Why I Left My Family - Argentina is Not What You Think (Pt.1-Family)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody !

Many of you know that I am an argentinian guy living in Poland. I left all my family and friends from my whole life back there... But why?

I'm really sure that many of you think that Argentina is a wonderful and rich place. Full of amazing people and possibilities. My experience makes me say a different thing.

I want to divide this post in two parts, first (and to not make it too long) about my family, and then about the country itself.
(All the images are my own creation and so I own the rights of them)


Let's start with a little bit of my own story.

I am a seventh son raised in the quore of a very, very poor family. Since I was a kid I always wanted to make arts and I always been aware of the lack of resources of my relatives. So I decided (since I was 4 or 5) that I would find my profession and be the best at it. And I tried everything! (I was soloist violinist in the main orchestra of Buenos Aires since my 15, I wrote 3 novels in my adolescence, I been learning cooking for being chef, I was studying quantum physics and astronomy and considering entering in university for that -instead arts-, and of course, digital painting).

Long story short digital arts won.

The coolest part was that I was doing great on any field I wanted to develop my self at. But it wasn't cool for everyone.

See, when you start being good in things that other people also want to be good but they are not willing to sacrifice as much as you did, they start hating you.

So all my classmates, these ppl that called themselves 'friends' and even my brothers were super jealous about this innate ability to always pursue my dreams, to never stop in one place and always develop myself in as many ways as I could.

I wish it could be different, so maybe my wishes of staying with my family would be stronger. But my roots were too damaged by decades of psychological and physical aggression from them and from my parents.


Not their fault, we were seven children making trouble every day. I myself f!çked up took a lot of mistakes many times. So I can't really blame them: they are humans and did as good as they could.

So I grew up with a lot of criticism to myself in every step. They did such a good work that after some years/decades I didn't even need them to feel pity from myself and feel that any of the things I was doing was entirely wrong.

I remember few times my father and brothers repeating to me that I was a mistake and I'm worth less than a homeless dog (Actually, poor dog).

So my link to my family (and only thing that was making me stay in Argentina) was getting weaker and weaker.


One day, I decided that it was enough. I had a very toxic life, working for the biggest VFX studio in argentina dedicated to international advertising. I was the art director and 2D generalist there. And I had 1 hour and a half just to get to the studio, and 1 1/2 for coming back. Going through the worst parts of the city (where I got robbed few times -Inside the bus, with guns-).

Last two years before I left Argentina I also had 3 more works, 2 freelance and 1 part time: I was working 17-19 hours a day, from Monday to Monday. Yes, I was working in my way back home as well, or practicing if I could (and hated that shaking from the bus).

So it was pretty sh!%ty tough life. The solution was to stop, but to survive in that country you need to constantly work. I was making a lot of money (well, not a lot if you live in US, but a lot for being from South-America). But I was losing a lot of health and chances of living new experiences in the way.


Back to that day when I realized it was enough, I had two chances: moving to a new place and leave my parent's house, stay in the same position, same country, same way of living.

...Or traveling into the unknown.

And so I did: I traveled to Europe and met so many new people, had so many new experiences. Finally I could feel the real taste of freedom.

My family and many friends filled my heart with fears. But as soon as I got away from Argentina were completely gone. The world is filled with amazing people and amazing experiences worth of be lived.

The funny thing is that my relatives were dropping all their fears on me... And this is actually something very common on people. This is mainly what makes a relationship toxic.

In conclusion

Life is full of experiences waiting for you to be lived. People to be met. Beers to be tried Amazing places and cultures to try their beer discover. New horizons. New Smells. New everything!

I invite you to take a flight or a bus to anywhere and check it by yourself.

Not many things else to say,



that animation broke my heart :C

I'm glad seeing you getting the 'freedom', everything is so good when it's on the other side right? To me, I always thought Argentina was a great country and I would still like to see it by myself one day but it's always a different story when you're born there.

Just like I'm from Malaysia that it's beautiful and nice but when being local, we just have to work our life off. I love to travel and I can't stop because I know I belong somewhere in this world and I still trying to find where I belong, that's why I'm still traveling from time to time.

I'm glad you made that decision to leave Argentina and take the risk to look for somewhere better and 'suitable' for you. Good luck to us!!!

Encouraging comment and beautifully described. I think the freedom is inside us and we just go and catch it wherever we think it is. I'm sorry you have to live such a hard life, but I am sure that if your decision truly is to find your place in the world, it will come with time and efforts =)

Good luck to us !

Wait! I'm not living a hard life, I just thought I'm bored of where I am and would love to go somewhere else. Where I live is beautiful and good, at least I don't have to work the whole day.

I'm glad for your achievement though because with your talent(graphic design) you should actually left Argentina long time ago.

Hahaha I went completely wrong then! Sorry for that !

Btw yeah! I should left way before, but I wasn't ready... and a lil' detail to avoid in the future with other concept artists and illustrators: never call them graphic design :P

I'm sorry haha, I really have no idea in things like that, thanks for correcting me. I'll keep that in mind! Illustrators!

I know what it's like to feel there isn't much for you at home. Of course I love my family but we don't really benefit much from staying in the same town. I think you made the right choice...maybe not for everyone but for people like us

I would reccomend to you to take that ticket into the unknown... Your family will be there for you waiting if you need them back, and if not, you can always visit them !

Be brave my friend =)

i took that ticket 10 years ago.....it seems like i take that ticket every few months... i am not allowed not to take it. taking it again tomorrow, moving to another place. Just have to enjoy the ride.

there is a culture of poverty; trying to get out of it is challenging as your peers can become jealous. Good post!

Oh thanks a lot! And I completely agree with you !

"The funny thing is that my relatives were dropping all their fears on me" great statement!! I wish all the best in everything you're doing and also a lot of health!

Thank you so much @choboscientist !

I really apreciate your words and the fact that you read my story :P

My Little sister was just recently in Argentina- She fell in love with the murals and street arts in Buenos Aires- I left the U.S to move to Haiti- Like you say, "Life is full of experiences waiting for you to be lived." Good Luck. and Stay Brave.

I m glad that she could see the bright side of such a place, and damn! I am super happy for you to change your place of living, pushing your confort zone and living new experiences!!

Godd luck my friend and I hope to know more from your adventure in the future =)

Your post is amazing and deserves the support it's getting..
I myself have left the comfort of my home due to stagnation. Life isn't meant to be wasted sitting in one place and hoping for change to come your way.. You need to grab the wheel and drive because no one is going to do it for you.
Cheers for your ambition and desire to experience life as it's meant to be experienced and I wish you all the best in your future adventures friend :)

Thanks a lot brother ! And I'm happy to see that you also keep moving !

that's a positive story! :)
Interestingly, I'm Polish and had in some way similar experience to yours, quite a rough adolescence I must say and always looking for a way to improve my life. I'm sad to admit I don't like living in my country and have no plans of coming back. I'm now in Spain and I like it here so far. Don't know how much longer I'm staying because I'm too curious about trying different places. Hope Poland and Polish people treat you good, enjoy my country! :)

Oh so bad that you don't really like it ! Maybe I just been really lucky to enjoy the best places in here and that s all =)

But I am really happy that you decided to follow your heart and your dreams, if you are in Barcelona maybe we can go to the beach together! (Damn I miss Barcelona !)

I can't say I don't like Poland! I just don't like living there ;) it's too backwards and conservative, I feel better in the western part of Europe. But I always say that if I was a foreigner I'd love to at least try living in Poland for some time.
and if you're ever in Barcelona come and say hi :) tal vez podria practicar mas espanol contigo ;)

Jaja! Me encantaría ! Este verano tal vez me pegue una vueltita por allá. Madre mía cómo extraño las playas y la gente de España !!

Ahora debe estar haciendo un calor tremendo, verdad?

este verano me voy a fuera de Barcelona! Estare viajando por dos meses, volvere aqui en Septiembre.

No hace mas calor ahora pero en semana pasada... madre mia! Infierno :D

sorry, my Spanish is still pretty basic ;)

Hahaha you are doing great tho' ! I wish you an amazing travel and maybe I can catch you around in two months then =)

you're more than welcome :)
as for Spanish I know I sound like a retard xD

Hahaha I would love to hear it tho'! I'm sure we will arrange something :D !

Y así nos comemos unas tapitas :D

I remember few times my father and brothers repeating to me that I was a mistake and I'm worth less than a homeless dog (Actually, poor dog).

Woah! That's so heavy, I can't imagine ever saying this to my daughter, I'm really sorry to hear this man.

Why did you chose Poland; or will you answer that in part 2?


Haha they are just memories now =)

I chose poland because I traveled last year to europe as vacations for a month with @snowwhite, and fell completely in love with poland: when we stopped here we should actually go to prague and go on in our trip... but decided to stay for few more days here and know better the place where I would live ;)

Aha, that is as good a reason as any! :-)

I travelled to Warsaw for business a few years ago, and completely fell in love with the place. I thought it was so beautiful, and it looked like what people tell me Prague looks like.

Also, people kept telling me, if you like Warsaw, wait till you see Kracow! :-D


Hell yeah! Krakow is DA thing ! If you come back to Poland, you gotta visit it!

I also recommend the south, such as Zakopane! The beautiful mountains that you can see in the pics from this post are from there <3

Cool, I definitely will! I hadn't even heard of Zakopane, it's such a hidden gem Poland. :-)


This is heavy... But I'm glad to see you are enjoying life! Sometimes you just gotta be selfish for your own good. Your blood family isn't always the best family, but you can build your own family. I got a lot of disapproval from my mom when I came out to her, being a middle aged Chinese woman, she didn't get it, and that resulted in arguments that lasted for over a year. That's why I still haven't come out to my father. I also don't feel like I belong in China. I'm just too different. But we will all eventually figure things out, and be the best versions of ourselves. Go chase your dreams buddy!

Sometimes people don't understand how we are and they don t want to, but i m glad that you can see the happy side of it =)

Yes, which is very unfortunate. And thank you!

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