Close up the bat

in #life8 years ago

Everyone has a different opinion about the bat, it also makes them quite often debated. good interested with the creature, or even pure made fear by them.

Dr. Merlin Tuttle, an expert ecology and founder of the Conservation of bats, who so loved the bat. He has spent his life traveling to all corners of the world only to learn more about the role of the winged creatures in nature.

He observed the thousands of types of bats from near (he even have the bat in the pouch shirt and pants feet), he has learned how to better appreciate rather than feel fear when faced with the bat.

Tuttle has dedicated her life to change the views of people about the bat, in his book The Secret Lives of sap, is personal stories which documented many reasons about the bat so that we can better appreciate instead of fear. How to overcome the fear of bats yes is directly dealing with the bat itself, because they were really not less sinister explanations such as what we imagine during this, even actuality they so funny, clarified Merlin Tuttle in his book

 Punk Rocker 

Chapin free-tailed bat (Chaerephon chapini), bats that have this punk hair style found in Africa, weighing 10 grams range with the length of the 8-12 cm (including the length of the tail of the 3 cm), until this day, not yet know how the hair can bediri rich waiting, but Merlin told me do create interesting the female when mating season comes a song of a call to marry from the Rocker.


The mapped out their blueprints short-nosed fruit baths (Cynopterus sphinx) fruit bats short berhidung greater can be found in the tropical forests of South Asia and Southeast Asia. The bat is also can be found in the place where the fruit plants grow.

In the trees of the bat make their nests with bite the twigs and leaves to form the framework/building the basis, such as the structure of the curtains. Even if they could not find a tree to nest, they will build the structure similar to weave the leaves and twigs of ivy. 

ears created indeed to hear

The California leaf-nosed baths (Macrotus californicus), can be found at baratdaya United States, and more choose a place like the cave, mining and dwelling place of other rocky. Unlike other bats, this species could not crawl and his ears are very sensitive it emang in pake create heard the sound of crickets

The ball cotton collared

When they kneel together under the shadow of the leaf, bat group is even looks like a pile of roll cotton. The Honduran white bat (Ectophylla alba) live usually in the bottom of the leaf heliconia, the destruction of the rain forests a serious threat to the survival of them. In order for the bat to survive, lowland rainforests in Central America that have heliconia need to remain in preserving.

 The Mehely's horseshoe bat 

The Mehely's horseshoe baths (Rhinolophus mehelyi), can be found in the eastern part of Europe and the Middle East, lived in caves cave not far from the source of water to discuss the question of the nose bat winner of his nostrils the lug can be in the life of the create nentuin prey (echolocation location) with how to remove the reflection of the voice with a constant frequency between 105 - 112 Khz.

 Hairy-legged vampire bat 

The hairy legged vampire bat (Diphylla ecaudata), there are only three different species of bats vampire in the world and they are all found in Latin American countries. If the bat this type of free bird ngejilat gan, meaning ane jilatin the blood of the bird, vary ama bats vampire echelons, happy blood hath been very tempestuous mammals. bats vampire very smart : They have a social order which is similar with other primates, they share food and information with their brethren, and they even adopted son of bats already orphans

The bat akrobatik

The eastern red bat (Lasiurus borealis) happy mutual grabs food from their mouth in the air. But this type is even more like to show off for awhile he devoured him to perform the maneuvers behind in the air and close the wings and tail around its prey when mo eaten. Bats live in the eastern part of the forest area in North America and more chose to eat the moths and bees.



They're so cute.

said no one ever.

in all fairness, he did pick some of the ugliest ones to show lol

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