Meditation Tips -- Your Pathway to Tranformation

in #life8 years ago

The subject of meditation is quite vast, so I won’t attempt to discuss the subject in depth. Instead, I wil share the results of my own experience with the practice of meditation.


The subject of meditation is quite vast, so I won’t attempt to discuss the subject in depth. Instead, I will share the results of my own experience with the practice of meditation. Actually I will share some tips about meditation.

When I give this talk in person, I usually start by asking the audience to make a note of their guess about my age. Then I go on with my talk.
I Started With TM
I started doing Transcendental Meditation (TM) a long time ago. I was caught in the middle of a corporate power play that got so intense that I began to think I might have lost touch with reality. I lost the power struggle, but gained the support of TM meditation. It was the best $75 that I ever spent. Now it costs $2200, the reason that Deepak Chopra left the TM movement. It may still be worth it. The benefits are enormous and cannot be overemphasized.
I did TM, religiously, twenty minutes, twice a day for ten years. TM is not the only form of meditation. Over the years, I have tried various meditation techniques including everything from a simple Aum (Om) to electronic sounds with embedded affirmations. They are all effective and are a matter of personal taste, i.e. the technique you are comfortable with. Let’s look at this in more detail.

  1. Various meditation techniques

• Transcendental Meditation (TM) – A mantra-based technique in which you are given a magic word (mantra) that you repeat over and over.
• Aum (Om) – Using the word “Om” as a mantra or as research done on TM many years ago at Harvard University suggested, you can use any word as a mantra
• Electronic meditation – Usually done with earphones, providing a set of specifically designed sounds at specific frequencies to entrain the brain’s activity.
• Counting Your breathes – The very simplest technique. Start by closing your eyes and counting your, in and out breathes for 5 to 10 minutes.
• Guided Meditations – A narrator speaks some soothing, meditative words as you listen. There are many examples of this approach on I am especially fond of the numerous YouTube videos by Abraham Hick

2 East Indian Chanting

• Although it may be a stretch, I consider East Indian Chanting a form of meditation

• There are tons of examples on YouTube, my favorite is:

“Om Kleem Shreem Brzee” follow the video on YouTube for 108 times
This is an all-encompassing chant, it will enhance your relationships, move you towards success, and solve you money issues. My wife and I do this one a lot.

Conclusion – Some Additional Ideals

At this point in a live talk I would reveal that I have been doing TM since 1973 (43 years) and take a few guesses about my age – recently one person guessed 53 Years-old. That person is getting a check, because the actual number is 79 years old. In the words of that fabulous Country Western song (I Am Not As Good As I Once Was, But I Am As Good Once As I Ever Was)

Whatever form of meditation you choose, do not, I repeat, do not try to stop your mind !! That is a losing battle if you ever tried it you know. The technique is to notice that thoughts are coming up, then gently go back to your mantra, or your original process (counting breathes or whatever, etc.). When you first start meditating the thoughts will occur furiously, that is the result of stress being released, the more thoughts, the more stress you are releasing from your body and mind. Whatever you do, make sure you are gentle and kind to yourself.

Don’t meditate for a result, as we in Western Cultures tend to do with everything. Simply practice your meditation and allow the results to accumulate over time and they will in due course. One day the marvelous benefits of your meditation practice will manifest.

• Aging will be slowed or retarded
• More energy
• Less stress
• Loud, sudden noises won’t bother you
• You will be generally more calm
• You will gain a witness capability – the ability to be in a room and see the activity in the room from a perspective above the room

Finally my strongest, sincerest recommendation is that if you haven’t begun a meditation practice, do IT IMMEDIATELY. Take as little as 10 minutes a day (20 minutes, twice a day is even better). You will be very happy you did.

Namiste (I honor the God in you)

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