Negative feedback of others should not kill your enthusiasm

in #life7 years ago

Negative feedback of others should not kills your enthusiasem.png

Nothing kills enthusiasm than negative feedback of people . This negative feedback can come from many things like friends relatives teacher etc and many of the success storied die young because many of the people dont know how to handle it and move on without getting distracted .

Consider if you were going to write a story for the first time and you spend the whole night in writing that story and next morning when you show it your friend and he says it not good so what will you do ? Start chasing a new dream or keep on doing what you like ? Thats the point where you have to decide what to do and what to not but the best things always is to keep on doing what you like what you want for yourself . The best writers in the world are not the best by birth they practiced and got the position where they are today so you should never stop chasing your dreams just keep on doing what you like practice it more than hundred times and strive for achieving perfection in it .


The truth is everyone is naturally bad at everything, and in the pursuit of big goals, your current level of skill will be quickly proven insufficient. So if you worry you might not be skilled enough, relax. You aren’t skilled enough. No one is naturally. And that’s okay. You have the power to improve. When ever people criticize you that doesn't mean you cant do it actually means they cant do it themselves . Have you heared about the best twilight series written by Stephanie Meyer many of the people commented like she can even write a single page but she didn't give up she kept on doing what she like and she sold more than 100 million copies and her net worth was 125million dollars . Was she the best writer in the world of course not it because she never gave up she didn't allow the negative feedback of people to affect her.You don’t have to be the best to achieve your goals. You just have to get good enough at what really matters

If you think that your skill isn't enough to do more in life so in order to improve your skill you should stretch the abilities you already have that way if not the best one you can be good in that particular area.When ever you reach to a certain point in anything and you stop doing more in it that where you skill level start to decline because thats the point where you need to improve your self more in order to get the best out of your self.

@follow me on @atifshah for more motivational posts


great content

very true brother :)
negative feedback kills one self confidence and motivation level is drop directly to zero :(

yes thats why i wrote on this topic so if any one who is a newbie and starting something we should not discourage him :)
follow me for more motivational posts @atifshah