Embracing Vulnerability: How Being Open and Authentic Can Improve Your Relationships

in #life2 years ago

Have you ever noticed that the most authentic and vulnerable people in your life tend to be those you're closest to? People like you, and that makes sense - after all, if you were to open up to anyone about your flaws, there's a good chance they would reject you and cut you off. But the truth is that the real you, the vulnerable you, is the same person as the real you, the confident you.

We can change who we are and how we act on the outside, but we cannot change our inner voice. Our emotions, our fears, our vulnerability, our insecurities, and our thoughts don't just disappear when we turn on a computer or pick up a pen, they are part of who we are.

You already know that showing vulnerability isn't easy. We've all heard that we should be "confident, but not cocky". We've all been told to "be strong" or to "be brave" to avoid being seen as weak. And we've all heard the advice "show them you're human, don't pretend you're perfect."

So why are we so afraid of being vulnerable?

Being vulnerable makes us more authentic, but authenticity is something that most of us struggle with. We lie about ourselves all the time, whether we realize it or not, and we hide a lot of the parts of us that we think are too weak, too fragile, or too embarrassing to show.

In fact, if you're struggling with the concept of being authentic, the root cause of it is probably that you've developed the habit of pretending.

But there's a reason that we build walls around us. Pretending makes us safe from rejection. Pretending means we can keep certain parts of ourselves hidden away from others. Pretending is comfortable because it means that we don't have to reveal our weaknesses or our flaws. But pretending isn't real.

Our vulnerabilities are a reflection of who we are, they are a part of who we are. Being vulnerable means that we are being authentic. It's the first step towards being real.

And being vulnerable is where you and I can find true connection. Being vulnerable allows us to connect on an emotional level, rather than only on a superficial level. When we show vulnerability, we let go of our pretenses and we give space for our true feelings. This creates a deeper bond.

By becoming vulnerable, we're connecting on a level beyond ourselves. We're connecting with someone else. And when we open up to each other, we open up to ourselves. Being vulnerable creates a unique opportunity for connection and connection creates a unique opportunity for growth.

As long as we are hiding behind our walls, we won't be able to grow. We won't be able to change. We won't be able to transform.

It's impossible to be vulnerable and not grow. But it is possible to be vulnerable and still have boundaries. It's possible to be vulnerable and still have control. And it's also possible to

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