ADSactly Personal - Have You Ever Met a Living Angel?

in #life6 years ago

Have You Ever Met a Living Angel?



Sometimes when you are at your lowest moment, someone shows you an unexpected kindness and it gives you hope. I like to think of these people as living angels.

I like to think that I have found a few living angels here on Steemit, as I found a community (and some awesome friends) when I was at one of the lowest and loneliest times of my life.

A little while ago I conducted an anonymous survey on Mturk asking about the kindnesses that people remembered the most and I’m going to share some of the most powerful ones because sometimes we all need a mental hug and these stories are heartwarming. (I have made up the names and rewritten them, but all are based on true stories).


The Good Neighbour

After her divorce, Kathy felt completely alone, as her finances suffered as well as her emotions. She thought it would be obvious to her friends and family that she needed support, but she didn't get any help from that direction.

However, a dear elderly neighbor was very kind to her. She didn't pity her. She didn't act like she was pathetic, but instead, she would make delicious dinners and bring them over. Kathy knew this lady understood her situation, even though she didn't verbally say so.

The elderly lady didn't want to make Kathy feel any worse, as she simply wanted to show kindness without expecting anything in return.

Although this kindness was about 10 years ago, Kathy remembers it as if it were yesterday.




The Kindly Cousin

Calum was sharing a car with his mom and there had be to be a lot of planning, so that both of them could get to their jobs, with his mom often taking a nap in the car, because she would get to her job a few hours early.

Calum’s cousin became aware of the situation and she called Calum up and gave him her own car, as she wasn’t using it,

Calum and his mom were so grateful that she chose not to sell her car, but give it to them instead as it meant that mon was a lot less tired and there was no longer the stress of coordinating their schedules.




A Warm Heart

Mobo went on a training trip to Romania where the temperature then was about minus 10 degrees Celsius in contrast to the 28 degrees Celsius in Nigeria from where he came from

Mobo armed himself with what he thought was warm clothing, but the clothing was actually terribly inadequate for the cold he was about to encounter.

The Romanian representative of the company who came to collect Mobo at the airport saw the inadequacy of his 'warm clothing', and promised Mobo there and then to get him something warm enough for his trip.

This Romanian went out of his way to fulfill this promise and when he came to pick Mobo from the hotel the following morning, he had some items of suitable warm clothing for Mobo.




An Unexpected Solution

On her way home after a long day at work, Jenny remembered that she needed to stop by the mall to pick up a present.

It was late and all the stores were closed or about to.

She sat on a bench and realized that not only would she not be able to buy a gift, but she had forgotten to eat the entire day and as a diabetic, this was a poor decision.

She reached into her bag to find some money to use in the vending machine and quickly found out that she’d left her wallet in the car.

As the world was beginning to spin, she started to perspire and shake from low blood sugar. Still, she could only focus on the small gift she failed to buy, so she stood up.

Just then, a woman with dark long hair approached Jenny. Jenny did not know her and the woman said nothing, she just smiled and handed Jenny a bag.

Jenny took the bag and the woman smiled and began to walk away, but not before saying, "Take care."

When the woman had walked away and was out of sight, Jenny looked into the bag.

‘Incredible!’ She thought as she pulled out a wrapped sandwich, cookies, chips, a drink and a mint.

Even more incredible was what she found under the food. It was a gift box.

Jenny opened it to find the most beautifully ornate Italian imported Glow Candle. She fell back onto the bench and wept.

Something kind of nice happened that day she will never forget it.




I hope you enjoyed these tales of living angels. Have you ever met a living angel?

Written with <3 by @hopehuggs


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as she simply wanted to show kindness without expecting anything in return.

All stories are great example of when people show their kindness. Not only people who receive this heartwarming kindness, but also people who give get this warm feeling of what we “all people” are born to feel, are meant to do. To be kind! One story that really stood up for me.

Jenny took the bag and the woman smiled and began to walk away, but not before saying, "Take care."

All stories are about what we all should do, what we all should be alike. Not only take, but give and not to expect anything in return. Belive me, at the end, you get much more than what you would be expecting in return.

We have no idea what other people are going through or have been through, a small kind gesture can make a massive impact, even save a life.

Lovely examples of living angels.

My living angel
I was at the grocery one day, and, after picking up my prescription, when I got to the counter with the rest of my purchases, I found I was almost $20 short. I asked the clerk to put the meat back and paid for the rest of my purchases. The guy behind me, before she started ringing his items up, handed me a $50 and told her to ring the meat up again. It was just under $20, but he insisted I keep the change. When I balked, he handed it to my son and told him to spend it on school supplies (this was right at the start of the school term). I wept all the way home, blessing him and hoping to return the favor someday.

I haven’t been able to hand off that much at once. But, I have made a point of leaving any small change at that grocery when I paid cash, for the “Need a penny, take a penny – Have a penny, share a penny” box at the registers.

I heard many stories from my Grandmother in Childhood related to Angels.
And She always tells me that Angles becomes Kind hearten, supportive, loving and beautiful.
There are only few are here on the earth those have such real qualities.
Thanks for sharing the stories of few of them.
also thanks to @hopehuggs for searching such angles in this living world..

I think we all have the capacity to be one. To be there at just the right time for someone.

From Kathy to Callum to Jenny, they all were recipient of the kindness of angels. I too have been lucky enough to have had some help in the exact moments when I needed to. Truthfully the helper did feel a lot like angel to me.

Perhaps it is that particular moment in life what makes that small gesture of help so important or maybe it is the nature of the person helping. Whatever the case, the person helping us makes our life better in more ways than one.

People like these give us hope and courage to continue and maybe even one day be that angel for somebody else. They remind us that there is kindness in this world when it difficult to look at this place in a positive light. They make this world a better place and their acts inspire us to become a better person.

Yes, their actions do make us more aware of the people around us and how we could help and it encourages us to pay it forward.

In happy times, as well as in moments of sadness and despair, we want to feel the presence of a higher power or an angel next to us. If something bad happens in our lives, it does not mean that the Angel has left us. Most likely, he just at this time is engaged in the solution of our problems and wants to reach us.

But we are too often fixated on our failures, negative thoughts and problems that we do not notice signs of the presence of our Guardian Angel and his desire to help.

Yes as we grow from being children, we definitely lose an awareness of things going around us. Even signs, like butterflies or a plant that hasn't flowered for years can bring a lot of comfort.

Congratulations sir for your new post..
Today I first saw your post. I liked it a lot of people commented on your post. Seeing this comment I came to know that you are a great man.
Your post food picture may be very delicious food and I like this food and some thing place just a very mind blowing and my dear friend traveling is a great process which is fresh your life style and fresh your blindness I realize that all people should travel once a time..
Just it my dear friend..
Carry on your activities and I always support your activities.. best of luck in your new post..

       .Thanks for you @adsactly .

I hope to do some traveling one day too, its just a matter of deciding of waiting till kids get a little older or wait till they have flown the nest and finances of course.
Thanks for the updates, your posts are really amazing and I enjoy it.
And good luck for you

Congratulations @adsactly Sir.. Thailand of story..
Four people were rescued on Sunday 8th July in the mountain cave trapped in the cave of Thailand. But the country's government is resorting to strict secrecy to meet rescued teenagers with their families or relatives.
It is being said by the government that rescues are good.
BBC correspondent Jonathan Head in Thailand said, "It is surprising that the parents of four teenagers who were rescued on Sunday were not even taken to the hospital. The relatives are not sure that any four people have been brought out.
"We have not been informed about who has been evacuated, we can not even go to the hospital," the father of a young boy stuck in the cave told Reuters.

In the area where the incident took place, the governor of Narshankar Ashotanakorn told the journalists about the condition of adolescents, 'They are very good, they have wanted to eat rice cooked with bassil (a kind of perfume leaf).'

Yes, some people are like living angels when they stand with us in the most difficult circumstances of our lives. I love these people very much❤❤

Ongoing support is also a great way of being a living angel for sure.

Thanks for sharing with us this lovely post of our like Princess Diana, she was the Princess of all the world and she is going to be the Princess that we are going to remember in our entire life. Blessings form Uruguay and sure DIANA is an ANGEL,

I agree Princess Diana was a beautiful and inspirational lady.

We also show great power of our mind in In happy times, as well as in moments of sadness and despair.
The first sentence of this artical is very touchy quote you said, i really like it because in our frustration time no will help us but the one who did is like an angle. Overall you write a great posture in about life.

Sometimes it feels that such people are placed in our lives at the 'perfect' moment.

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