Strange Things About Prayer

in #life7 years ago

It’s quite easy to see prayer as simply airing your deepest thoughts to an invisible person that will grant your every wish or simply speaking to the air hoping someone hears your cries of despair but I beg to differ. I want to share some less believable, rather strange things about the amazing blessing we call prayer.

First, what is this thing called prayer? I have seen and heard several definitions of prayer from various sources. One source defines it as, “a sincere request, hope or wish addressed to God”, and I agree. I would add that it is also an expression of gratitude or an appreciation or show of faith in God. What better way to express your belief in God than talking to him as a friend to which you share your deepest anxieties and concerns.

Second, what is the purpose of praying? Praying has many purposes, some of which we see soon after praying, while others are revealed at a later date, seemingly late but always very much on time. It’s our means of discussing the things most important to us to our God who gives us perspective and adds real meaning to our existence.

Finally, prayer has many definitions and serves such great purpose. If you have never prayed you may find it to be the outlet you needed all along, providing the connection you already know you are missing.

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