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RE: That was a blow under the skull
Thank you! That means a lot. In the specific way you wrote I see you have had to deal with the same sort of closed doors and unexpected walls. I am sorry you had to go through that. It is frustrating that money is so important in decisions made about our life. I know three people with high functioning autism, they are all close to me. I especially love their humor, obsessive knowledge and their golden hearts. I hope that your son has find his way in life and stress is staying away as far as possible.
Thank you for your loving words. My son's life is as stress-free as I can make it! I really believe that's the best we can do for those with Autism (accommodate, facilitate and protect). A sense of humour always saves the day for him - he's a very jolly Autist! (but the good humour-front can be a challenge for those with Autism - the other two in my own family have very little of it!).
I am amazed at the progress you have made and so happy your treatment isworking. This renews your hope, and hope is life (for all of us).
That's the best and most loving you can do for him. Keeping stressors away.
I am very happy I have gotten this chance of becoming more healthy. I know it will be a long road but I am fully prepared to go for it. Thank you for your support!!!