Remembering to Get On Steemit Every Day and Using a Calendar in General

in #life7 years ago

I am a creature who needs structure and who also rebells against it.

Yes, I know I need to use a calendar, thank you very much. I have a lovely gold one my best friend gave me...but you see, the lethargy likes to take over and convince me that watching Feivel Goes West for the thousandth time is more enjoyable than scribbling a few blue notes.

Ah: mediocrity.

But then, there are days like today when I have vision and that vision helps me claw my way past the sore throat and exhaustion due to a cough that ruined my sleep, and I'm up before six, doing guided meditations and releases, drinking hot water and telling the lethargy where it can go.

I haven't made it.

I am not there.

Other entrepreneurs can claim a success or two or millions, and I am just taking one step forward and one step back.

It's a mindset game: retraining my brain for greatness instead of average.

Because let's face it, aren't we all just a little sick of average?

So get ready, because I don't think even SteemIt is ready to handle the value I'm about to bring: already drafting my posts for the rest of the week.

No matter where you are, I promise you: you can do better.

You are an infinite being and your capability exceeds your wildest dreams.

Love Always,
Anna Marie



I dont think ive actually slept since ive been on steemit, i sleep sitting up and just kinda open my eyes and keep on truckin' along

am i obsessed..... maybe

😂😂😂 get some sleep or you'll be no good to anyone 💜