More Killed People from Abortion than 2 World Wars Combined! Did you Know?..

in #life7 years ago

In @AmarseFoundation we believe in protecting life from its conception until natural death occurs.

For this reason, we wanted to share with you important information about abortion in the world.

Abortion in the World

First of all, it is important to clarify that getting accurate worldwide statistics about abortion in the world, is a really difficult task, this because not every country in the world keep statistics about abortion and there are many unregistered abortions even in countries where this is a legal practice, this because many woman are ashamed of this action and prefer to practice it in non-publish manner.

Some of the agencies who collect and offer some data about abortion are the United Nations (UN) , The World Health Organization (WHO), the Guttmacher Institute (AGI) and the Center for Reproductive Rights.

Besides this, we will try to make some numbers about abortion in the world:

An estimate made for the AGI states that for the year 2014, 56 million o abortions where practiced in the world, this states for 25% of all pregnancies that took place for that time. Here is a table that shows in a better way this numbers:

REGION2000-20042005- 20092010- 2014
Latin America5.46.16.5
Northern America1.41.31.2
Total49. 851.756.2


Lets embrace life and not destroy it

Just to make some numbers, World War 1 (1914-1918 )accounted 8,545,800 deaths and World War 2 (1939- 1945)had 15,843,000 killed people (3), this makes a sum of 24,388,800 for 10 years of war. More than double of innocent children are being killed by their mothers every year.

There are No Reasons To Kill an Innocent Child

What is more devastating is that most of the mothers or maybe all of the mothers, have no valid reason to killing their own children, besides this, when we see statistics they show us that most of the mother of this childrens do it just because they want to, thinking about their own body, but not thinking in the life and the body of those who are born inside of them and who deserve to live.

.001%The pregnancy resulted from an incestuous relationship
.065%The woman's life was endangered by the pregnancy
.085%The woman was raped
.288%The woman's physical health was threatened by the pregnancy
.294%The woman's psychological health was threatened by the pregnancy
.666%There was a serious fetal abnormality
6.268%The woman aborted for social or economic reasons
92.330%No reason (elective)

Reasons For Abortion Recording

Mother Theresa Nobel Prize Speech on Abortion

We are open to hear opinions and encourage you to leave your comment!

God Bless Us All!

Information source:

1-Unsafe Abortions - WHO
2- Worldwide Abortion Statistics
3- Darkest Hours

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the figures and statistics of abortions are amazing, only one question I can ask, how can a person defend a cause of killing, when that person was given the right to exist ...? the simple approach of abortion is an incoherence, a very nonsense of humanity

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