Who came first God or Dinosaurs ?

in #life8 years ago

One night I was on my bed thinking about the Universe , God , how humans came into existence etc and suddenly a question popped up in my head. Who came first God or Dinosaurs ?
According to science, Big Bang happened then stars & planets formed and that's how ea​rth came into existence and after that Darwin's Theory of evolution kicks in. How organisms evolved , how human beings evolved from chips. But on the other hand our religions told us a different story. I am a Hindu(from India) so i'll give you the example of Hindu Mythology. According to Hindu Mythology SHIVA came into existence (i don't know how) , then he created VISHNU and BRAHMA which then created the whole world. Now here's a question , if God created us then the structure or design of Human being was already defined so what's the need of EVOLUTION. Why Dinosaurs came first not the Human.

Few months later I was doing the Advance ART OF LIVING course in which you have to meditate for 4 days and at the end of the course there was a Q&A session in which you can ask anything. So this was my opportunity to ask this question. I asked the question in a very Innocent way , as soon as i finished the question I looked around ; people were starring at me as if I've done something terribly wrong. But i got the same illogical answer that God came first and then he created us and so on. I was not satisfied by the answer but I was happy that for a while I shook their world.

Well I am not against Science or any religion, i just love to think and try to find a logical answer. PEACE OUT

(note- please forgive me if you find grammatical & other errors coz English is my not first language)


It seems like a flawed question as it assumes the existence of a god at all. We have evidence of dinosaurs via the fossil record, however there isn't evidence of any gods existing.

One reason why god is depicted as being in the form of human is that god is a concept created humans.

i agree that god is a created by Humans but why we created them..where does all the stories come from? there has to be logical answer for this

hm. Dinosaurs came first. Gods were created by human beings who came after the dinosaurs.
Except if the big bang is God. But for the sake of clearness we can call the big bang the big bang (and not god).
PS: I think that if God is Love, maybe it will also just be more clear if everyone called it Love (and not God)

As a beginning pastafarian I must also add that somewhere in between Dinosaurs, human beings and God, noodles where created :-)

hmm noodles :-P
if god becomes love then it solves all the problem in this world!

I think to start is to understand that there is no "before". Time is only a 4th dimension. Time - an illusion.
The man is not a man's body, and 7 dimensional creature, which divided itself into many "individual people" is to diversify so that each part of the lived separate lives studying.
Evolution is quite possible, but maybe she was not exactly as we envision it. All gradually develops.

Why are dimensions illusions? Dimensions can e.g. also be how big these dinosaurs are. In one way the size of the dinosaur doesn't matter, but that doesn't mean it's not real.

that's very deep man!

God(π7) is a ratio, a graphic enhancement to the already divine formula known as YHVH(τ2).
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