What Are You Really Eating? Fake foods we eat every day.

in #life7 years ago

Do you know what you are eating? I mean, do you really know? Because you may think you do, but you’ve been lied to. We are going to be looking at ten fake foods you eat. Although, your food might be labeled something like lobster rice or sushi, well what you're eating probably isn't that.


So, we all know lobster is seen as a luxurious food which is eaten by some of the richest people or by regular Joe's on special occasions and I'm sure most of you are familiar with the lobster restaurant chains such as Red Lobster and Long John Silvers who offer lobster at a discount price. Well, the reason those prices are at discount is because it isn't lobster. The things those restaurants serve is actually Langostino which is a type of shrimp. Even though it might taste and look like lobster, it's not the same and there are differences in looks and flavor. Many supermarkets also sell Langostino labeled as lobster. So, next time you're in a store or a restaurant ask the staff is the lobster real or is it Langostino 😊.


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This is a shocking news story! You probably already know that China is the world's largest distributor of rice. But did you know that China has factories that make rice of toxic plastic? They create rice grains and then pack them up like regular rice then ship them out to markets in China. Also, companies outside of China distribute them all over the world. Eating just two bowls of this rice would be equal to consuming an entire plastic bag which is dangerous for your health and terrible for your digestive system. It could even be potentially fatal. The fake rice has been found being sold in China, Nigeria, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States.


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Lot of you probably start your morning with a refreshing cup of coffee and even though some companies will put labels like 100% pure coffee on their containers a lot of these companies don't just sell coffee in these containers. Well, what exactly is in the coffee? Coffee is often ground and grounding means mixing it with other fillers to make the price of making it cheaper because the company doesn't have to use as much of actual coffee beans. Some companies grind coffee and mix it with roasted corn, ground roasted barley and even roasted animal skins. So, next time you buy a cup of coffee just know you're drinking this stuff - and the only reason is so that companies don't have to use as much coffee in the production process which can save them millions of dollars every year.

Fruit Juices

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We all know that fruit juices can come in a lot of different flavors and some of these can be quite exotic and others not so much. But one thing that all of these flavors have in common is that juice companies are being cheap while making them. Apples are the cheapest fruit because there's so many of them and because of this fruit juice companies will dilute their juices with apple juice. This is why if you check the label on the back of almost any fruit juice it will say that it contains apple juice. Juice companies sometimes make up to 60% of their fruit juices with apple and if you're thinking, well, at least apple juice isn't fake, know, most apple juice isn't made entirely of apples. Even when it says made with 100 percent apples most companies use apple concentrate from China which has been found many times to contain banned pesticides and other chemicals.


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Just like lobster, champagne is a luxury food which is enjoyed by people who are willing to spend a buck or two on this fancy drink and most people have probably heard that it's illegal to call sparkling wines that aren't from the Champagne region of France champagne. But this is a myth and only applies in France. More than half of wine labeled champagne sold in the United States isn't real and there are many producers from places like Long Island and California who market their sparkling white wines as champagne when really it's not from the official France province location and therefore doesn't have the same soil, sun or other conditions. So, you're paying a lot more just for a name.


You already know that coffee manufacturers put weird things into their product to make it seem like coffee. I bet, when you were reading that, some of you were thinking that's fine, I only drink tea any way. Well, it turns out that tea manufacturers do the exact same thing as coffee a manufacturer, but what they put in tea is even worse. A report to Congress in 2014 found that manufacturers added sawdust and leaves from other plants into their teas. But the reason for this isn't the same as the coffee manufacturers. Instead of not having to use more of the product like with coffee, the reason that tea manufacturers do this is to make teas last, increasing the tea’s shelf life.


Certain dry spices are another food that's subject to being ground in the manufacturing process and the ones that are ground and what spice manufacturers add to the mix might surprise you. Nuts are often ground with pepper to make it way cheaper because there's so much of it and turmeric has been found to sometimes contain corn. Oregano is often cut with weeds from the farms that have been dried up and crushed and then mixed in with a bit of the spice to make it seem like you're getting more for your money when in reality you're paying for things that you'd probably throw out.


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Everyone knows that honey comes from bees, but despite companies saying the honey is natural and only contains honey made by bees, it's been found that a lot of honey is heavily diluted with high fructose corn syrup which is a nasty sugary syrup banned in a lot of countries.

Parmesan Cheese

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Just like Champagne, Parmesan cheese can only be called that if it's from Parma in Italy. Well, as you can probably guess by now, most companies sell Parmesan cheese that's not from Parma. It's a lot cheaper for them to manufacture the cheese locally if they don't have to import it all the way from Italy. And while it may be cheaper for them, it's not cheaper for you. In fact, the product markup and Parmesan cheese is higher than any other cheese. So, you're not only being sold lies you're also paying a lot more just for a word that's been written on the label of your cheese. These cheaper non-Italian ones are often mixed with wood pulp to make it look like there's a lot more cheese than there actually is. Make sure your Parmesan cheese is made in Italy or it's probably an impostor.


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This cold Japanese food is loved by many all around the world and the most popular piece of sushi is the tuna roll but in a test carried out in 2016 where thousands of sushi restaurants in the US were tested, it was found that 84% of them served fake fish. The white tuna in tuna rolls was always a completely different animal. What you're really eating is probably something called Escolar which is very cheap and it's also known as lax fish and that's because it can be used as a laxative and can give people diarrhea.


I've been reading lots about this :/ glued meats and dirty coffe puts me off even eatting :?

Yup, glued mean is also a problem where scrap of meet clued together and served as a steak :( . Disgusting...

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