Principle of the Day

in #life5 years ago

Principle:  Arrogance has no gratitude.

...........original photography and editing by @bleujay.

'Checking Gratitude Gauge'

Thank you Steemians for visiting 'Principle of the Day'.......

Principles are timeless truths.  There are several synonyms for principles......axioms, maxims, proverbs, concepts, precepts and perhaps more......posted here for our ponderance.

Sometimes the accompanying photographs cooperate and illustrate the principle, other times they are just icing.  

Enjoy.  ^__^

Kind Regards,


A kind note to all.......

Please refrain from posting photographs, gifs, links, etc. in the comment section so as not to distract from the post.

Thank you Steemit for the opportunity to post at this fine site.

Posted at Whaleshares.


Cold but pretty ain't it?

Intriguing quote mon ami
what is it that inspired it?

Hi ya mon ami,

Appreciate you dropping by.

Happy to hear you enjoyed the post......just a bit chilly....yes. ^__^

Inspiration? A complaint about snow....hehe and then how this principle could be applied as a check for ourselves asking one's's that Gratitude Gauge?.....for arrogance (aka as error in our thinking) is unable to detect in one's self......however one of the manifestations of arrogance is lack of gratitude thereby assisting one is detecting it in one's self. Lovely....

Wishing you and yours all the best. ^__^


interesting ;)

Looks like a nice chilly place @bleiujay :)

Blessings my friend..

Greetings @majes,

Appreciate you dropping by.

It is a lovely place....and yes....a bit chilly at times. ^__^

Thank you for your kind wishes.

Here's wishing you and yours all the best.


Nice principle @bleujay

Greetings @tulio,

Happy to hear you have capacity for the principle. ^__^

Appreciate the resteem of the pears.......thank you.


"Arrogance has no gratitude"

Oh dear! Amen to that! I don't think there's any space left if we carry an attitude of gratitude. And it is important to you check out our gratitude meter every once in a while.

Beautiful scenery as I watch winter being peeled away layer by layer to make room for the spring. The scenery is peaceful if not a bit chilling.

Good morning from here and still on vacation and hoping that it gets snowed out before I come home.


Greetings Denise,

How very kind of you to drop by with your thoughts regarding the principle.....such kind praise and gifts on your holiday.

Thank you for the tip.

Here's wishing you a lovely holiday and snow as well....

All the best. ^__^


beautiful that is so charming.
wonderful photography @bleujay

Greetings @love-peace,

Very kind words.......thank you.


thank welcome friend.

Great principle! That's really true!

Very wonderful scenery! The landscape covering with snow is even more gorgeous! WOW! I love this!

It's very creative idea that you add those cows in the photos.....

Great shot!

Wishing you and yours a nice day! ;)

Greetings @tangmo,

Very kind of you to drop by for a cuppa. ^__^

Hehe.......I did not have a hand in the placing of the bulls in the photos, very fortunate for me that they were just there......along with the sun and shadows......sweet.

Yes......I agree with you.....the snow brings much to the scene.

Thank you for the kind compliments and kind wishes.

Here's wishing you and yours a lovely day!


It’s always my pleasure!

Ha ha…. I mean you always get great shot and your photos are always perfect with those things; i.e. sun, shadow, snow, or even those bulls…. ;D

Many thanks for your kind wishes, too.

All the best to you and your family! ;)))

it was a beautiful area my friend...thank you

Greetings @maxpay,

Thank you for dropping by.


Very beautiful photo 👍

Thank you @marconah.

Thank you for such wise principle, @bleujay, it is very true and that topic always makes me feel sad and powerless. But then I just think this is just us, human, we are all different and in many case it is difficult to change people, may be in early childhood.

You have captured a peaceful scene of grazing cattle and it seems it is getting warmer at your side. Nice sunny day. I wish you and your family a nice week :)

Greetings @stef1,

Thank you for your time and kind reply.

Arrogance is a trap we humans are most prone to indeed. We cannot see it in ourselves thus the little saying....'Checking Gratitude Gauge' may assist one in getting the right perspective. There are other checks to maintain Subjectivity vs. Objectivity, Stability vs. Instability, Occupation with Self, etc.

Appreciate your kind words regarding the photographs, at the moment we are looking a little warmer, yes.

Thank you for your kind's wishing you and yours a lovely week. ^__^


I am not in the habit of traversing the blockchain making confessions, but this time the principle awoke something within me. I confess to having (when I was much younger than the older, wiser me that stares back from the mirror today) a bit of a problem with arrogance... I'm a sensible, logical person so of course I did not see it as that, had it ever dawned on me I would have transformed my behaviour quickly and felt quite horrified.

I thought of myself in terms like, confident, forthright and having the courage of my conviction. Later with that oh-so-perfect hindsight I realised the truth.

BUT... To the other important part of your principle. I live a life that starts with gratitude as I awake and I try ((only human of course)) and maintain it throughout the day. Recently I have been actively trying to harness the sheer power of gratitude. What I mean by that specifically is that I believe all relationships, even the one we have with our-self can be far more meaningful if we take at least a moment to appreciate the best qualities in those who surround us and those we meet as we go through the day.

I believed I had gratitude when I was younger and more flawed, but on reflection I was probably incapable of exhibiting it meaningfully as there is a certain humble quality that is generally present when true gratitude is displayed.

The photographs are visually stunning and just the kind that make us feel something inside of us, I am sure you know what I mean by that. They are more interactive than a photo that just depicts beauty, I can imagine being wrapped up and enjoying the crisp air as i look upon them.

They feel particularly inspiring to me right now as they appear to have one foot in Winter and the other in Springtime, which is exactly the way I feel regarding the current point in the season.

Take great care of you and yours my friend. I feel it has been a little while since I caught up properly due to a mountain of commitments. I trust that 2019 has thus far, been an inspiring journey for you. 😊

Greetings @stevenwood,

How very kind of you to stop by.

Thank you for your lovely comment and compliments. is an all too human frality to succumb to arrogance (aka 'Error in one's thinking..... 'Errorgance')

All one has to do is believe/let go to one's head a compliment or two and we are we have the little saying.....'Checking Gratitude Gauge' to assist in keeping one in touch with reality...for we are each blind to arrogance in ourselves.

Appreciate hearing you enjoyed the photographs. Just as you have stated....'one foot in Winter and the other in Springtime' is the ideal come away from these photographs.

Thank you for your kind wishes.

Thank you, yes....very inspiring indeed....and hopefully for yourself as well.

Wishing you and yours all the best. ^__^


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