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RE: Immigration Into America Has Made It The World Power It Is Today

in #life8 years ago



$859 in rewards.

8 hours.


And not one person called you out on the most glaring problem with your argument: LEGAL IMMIGRATION != entering without declaring.

I bet even the Chinese rail workers were at least counted at the San Francisco port.

But if you're arguing against enforcement of existing immigration laws, you're arguing for more instability. That's where we are now and it's pushing people to desperate times.

I can't wait till there are more whales on Steemit so this sort of half baked utopian naïveté isn't the only well rewarded content on the site.


Actually illegal immigration has little effect on the job market and economy because they make up such a small amount of the wages. Often times two illegal immigrants will be hired instead of one American, so its not like kicking them out is going to create jobs. Not to mention the jobs they take, like picking oranges in the scorching heat, no American is going to take at minimum wage. Im not arguing against enforcement of existing immigration laws, im arguing for expanding them. Immigration INCLUDING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION has benefited consumers in our country and helped keep products that we buy cheaper. The only people that illegal immigration statistically hurt are those without or attaining only high school degrees, which means they need to educate themselves. So stop attacking my character because you disagree with me politically and act like an adult. Your xenophobic ideals have no place in the international economy we now live in.

I don't know for sure, but there was a point where we certainly weren't counting everyone who took a boat here and got off. I understand the worry from all people who have to compete with legal imigrants for jobs, and I still think trying to braindrain the worlds smartest people is a good idea that strengthens the country. Those people are either going to stimulate our economy or their economy, and I'd rather them stimulate ours.

I flagged this post exactly because of the point you just stated @blakemiles84 because of its "Intentional miss-characterization".
This article is so slanted and made to mislead any casual, uneducated reader.
Honestly @calaber24p I've enjoyed, and have up voted previous material but, this article is so out of balance it's almost comical.
The Immigration issue in America is about Undocumented, ILLEGAL know, those that come across our border without asking permission! Kinda like, ohhh you know... Breaking and Entering, Trespassing etc, etc. You know, the ILLEGAL stuff.
Since you brought up Mr. Einstien about his questionable Immigrant status... here's a link to his "Declaration-of-Intention" to become a LEGAL immigrant...


I can't debate your stance/claim of "abuse" and "death" to Chinee's Immigrants working on the Transcontinental Railroad. I can say this... if it's hot, hard work and out in the middle of nowhere and people are dying because of dehydration; how is this America's fault? Shit, people die yearly due to heat exhaustion... in big Metropolitan cities...with PLENTY of access to immediate drinking water. So again, why are you painting the picture that America was a Chinese "slave" driver? Did you ever consider that the Chinese culture is ingrained to be hard workers, no matter what job it is... or how hot it is, under any condition?
Could have the US " Over advertised" potential job offerings/earnings and under advertised the labor details? Sure, I could possibly say yes to that. But, I'm sure all those Chinese where in some way, shape or form, documented when they entered this country. They sure as hell didn't come running across the US/Mexico border.
Since I'm on this rant regarding Illegal Immigrants, I really need to write a post about how Illegal (and even some legal) immigrants are abusing our tax system by being 1099 "employees".

Im sorry we disagree ajvest, I dont appreciate you flagging the article because its no more slanted than 1000 other pieces that appear here on a daily basis, you just dont agree with the way that this one is slanted. Obviously it comes down a lot to personal beliefs but I try to put out content that is on my mind and im thinking about, so thats what I did. Its your right to disagree, I just ask people not to be hostile when doing so, which is why I responded to blake in the way that I did. It sucks if you didnt enjoy this piece, but I have more, less polarizing, pieces coming and I hope you enjoy one of those more.

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