in #life8 years ago


When ı start steemit ı didnt know ı really can earn Money or not ! Because I never temp to write blog or anything else .
So I just wanna try one time and I earn Money . I just want thank with do something good.
So today ı went to bank and get little money which ı earn while ı doing steemit . And I bought cat food for give to Street cat .

In Turkey have many Street cat near rubbish bin . You can think that Street cat/animal how hard when they live outside. No have food , water even when they stay Street not safe , well,, Its cause of some people or another animal. I have been trying care Street cat since ı young . Because when I young I lived house which have garden and there came many cat for find food :)) so I just like care them ! well , when I young ı just can share what ı eat that time and not with many cat :(( Because I didnt have any Money in my wallet . So finally thanks to steemit users ı earn my own Money and I start care Street cat.
So today I went anywhere else where cat can live . It’s miracle that when I try feed there Show up many cat :)) There was many kind of cat who pregnant , kitten and normal :)) First I wanna give many food but I was nervous about cat food . I f I give many can be bad so I try give little little each cat .
I don’t know how many cat ı feed today . But it was not easy than ı think :(( when ı try give food to cat some people came and talk to me about ‘ Dont give food to cat’ the reason is cat are enter their garden or house I can respect that their dont want Street cat enter their home but That is not mean they have to be not eat food. Not only people need eat food! So I really angry about it.
And I felt how people effect to animal . When I feed cat some cats are just come and eat food or come to me . but some cats afraid even hungry and wanna eat food they didnt come till ı far away .
And another poınt that I didnt think about kitten cat food :(( I regret about it . So I will buy also kitten food next time :))
This was very very meaningful time for me I wanna share it for thanks to Steemit. Even small Money can make big and beautiful happen.So Let’s look this sweet Street cat:))

I know have many photo but I just wanna share all witout pass. I was so happy when I do it



Lovely :)

Thank you :)

Need more turks on steemit ,welcome

Thank you:))




OK, so if this post gets say 1000 dollars in SD rewards you will go and spend at least 500 dollars in food for the cats and take pictures of all the food you bough in your house as proof?
Do you agree with that?
I just need this to be clearly agreed upon.
Please add it to the post:
"I will use at least 50% of the SD rewards of this post to buy more food for the street cats and I will provide photographic proof of having bought the food in my next post after payout"

OK, so if this post gets say 1000 dollars in SD rewards you will go and spend at least 500 dollars in food for the cats and take pictures of all the food you bough in your house as proof? Do you agree with that?
Please add it to the post:
"I will use at least 50% of the SD rewards of this post to buy more food for the street cats and I will provide photographic proof of having bought the food in my next post after payout"

Her reply below: "I will not give agree about it to you. While I wrote my post ı already said i will feed every weeks cat . I wrote this not about money cause ı want . and ı wanna help another too so ı will use the money not only cat help but also for another . So ı can't agree you .When ı over my project that Time ı will let you know about it ! I will remember ur ID. @earnest . You remember mine too."

You wrote this about feeding street cats, you know very well you are getting the votes for the sympathy feeding street animals entitles.
I think it is very reasonable to ask you to spend a part (50%) of the SD rewards you get appealing to street animal sympathy to actually buy more cat food.
That would be congruent with the spirit of the post.

As things stand you are telling me that you will spend the money as you wish and this is starting to look like a scam. I will proceed to contact the big players who voted for you so that this situation is corrected.
Have a nice day.
PS. At least you could have the decency of putting a fraction of your reward money where your mouth is,
the decency to put some of the rewards you get for appealing to people's sympathy for feeding street animals,
to feeding street animals.
How about any share? 33% ??
But no, its all you you you you you,
and after that

Have a nice day.

I don't know what you trying doing with this . İf I wanna get sympathy or money for myself I already use another which can make more money than this ! I am really sad about your skepticism . Kepp my ID ur mind because I will show you what is my reply about help . Have a nice day ~

Her reply below: "I will not give agree about it to you. While I wrote my post ı already said i will feed every weeks cat . I wrote this not about money cause ı want . and ı wanna help another too so ı will use the money not only cat help but also for another . So ı can't agree you .When ı over my project that Time ı will let you know about it ! I will remember ur ID. @earnest . You remember mine too."

OK, so if this post gets say 1000 dollars in SD rewards you will go and spend at least 500 dollars in food for the cats and take pictures of all the food you bough in your house as proof? Do you agree with that?
Please add it to the post:
"I will use at least 50% of the SD rewards of this post to buy more food for the street cats and I will provide photographic proof of having bought the food in my next post after payout"

Her reply below: "I will not give agree about it to you. While I wrote my post ı already said i will feed every weeks cat . I wrote this not about money cause ı want . and ı wanna help another too so ı will use the money not only cat help but also for another . So ı can't agree you .When ı over my project that Time ı will let you know about it ! I will remember ur ID. @earnest . You remember mine too."

You wrote this about feeding street cats, you know very well you are getting the votes for the sympathy feeding street animals entitles.
I think it is very reasonable to ask you to spend a part (50%) of the SD rewards you get appealing to street animal sympathy to actually buy more cat food.
That would be congruent with the spirit of the post.

As things stand you are telling me that you will spend the money as you wish and this is starting to look like a scam. I will proceed to contact the big players who voted for you so that this situation is corrected.
Have a nice day.
PS. At least you could have the decency of putting a fraction of your reward money where your mouth is,
the decency to put some of the rewards you get for appealing to people's sympathy for feeding street animals,
to feeding street animals.
How about any share? 33% ??
But no, its all you you you you you,
and after that
Have a nice day.

@nabilov oh yes ı agree :( Thank you :)))

@baharoba I was so hungry look cat eating :)
vote done

@ikamili oh haha :) Thank you so much :))

XD cat lovers ....@baharoba , i am cat lovers too :v

@vianhandika oh that's great that u're like cat too :)

Молодец! По больше бы таких замечательных людей, как ты! Так бы стал мир добрее, и было бы меньше бездомных животных!

sorry I cant understand russian :( but Thank you whatever you wrote . Спасибо :)

"...the cat gestation period is generally stated as being somewhere between 61 and 69 days long (NOTE - I have seen feline gestation period figures as short as 56 days right through to as long as 72 days), with an average of 63 to 66 days. "

Soon your whole city will be full of cats.

well, I have to prepare my heart for it :D

You will also need to prepare your neighbors for the plague you are bringing upon them.


But dry food for citten is not so cool

oh, so what should ı give? :) btw Thanks for information

sardines, tuna

okay :) I will keep in my mind

I am @earnest and I approve this message
Please buy a large amount of sardines and tuna for the cats with some of the rewards,
make them healthy and happy!
Nice post.

oh hello again @earnest :) İs it more better than the food ?
And Thank you for information and think :)

yes, its much better than the cat food,
you will see by the look in their eyes :)
You're welcome

I really love what you are doing with this post, just one question:
Can we agree that you will use a good part(50%+) of the SD rewards of this post to buy
more food for the street cats?

. I will not give agree about it to you. While I wrote my post ı already said i will feed every weeks cat . I wrote this not about money cause ı want . and ı wanna help another too so ı will use the money not only cat help but also for another . So ı can't agree you .When ı over my project that Time ı will let you know about it ! I will remember ur ID. @earnest . You remember mine too.

You wrote this about feeding street cats, you know very well you are getting the votes for the sympathy feeding street animals entitles.
I think it is very reasonable to ask you to spend a part (50%) of the SD rewards you get appealing to street animal sympathy to actually buy more cat food.
That would be congruent with the spirit of the post.

As things stand you are telling me that you will spend the money as you wish and this is starting to look like a scam.
I will proceed to contact the big players who voted for you so that this situation is corrected.
Have a nice day.

like in my post ı said ı wanna do it every weeks :)

OK, so if this post gets say 1000 dollars in SD rewards you will go and spend at least 500 dollars in food for the cats and take pictures of all the food you bough in your house as proof? Do you agree with that?
I just need this to be clearly agreed upon.
Please add it to the post:
"I will use 50% of the SD rewards of this post to buy more food for the street cats and I will provide photographic proof of having bought the food in my next post after payout"

I will use the money not only for cats . I have another plan also for help other . So wait and see it :)

Ok, but do you do agree on using at least 50% of the sd revenue of this post to buy more food for the street cats and presenting proof of it?
Its a simple question, do you agree with that or not?
if you agree with that add it to the post the beggining,
it will make you make more money with the post.

whoaa nice cat

Oh so big :) The cat is so cute haha :))) btw Thank you :)

yes this is my cats dan my son

both are so cute :) Good to see

This is absolutely great, the power of crypto currency and social media together with people with a good heart. Thankyou for helping the cats and helping me help the cats. Iv been to turkey and seen the street cats and found myself smuggling what i could out of the restaurants to give to the cats. This post has made me a massive steemit fan.

Thank you so much for understand my mind and heart I am really so glad that heard like that word . Thank you so much :)

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