history aceh indonesia

in #life7 years ago (edited)

In ancient times on Gayo land, Aceh - live a very poor farming family. The fields they own are just a small patch so that their fields can not afford to survive for a season, while their livestock is only two thin and sickly goats. Therefore, in order to survive his family, the farmer fishes in the Krueng Peusangan river or puts a bird's snare in the forest. If a bird succeeds in being trapped in a trap, it will take the bird for sale to the city.
Once upon a time, there was a very dreadful dry season. Many rivers become dry, while the plants are barren molten. Similarly, plants in the farmer's fields. As a result, the field did not yield any results. This farmer has two children. The eldest is eight years old named Elder, while his younger brother Youngest one year old. Their mothers sometimes help make a living by making pots from clay. As a child, the eldest is not playing naughty. He always begged for money, but he knew his parents never had more money. When he is told to look after his sister, he will be busy playing alone no matter what his sister does. As a result, his sister had almost drowned in a river.
One day, the eldest asked his father to go goat herd to the pasture. In order for the goat to eat a lot and look fat so people want to buy it rather expensive. Tomorrow, his father will sell him to the market because they have no money. However, the lazy Eldest shepherds his goats to far-off meadows.
Tukar ke IndonesiaWhy would I go all the way, better here just so I can sleep under this tree, "said the Eldest. He then slept under a tree. When the Eldest woke up, it was late afternoon. But the shepherd's goat is gone. When his father asked the goat for him, he lied to his father. He said that the goat was washed away in the river. The farmer scolded the Eldest and grieved, how he bought rice tomorrow.
Finally, the farmer decided to go to the forest to hunt the deer, in the house of his wife and two children, at meal time, the eldest son sulked, because at the table there is no meat as a friend of rice. Because at home there is no inventory anymore, then this incident makes her mother confused about how to fulfill the wishes of her very pampered child.
Finally the mother told her to take grasshoppers inside the barn. (whereas previously she had ordered the mother not to open the barn containing the grasshopper). When the boy opened the barn cover, apparently he was not careful, causing all the grasshoppers to fly out.
Meanwhile his father came home from the hunt, he seemed annoyed, for not getting a deer. Then he was very angry to find that all the grasshoppers that had been collected with difficulty had vanished in just a moment.
Then, in a state of self-forget the father beat his wife up to be battered and dragged her out of the house. And then the heart to cut the (sorry) breasts his wife, and baking, to be a friend rice. Then the poor woman who was covered in blood and in pain was soon to leave her home.