Time to Change
Change is something many of us have a hard time dealing with. It is inevitable and change can be difficult. Some people get stuck in their ways and most of the time, it's fear that keeps us from accepting change and trying something new.
I have had my trials and tribulations and know that change is good. As I grew older, my beliefs changed and started to have a better understanding of things in the world. Some would call it wisdom, others would call it maturity. Either way, it was changes that were for the better and was why I couldn't do the things I used to do anymore.
Not everyone is fortunate to make changes for the better. The world can be harsh and try to break you while having you not believe in yourself anymore. A lot of people lose their way in life and I admit I have gone through this myself but was fortunate to find my way back.
It can be a good feeling when you change and try new things. Think about when you rearrange the furniture or wear new clothes. You can feel upbeat and positive. I think it has to do with our nature to explore and seek new experiences. That feeling of "newness" that uplifts our spirit.
I may have been getting off topic but there are those times in our lives where we need to make a change. I am feeling like I am at that point where I need to make changes. It's time for a new chapter, a new beginning. You can look at it as an old ending or a new start.
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Very true, we're so afraid of change, yet when we get out of our comfort zone and take the leap, a whole new world opens up! Great post :)
Yes exactly! Thank you.
When? Now? I'd rather wait some more.

nicely defined,
you're right