How good are your comments?

in #life6 years ago

Did you know that the quality of your comments can also build the value of your reputation and bring lots of followers?

And did you know: 

  • The strength of your reputation rating and the more followers you have… builds your up-voting power and your Steemit Power! 
  • And the more Steem-Power you have, the sooner you become a whale! 

So comments are important:

Did you know your comments are counted as posts too? And therefore their content is just as important as the blogs you post with such devoted care!! 

Comment content:

Short comments: such as, “You post was great.” Or “I enjoyed it.”…. Doesn’t cut it!  

Okay, you’re giving the author of the blog a lovely compliment. But that’s where it ends!! 

How can the author of the blog answer it?  

The author of the blogs is really requiring more than that, in order to reply to the comment. They need something they can acknowledge besides the kind appreciative complements. 

Comments should provoke more discussion:

The more quality inter-action there is in your commenting, the more attention you create. Not only for the particular blog you’ve just read and commented on… but also for your own sake and site too! 

  1. Your reputation grows with the quality of your comments content. How you relate to other people and the type jargon you use is important. 
  2. The quality of your comment shows how intellectual you are. People want to go and see what else you write on your own personal site. And if you have fantastic interesting blog and comment content there on your own site, you’ll mass a lot of comments and gather more followers for yourself as well. 
  3. From the comments we receive as blog authors, we assess to see what else people are interested in. We need to write stuff that gives people a reason to come back again and get more of what they really want. 
  4. Did you actually read the blog before commenting? Say what really caught your attention and what you think it did for you. Or what made you laugh, etc?! This helps the author to know what grips people’s attention. 
  5. What was so great about the blog you just read? The author of the blog didn’t write the blog for nothing. Was it a waste of time and effort on their part? They want to know if it was helpful and all worth it.  
  6. When you ask questions, it’s important to base your questions on the blog’s topic and don’t go off on another tangent all together. Questions give the author a chance to inter-act with you and what else they can write about in future. 
  7. Build a friendship: Be human and own your personality. Say how you feel about the topic and how you related to it. This puts you `on the same page’ with each other and builds an understanding between you both. Friendships grow according to how you both relate in some way or other. 
  8. Make it easy for the author of the blog, to be able to read and answer your comments. Broken illogical sentences withOUT capital letters and no full-stops, make it hard to understand and cypher what the comment is all about. Because you don’t know where the sentence begins or ends. The author of the blog then doesn’t know how respond and the comment may not be replied to or even up-voted.  
  9. Very short comments give no reason to how they should be replied to. Add something that gives the author of the blog a purpose to reply to it favourably and up-vote it. 
  10. Building friendships before expecting any favours, is the right way to go. People who demand up-votes, etc start off on the wrong foot. Its bad manners and likely to be ignored. It is better to build appreciative reputation, by supplying interesting comment input.  
  11. Friendly positive comments `open doors and windows of the heart’. Naturally ensures you’ll be up-voted, re-steemed, followed, etc… without having to beg for those beneficial privileges. 
  12. Quality content really counts. For sure, building a good reputation is very important to get on and be successful in this world. 
  13. Be an exciting dynamic person to have around. A party always needs a happy uplifting personality to make it come alive. If you are that sort of person, other people want to see what your website is like too! 
  14. The power of your personality goes a long way. It’s up to you how you use it. People may not be able to see you or where you work or live, but the words you use can say a lot about you. 


Comments are there to build each other up and improve the status of Steemit. So we all benefit and have a great time here on Steemit.  


My are the best

I have read quite a lot of post about commenting on steemit, but your article seems to give me a better insights on this area. I truly appreciate if you could produce more content about important aspects of steemit that newbies like me need to know if they wish to be successful here?

That has been my aim with all my posts.
And you know I also learn from the people who leave their comments. What to write on next, etc.
So with your comment I know that what I have been doing has been so worth it. Thank you. And I will continue, doing my best to help out where I can. You see I make a list of people's requests and try to answer them as time and effect permits.

ahh...I have been doing very great.. I mean the content and everything. Sometimes I know what to write, but I just don't know how to express it in a way people find it helpful.

As I browsed over new posts, I ran into yours and I am so glad I opened it. I have not been on Steemit for long, and my growth here has been organic, which is a nice way to say very slow, but it accelerated thanks to comment section interaction.

I don't do much on discord. I feel lost and confused among so many channels and people and my brain just shuts, but when I feel hooked by an author's posts I try to go beyond the mere compliment.
It has paid off. Now I wish I had more time to better interact with authors whose comments encourage more comments.

7 days is too short a time for a post to be open for voting and even though commenting can extend beyond that period, for obvious reasons, the chances of an author going back to one's comment after a certain time diminish.

I find your post very useful and nicely written. Fun image ("prove that you are not a robot"), well organized, to the point.

Unfortunatelly, in this platform some users do not even bother to answer ones' comments and at some point one fels it does not make any sense to continue trying and one moves on to interact with other users.

I celebrate that users like yourself highlight the importance of commenting as part of the process of growing up in the platform.

WOW you blew me away. You really looked deeply into what was said. I like that very much.
You know when people think deeply about things, they learn so much more than the person who just glances at things and moves on quickly.
I have tried to answer every comment on my blogs, but sometimes it's had to make a decent reply to short `empty' comments. Today I'll not answer short comments to to prove a point. But I still appreciated their time and effort, so I'll up-vote them.

That sounds like a nice gesture. Every time I can, I tell this story of a certain user whose poetry post I commented once and from whom I learned a hard lesson. I had established as a "norm" by that time that given my poor SP I would not vote a post under 90% of my VP, so I would comment and come back later to vote when my VP was over 90%.

This one poem called my attention and I wrote what I thought was a very good comment/analysis. This guy responded that he felt insulted because I commented but did not vote, and therefore that diminished the value of my comment, that he did not care if my VP was 1%, that I was just fishing upvotes. Darn, he wanted his vote.

He had been upvoting the most mundane and robotic comments; I think that's what hit me. So I went ahead and gave the man his vote and stooped following him. He did not upvote my comment though.
So, I understood some people here are not interested in building community, reciprocating or learning form others, let alone teaching others.

The monetary incentive Steemit established as their campaign slogan has been its greatest appeal and most likely its greatest defect.

Wow that was some response. We have a choice to comment or not to comment, or even up-vote. We don't have to do either. So that guy was been rude and ungrateful of your input. Sounds like it was all about him. Shame, and your heart was in the right place. And sometimes we miss up-voting by mistake!

One of the many great things about your posts is that it makes it easy for us to engage and write great comments for 😀

I agree with everything you have mentioned here, it was only recently I found out about how much comments help us, as you said they’re like a post. One of the main things I like about steemit is having engagement with others - I don’t feel people comment enough or want some type of conversation.

Another thing I want to look into is communities, I have heard about it but do not have much info.

Looking forward to your next travel blog! The Kruger posts have been very inspiring! 😀

Yes and quality comments build communities too.
If your content, comments or blogs, are fantastic, everyone one (minnows and whales) wants you at the community 'party' for sure.

Making good posts and having great contents gives you good follwers. And this is the important in steemit that how much you can create good quality posts.

Yes it is important to produce good content, but also our comments.
And the way we respond in our comments also shows how much we care.

Yes. I am agreed that quality of comment can also build the value of our reputation and bring lots of followers. Making good quality content also brings good follwers and great comments.

It's not only the quality of the comments content, it's how we word it, that gives how the topic's concept was received and understood.

Yes! 100% agreed thar.

"The strength of your reputation rating and the more followers you have… builds your up-voting power and your Steemit Power!"

You followers and your contents shows the worth of your steemit journey that how much good you are about your work.

The more you follow through on comments and reply to them, we also learn how to make comments more exciting. So I'm learning too!

The author of the blogs is really requiring more than that, in order to reply to the comment. They need something they can acknowledge besides the kind appreciative complements.

So true! I have time to think about how you responded very well and tried to build a pleasant family atmosphere. But I realize that some comments make you disappointed because they don't read and understand well. Thank you for guiding us to be quality people about good and right writing. Regards!🙏

Yes, what you pointed out, is what I have trouble with. Sometimes it is so hard to reply to comments. I do so want to reply to everyone's comments.

Well, it's all about making relations on steemit and comments are the best way to make relation on steemit, Before commening you must read the post carefully and comment according to the post and in this way you get the upvote or you can reward but you will be able to grab the attention of whales and big people here on steemit, comment accordignly, Use simple words to make them understand what you have concluded from their posts, and that's the best way.

The way you worded your comment showed you had read the whole blog and understood the fundamental aspects of it. I always appreciate your input. Thank you.

Thats so kind of you, you always bring something important for newbie like me :)

I can understand the meaning of your post this time. That you are an honest and very professional writer in producing quality content and I always read to completion before commenting so that it is right on target and appreciates you. Thank you for being very integrated with your content. I like the way you give criticism ...

Yes, it is very hard finding the right words to help people that need help. I worry so much that I may offend people. Because I do so wish to help them where I can. In this harsh world we really need each other.