget the "Law of Attraction" for a moment... (you can google that later) and think of it as simply as possible:

    1. You will achieve whatever you believe, so as long as you really believe it.
    1. I hate to resort to cliches but the whole "you can do anything you set your mind to" is a cliche for a reason. It's true. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a failure and why are you even wasting your time conversating with them?
    1. Putting aside 6 hours for sleep that leaves you with 18 hours a day. 18 hours that should be allocated/directed to what you know will happen not to what you hope/dream will happen.

...and perhaps most importantly of all:

- 4) You will achieve whatever you believe, **so as long as you really believe it.**

STOP referring to them as dreams & start thinking of them as *GOALS* it's that simple

I hate resorting to a lousy cliche to illustrate my point; however, this post requires one: YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO!...

no excuses.jpg

Anybody who's lost or uncertain; misguided, lost & doesn't know what to do with themselves. Maybe you've made some shitty choices earlier in life that you feel like you can't come back from. That's not true. If you believe that then why are you alive? Why wake up in the morning? You're either a pussy, you have no self-esteem, or you're just don't have faith (not that you need it) because you are as great as you think you are and can do what you want to do ***SO AS LONG AS YOU CONVINCE YOURSELF NONSTOP*** the rest is just noise...

6 hours of sleep a day; you got 18 hours a day. What the fuck are you doing? Every second of those 18 hours should be dedicated to your goal. Your success. Your dream. If not, then you don't deserve it. You're not fighting for it... and if you don't fight, then again why bother living?


If you're struggling. If you're disenfranchised; you feel like you're not given recognition for all the good/hard work you do & if you feel like you're being overlooked.... overshadowed. Like nobody cares about you. Who cares? Why does that matter?

If you're one of these people... like millions of others in our generation; you need to watch this. You'll thank me later. So in advance; you're welcome...

*had to put tiny spaces in between; copy & paste //watch?reload... anything after the com and paste it to yout ube . co m and see for yourself or even better, just google the link.

Peace & Love all! Stay focused; driven and never give up. I know its cliche but they're called cliches for a reason. They are true. NEVER forget to set your stop losses!! Do not let the greed/fomo/fud get you! Safe trading everybody! Remember, the world is yours. Don't let any "haters" make you believe otherwise.


Your post formatting is still bad. Blocking me on doesn't change that, just saying. You told me to read your other post and upvote+resteem if I like it - I told you why I don't like it. You flip out and block me.

I'm not sure what you expected.

This is why I flag him. He's ultra toxic and just a bad person. This guy, due to not responding to him on steem chat where I was initially going out of my way to help him (I wasn't logged in), decided to threaten to kill me, kill and rape my wife and mom, hack me, among other stuff.

The guy is a lunatic.

He messaged me a while ago for some reason, something about wanting to send me Steem so it doesn't look like one of his contests was fake. I didn't really care, didn't know him. So whatever.

Few days ago he contacted me complaining about you, asking me to help. But I am not friends with him, don't really know you, and don't participate in flag wars out of principle ....

I still checked out his post. Saw that it was horribly formatted. Told him. Was blocked.

People are weird.

Yeah, I don't know you either. But you aren't the first person to mention him spamming this kind of stuff to them. I've been contacted both by people that I know and don't know, telling me he's doing this.

I'm not sure what else he expects from this kind of behavior. All I know is I'll continue to nullify his presence here because I do not think that he's a good fit for the community. From pyramid schemes to death/rape threats to hack threats to literally fabricating information to spamming garbage. I'm invested here and as a stake holder, do not want him to have a presence.


I have no idea what you're talking about. I never blocked you nor 'flipped out', all I did was ask you to address an issue I figured you wouldn't mind; my bad. Considering I've literally given you free steam tokens for a raffle that was a gift for my fiance; check the raffle bid if you want or don't like I said I've hosted other raffles & can prove that too but won't bother but not enough tickets could be sold; so the people who did participate/show interest received the money as a thank you. IDGAF anymore. I'm done with this petty bullshit. It's way beneath me.

It's all good though. It's being taken care of. I"m bringing down this bottom feeder and every other parasite alongside him. Don't believe me? Check my twitter feed/followers. @a1mtarabichi Same as this one. I may not have a lot of followers or be 'cool' bro. I get that I'm eccentric & I type fast; people can't keep up, I'm a bit obnoxious it's fine because I'm comfortable with who I am because I have no problem with it. I am a flawed human being & I'm willing to admit that.

Nobody's perfect.

Yet the facts remain; compared to what I've written & time I've put in, I provide value to this community which is far more than either of you can say; without a shadow of a doubt.


I recently started on Twitter, so you win kid. I"m "goin back to twitter" & with good reason: but don't worry I'll be back soon... now can you honestly say that either of you with your "followers" while not having a single original post matter at all to anyone other than your rep/VP your "cool hipster pic" & petty stupid one-liners? Or in matty's case; NOTHING at all but re-steems from other users LMAO

While I sit there; with a modest/humble small handful of people who's opinions/respect you guys would never have. Yet I clearly have something important to say, otherwise they wouldn't be listening. Don't believe me?

DON"T care. Lol You're not worth my time. Neither of you. Goodbye.

You are a fucking idiot.
Your photoshop skills are janky as fuck.
I am a STEEM Mod and I will execute your omelette right now.
Lol, Fuck you.

You're the same coward/keyboard warrior who's fucking with me & has no life.. using a proxy account. you're not fooling anyone kid. either put up or shutup.

No more talking, only flagging.


As you can see, the room shows as "blocked", but I still have the option to "block user", which means you were the one who blocked the conversation. At least try to keep your lies consistent.

Oh, and about that raffle ...


You faked me winning that. I went along, because I didn't see the harm in it. Now I kind of regret it, because you seem like a lunatic.

He's a full blown lunatic and compulsive liar. If you perused his reddit, you'd see he complains about not having a girlfriend in around 5 years (probably didn't even have one then) and has no friends (obvious why, being an extremely toxic individual).

I think his pathetic raffle was entirely false and he thought he could pull a quick scam. I'm very glad it failed.

Oh yeah, he's also on the universal scammer list for trading groups.

These are only a few reasons that I flag him aside from the death/rape/hack threats I've received from him for not responding to wall-o-text questions he sent me that I didn't see. Nearly everything he writes is complete and total fabrication. I don't like his presence on Steem.

EDIT: Ouch, the COO of Utopian is buyable, that's kind of uhh, disheartening. Regret or not, that's still scammy and doesn't instill much trust whatsoever on any level.

"if you perused his reddit" you can just hear the keyboard smashing, raging; lmfao aside from the "if you pursued** his reddit" as if that wasn't creepy enough. jeesus bro. get a life you pussy. leave mama's basement & fuck off.

I'm the full blown lunatic yet haven't been on steemit in over a week; then when I log on I find you both having a makeout session on my blog where you're both crying like girls about how I'm right? One of you is cyber-bully; the other i don't care for. So please. I'm asking nicely. Piss off. Either way I'm already done with this platform. Going dormant until the kinks get sorted out. Maybe use the 2nd account since matthew here has spent over 6,000$ & lost over 3,000 "followers" since his dickheaded harrassment/cyber-bullying began. It's awesome :) i love it.

I'm glad to see that you might be using the @compulsive-liar account I made for you.

goodbye matthew. if i were you i'd power down because it won't be long before you're gone. bitch.

yah I'm the lunatic yet you're the one over here literally having a gossip girls episode season finale with your girlfriend matty over here. Fuck off. I really don't care. Just go away. & fyi nice you proved what with those pics exactly? Nothing other than the fact that I bought a $13k ring for my wife; & that I literally said "I am a man of my word" "nobody participated" which I'll admit was embarrasing. Which is why I paid you 10 steem (1? wtf?) to make one simple 1 sentence post. You regret that? Uh huh. I'm sure you do. Goodbye Suesa.

You are no diff than this loser; you're in it for the money. Yes i've read your blog many times (not recently; i'll admit you've stepped up the quality of your posts, but back when I was following you... it was just "photography; one pic one sentence" each time. smh idgaf honestly. go away.

I've never posted one pic-one sentence posts in my life 🤔 you must have me confused with someone.

okay then; maybe so. If so then ignore my comment about you not providing any value whatsoever to the community. That wasn't intended for you; i apologize. It was for this kid however, who has been on a 3 week ragefitting tyrade to try to "shut me down" using his VP & bullshit reaping rewards from real authors like yourself so if anything you should be just as offended seeing as how we both have one thing in common (regardless of what you think of me):

We both post original content.

Doesn't matter what you think of mine/what I think of yours. The fact remains: we both take time to author & curate content. He re-steems other VPS; upvotes the 29 min 59 sec 70+ steemrep promoted posts/#introduceyourself minnows, and hasn't made a single post. He's literally earned over 90k being a parasite; pickpocketing off authors like you and me. smh Anyway; my bad. I guess i was wrong; just checked your blog & you do have some good reads there.

Also, dude, have you ever checked out my blog?

Yet the facts remain; compared to what I've written & time I've put in, I provide value to this community which is far more than either of you can say; without a shadow of a doubt.

I'm pretty sure that I create a bunch of value.

In his eyes, you only create value if you don't invest in Steem, talk about how good you are while doing absolutely nothing, talk about how stupid everyone else is compared to you while doing absolutely nothing, lie about everything on earth, scam people, promote pyramid schemes, threaten to rape people, threaten to kill people, threaten to hack people, etc.

Lol get a room you two. fuck off my blog :)

Just checked your Twitter. It's worse than your Steem blog. Why would you want us to look at it? So we see the lyrics you recently posted about killing a man after you said you're going to "take care of us?" Trying to make cryptic death threats? lol

Just shut up already dude. You're annoying as fuck. I promised I'd play nice but you are really obsessed with me to the point where it's pathetic. Creepy & pathetic. If you weren't such a bitch I would find it 'frightening' as well but your a keyboard warrior/troll. Your power/reach goes no further than raging like an idiot and abusing this platform (for now) which won't last long.

You know my name, number, I've given you my address (after you callblock/spam me like a pussy) and you are too cowardly to even call me from your own number...

As if I couldn't trace it. You're not worth it. Fucking loser. I told u. Now plz shoo. And I said exactly what I meant; I've been in direct correspondence with devs/mods OF THIS VERY platform. You idiot. You're going to be gone soon enough. If i were you; power down and leave before they ban your dumbass. Loser.

Yes. Take care of you matty. By that I mean with my correspondence with the devs/mods on how I encouraged / them & with a petition signed by over 1,000 steemit users will ensure that this matter gets resolved and your ass is grass so ima smoke it. woohoo ;)

You post that as if you're not afraid. Yet you're over here trolling my blog/sm presence 24/7 like a cheetah waiting to pounce a gazelle. Lol

not us you matty. This has nothing to do with @suesa-a this started with your dumbass trying to think you had the authority to shut me down with your VP which if you had actually earned I would have a shred of respect for you. The only reason why I apologized to suesa; despite the fact she's been a cunt the whole time & I've been as humble as possible, pointing out my own flaws like a true man, in true fashion as it's always easy to criticize someone else. yet have nothing to say about yourself? Really? You're perfect then ? i'm jelly. :-(

and matty you had your chance. I gave you an out, you thought you could win. I play the lnog-game and you'll see what happens when all is said in done; You may have gotten the first laugh, i got the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & last. even now. hahah. omg okay i'm done. 15 minutes is I'd allocate to sttemit each day until you are gone. pissant.

please visit my page, i have some photos of my short trips in the villages around my city,
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Thanks a lot

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