Doing things sooner rather than later

in #life7 years ago


How many times have we told ourselves when it comes to doing something that we're just going to do it tomorrow, yet it never gets done? Or promising ourselves that starting tomorrow we will work on learning a new craft or skill but we never did it?

You see, we humans love to procrastinate. Even if we know that what we want to do is important or can improve us, we like to give ourselves excuses to hold it off for whatever reasons we can think of. I remember some years ago, I had thought of wanting to try blogging but I always find some reasons for not doing so. Instead of trying it out, I tell myself that I'm not talented enough to do it or I might get ridiculed for having bad grammar or spelling.

Ultimately, I decided to try blogging and I couldn't be happier! Blogging has opened my eyes to a lot of things and it has allowed me to share my stories and experiences with people from around the world! But I digress...

The more you delay, the more it never gets done

If you want to pursue something and possibly make a career out of it, there's no better time to do it than now. If you have some spare time, then why not just go do it? Don't fall into the habit of always looking for excuses to delay it because the longer you do it, the greater the chance you will never get to do it. I mean, think about it, when was the last time you told yourself about doing something that you could do now but you pushed it to a later date and you managed to do it? Yeah I know, it rarely happens right?

We can't predict what life throws at us

All the more reason why we should do things sooner rather than later is the fact that we can never really know what life presents us every day. One day, life throws you a curveball and the things you want to do gets derailed and pushed to the sidelines. And before you know it, months or years have already passed and you look back and wish you could have started on it when you had the chance to do so.

Some opportunities only come once in a lifetime

Have you ever experience having an opportunity arrive in your life yet you just let it go because you're not really prepared for it or you lack the skills to do it? Say for example, you want to learn how to bake but due to you procrastinating, you never got the chance to learn it.


Then an opportunity to learn from some baking experts in order to further advance your baking skill arrives. Yet you can't join the workshop because you don't even know the basics and fundamentals of baking. Such a waste of opportunity right? And sometimes losing that chance comes with a price because we all know that there are some opportunities in life that only come once in a lifetime.

So make the most of your time and cultivate the mindset that when it comes to doing things, it's always best to do it sooner rather than later.

Do you tend to procrastinate? Do you have a habit of doing things sooner rather than later?

I would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.

Image source:
All images courtesy of Pixabay


I do agree with your points buddy
Yes enjoy life by the time you get !
Rather sooner than later ;)

Appreciate you reading my post buddy! 😊

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Love this quote! Thanks for this man! 😊

Thank you. Appreciate it 😊

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