Wyze Indoor Security Camera Starter Kit

in #life4 years ago (edited)

I have recently become more interested in setting up and further educating myself on security & surveillance equipment to install in my home and office. It seems that just about everywhere a human might go these days, we are captured on video or audio recordings (whether or not we consent to it). Since it's unlikely that anyone will be able to force society to yield to its voyeuristic tendencies anytime soon, and the need to archive video evidence for a hypothetical future grand jury indictment is ever apparent, I figured if you can't beat them join them. So, over the past few months, I've been collecting and installing various DIY indoor and outdoor security systems and testing them at a few properties I own.

Wyze Camera & Home Sensor Starter Kit

I recently purchased this at home depot for $49.99. The cover image to this post shows all the items that were included, which I will outline below.

The Camera

The camera included has high definition 1080p resolution, night vision, as well as it's own independent sound and motion sensors.

It came with its own AC adapter and USB-B cable as well. There's also an optional wall mount.

The Sensors

The motion sensor and the contact sensors are a brilliant feature. You can set up the Wyze app for phone notifications if either are tripped, at which point, the camera immediately starts recording video and audio which is stored on the cloud safely.

The Bridge

This is the bridge that links the motion detector, contact sensors and Camera together. Plugs directly into the back of the camera and is more than simple to set up with the instructions provided.

It seems as though the home security game has become very DIY lately, and I think that's a huge necessity. Who wants a technician to come out and install a security system at your home? I mean personally speaking, it seems like you are then immediately compromised. Some dude, who you don't know, shows up at your house and starts positioning and installing your cameras, sensors and motion detectors. Now this supposed "certified specialist" has the entire layout of not only your home but your new security system, because he's the one that designed it and you willingly let him in the house (and paid him for it). I don't know call me over paranoid but it seems a little counterproductive and illogical.

Wicked Night Vision

The night vision on this camera is unbelievable. And see the green square around my dog? That is the apps doing, pointing out where the motion sensor detects the movement. It kind of reminds me what Predator sees through his mask when he's utilizing his heatsink weapon. Pretty badass.

Here's why I think DIY security is a necessity. The only thing that can put a sensitive scenario in jeopardy, whether it be a financial transaction or security of a dwelling or the disseminating of privileged information, is a bad actor, and in I would say every instance the source of this bad actor is a human being. After all, we are not at the gates of skynet quite yet. The insertion of an additional individual or entity, no matter the nature of their designated task, into a sensitive or secretive scenario only increases the risk of compromise.

It is actually reminiscent to the concept of cryptocurrency. Part of how I describe the upsides of it to my family or my peers when they have inquired- Usually, no matter to whom I am responding, part of my description would contain phrases like peer-to-peer currency transactions, or the eliminating of an unnecessary man-in-the-middle. By eliminating the middleman and dealing with it on a person-to-person level, you then are able to apply your own rulesets to the transaction to ensure 100% pseudonymity and verification for all parties involved. Time no longer becomes a factor, as you are not governed by another's schedule, business hours that may be irrelevant to your itinerary, or holiday season you might not celebrate, yet they may have in place on their calendar. There's no need for blindly trusting some random institution to verify and deliver. Because of its transparency, coupled with its pseudonymity, transactions oftentimes are expedited, have minimal cost, and can be carried out at any time. The rulesets become more flexible for any players involved.

I've concluded, the security of your home and your work, is much like the securing of your funds. By eliminating an unnecessary middleman, you significantly reduce the possibility of becoming compromised in any capacity.

Posted using Partiko Android


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Maybe I'm a scaremonger but I believe that DIY security cams, systems aren't the best choice to protect your house, apartment, and so on. Their reliability is a question and also they don't have as many useful features as professional systems. Right now I'm considering installing Ajax. I happened to bump into their site https://ajax.systems/ and what drew my attention was an ability to control it fully with your smartphone. Well, besides it, it has many other features. I'll mention only the fact that their systems are wireless. So, you won't damage your interior with extra wires. Quite handy, isn't it?

Hi there. You know, almost all the professional security systems can be controlled through a phone app. It is absolutely not a new feature. Anyway, I agree with you. I also find Ajax one of the best brands now on the security market. They produce a lot of worthy devices. You can choose any of them now, or connect some later. They have an amazing free customer support service. This shows the level of the brand and its authority. As for any DIY system. Of course, there is no reason to spend any money on that. It could be quite well several years ago. But now now, at the age of technological progress.

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