A novel Idea (free speech )
Just the ramblings of a man in this world
This is a very odd sensation.... Free Speech. one of our natural rights. We should be able to say what we think and how we feel, with out fear of ridicule or causing offence with your own view point.
So now I have the platform to use and my head is full of things to say. Knowing I can say what I want it is an odd feeling and now I have the freedom to say what I want I don't know what to say.
I'd love to talk about how political correctness has eroded and killed our language, Id love to talk about the madness that has blinded so many people and how we accept lies for truth and truth for lies. causing confusion, conflict, fear distrust among the majority of the people of the world.
I have traveled to parts of the world and seen many people just get on. Many religions, believes and cultures living together socialising helping and sharing. I have come to the several conclusions, people in general will get long and work together with no issues, how ever it only takes one person to sow the seeds of hatred, fear and ignorance to break this down.
As a sentient being of this world the other conclusion I have come to is we have all the choice. We have the choice to live in fear, we have the choice to do nothing we have the choice to hate we have the choice to cower to those who believe that are better than us or have power over us. Or we can choose to stand tall and say NO THIS IS NOT HOW I WANT THIS WORLD OF OURS TO BE the most powerful word we have is NO and NO in numbers long enough and loud enough will be heard. People who have done you wrong you can chose to keep the hatred or let it go, chose courage chose forgiveness make a choice to act on something posative chose to stand together support and help each other.
By accepting our differences and working to our strengths and not exploiting others weaknesses we can accomplish anything but the choice is yours. Do you want change do you want to work with people who you may not like can you make a positive change in your self to achieve acceptance of others? I have made changes in my world to make my world a little better and it will only get better. Only you can change yours first help your self then help others, do everything with a good heart and good intentions do at least 2 things a day to make a positive change with in your world and encourage others to do the same, do at least 1 thing to help another weather it be small or a big thing.
At the end of it all we all breath the same air share the same earth better it be a world or people that work together and accomplish rather than divided and kept like animals on a farm fed the same stuff day in and day out no independent thought not question what you are told, question everything never accept the status quo. There is a beautiful world out there on the other side of the fence of fear. If we all jump the fence together and help others it will be a beautiful place.
Remember it is your choice and only yours to chose the world in which you live.
NOTE: yes I know there are spelling and grammar mistakes but like me its not perfectly written but the intent is good.
A beautifully profound message, and something many of us shamefully take for granted everyday.
Thank you, it seems in a world of cloudiness and fear we just need to let go and find direction.