Should A Man Be Able to Fight Back When A Woman Strikes Him (Extremely Controversial Topic)

in #life8 years ago

For years women have asked for equal rights and it seems like the majority of people would agree that women should get equal pay, be able to vote, and be able to drive cars.  There is one topic that infuriates people on both sides of the argument.  I will catch hell for even bringing this topic up because some people on here will overact and misunderstand the post.  I'm simply asking a question to all Steemians.

Should A Man Be Able to Fight Back When A Woman Strikes Him? 

Some people will say, "A man should never hit a woman."  Oftentimes this is said because they are saying that women aren't as strong as men on average so the man has an unfair advantage.  

Then there will be some that will say it is OK to defend yourself but suddenly will be scared to back that view point up when confronted with a video where a woman picks a fight and hits a man but then he finishes the fight with a much more forceful strike.  

The reason I'm bringing all this up is because the video from 2014 was just released where Oklahoma running back Joe Mixon punched a woman after getting shoved and hit in the side of the face.  From the video it appears that she started the fight and Joe finished it.  He had to sit out the entire 2014 football season because of this incident and there is an ongoing civil lawsuit in relation to this.  Here is the entire video.  

As you can see from the video she shoves him.  He stands his ground.  She then hits him in the side of the face.  He then hits her in her face which knocked her to the ground. He walks out of the restaurant. Later she got up and walked out of the restaurant.  

Is he justified in hitting her after she shoved him and hit him in the face?  

The girl in the fight filed a civil suit against Joe Mixon and it is still ongoing.  Should she be awarded anything?  I think everyone would agree from the video that she shoved and hit him before he hit her.  

If a girl hits a guy should she be allowed to hit him 10 or 20 times before he can defend himself?  Or should he never be able to strike back? 

What about a situation where the woman is stronger than the man like in the image below?  Would this be OK for the male to fight back if shoved and hit in the face by the woman?

What do you think Steemians?  What should be the rules for this situation?  


I had an experience of a girl jumped on my back and was punching me in the neck, so I flipped her off my back and threw her through the air and she slammed on a wall and fell to the ground real hard, she called the cops on me, then called my mother and told my mother "your son is going to jail". The cops came and after seeing the bruises she made on my body, they arrested her. It took her months to complete anger management classes and pay lots of money to the court system. I was living with her in her apartment where she paid the rent, and they told her I could stay there but she cant stay there until I move out... sweeeeeet, and she was white :)

It started as an argument, then she took my car keys and would not let me leave, so I flushed her $800 rent money down the toilet, and she attacked and started the physical fight, $100 of the rent money was my money, so I did not get in trouble for flushing it.

But what does skin color have to do with it? Are we not just brothers from a different mother?

Hahahahh! Man I would be scared in that situation. When it comes down to the he said she said stuff it is tough. Luckily the cops sided with you. I got slapped and kicked in the stomach by one chick. Separate occasions. In one situation I just grabbed my stuff and left the place we were staying in the US Virgin Islands at 2:00am in the morning. She felt really bad about the situation the next day for being so abusive.

the cops came and separated us to get our stories, she was acting like a crazy bitch, and I made the cops laugh.. keep calm.. that works every time, specially with cops

Yeah if she was acting crazy that didn't help her case. There was some situation where an Australian guy had a girl at his apartment he met on Tinder and then she went crazy and he locked her outside on the balcony. She came up with the dumb idea that she was going to climb down from there or something and ended up falling to her death. He had to go on trial for murder for the situation but was found not guilty. Talk about a screwed up situation.

In the UK we see on the news about America of unarmed people being shot with their hands in the air or running away.

You lucked out that time. In many cases the man goes to jail even if she gets the best of him. It's not like the justice system is gender neutral.

Just a few weeks ago my girlfriend called the cops because I put my son's shoes in the firepit to burn them because he dissapeared from the house late at night without saying anything, she called the cops to report him missing and then found him before they arrived, but when they arrived she complained to them about me and my methods of punishment, the first thing the cop said to me is "you could beat his ass, cause corporal punishment is not illegal in Florida", that was her nightmare, because every time i ever threaten to hit him she always replied if i hit him she would call the cops :)

My take:

  • If you can defuse the situation or get out of it somehow without resorting to violence, that's the best solution - whether it's a man or a woman attacking you.
  • If you (or another person) is in danger of death or serious injury, you do what you have to do, again regardless of gender.
  • In the middle ground, that's where it gets a bit more tricky. I don't think anyone should just stand there and take a beating. Maybe you use as much force as you need to, but no more?? And afterwards think about how you got in the situation, and whether there was something you could have done to avoid it, or any way to avoid it in future.

Great reply. I'm relieved I'm not the only girl with this sentiment, as I said in my comment, women like the one in the video are an embarrassment to our gender, actually maybe to mankind in general...lawsuit, really? That doesn't shout 'cry for attention' at all. I avoid insufferable individuals such as her, haha!

Anybody who acts like that is an embarrassment to mankind really. Luckily I haven't some across much of that behaviour.

I've often wondered "Do people actually behave this way outside of television?" That probably says more about the company we keep than anything else :)

True again. It's decades since I went to the pub regularly, that could explain it. The people I hang out with, we're more likely to sing too raucously, dance too violently, laugh, cry or be silly, when drunk.

Decades? That can't be true...well if it is, you are very young at heart. It is you I've seen on noname's comments, right?

Oh, I didn't see the rest of your comment :) Sounds like you are acquainted with my friends :) A delightful bunch. You have a very graceful, peaceful way about you. I have to follow you now, learn your secrets.

(Have to answer here as we've run out of depth)
It is true :-) See my posts on my favourite music and you'll see how long that covers!
I like to think I'm still young at heart, and it's lovely of you to say I have a peaceful, graceful way. I hope that's true too :-)
I've seen you on nonames posts too. I'm surprised I hadn't already followed you, but am now.

Awesome! Yes, I will check those out. I am right now recovering from the amazing intro @merej99 gave me for her Friday post. I just saw it, sorry I feel like I'm bragging now, ha! I love music...if you look on my page you will see a number of posts with a guy on guitar-that's my brother (he's my sweetheart) and I'm encouraging him to get on here. I've been really involved with the music scene to help pave the way for him. And I'm going to stop talking before this is a book, haha!

The regret probably set in 5 seconds after he landed that hit wishing he would have just walked away. Unfortunately they were probably both drunk and not thinking clearly at the time.

Yes, unfortunately that takes all the rational thought out of a situation. Not that it would be easy to be rational in that circumstance anyway.

I read another report where he was claiming he wasn't drunk and wasn't drinking that night. He was saying that that girl and her friends were making racial remarks and spitting on him and his friends.

Sigh. That really is not a way to be, is it? But for now, we have to deal with people who are like that as best we can. And hope that our race is evolving.

I hit a woman once. I trained her in martial arts so I knew what she was capable of even though she was only 100lbs. She loaded up a kick at a friend of mine while he was standing backwards in a stairwell with a load of boxes, so I put three fingers in her solar plexus before she could land the kick. Fortunately, there were witnesses. The same cops had also arrested her for fighting before. Not the only redhead I married either....

If you are striking someone to end a danger to yourself or another, who the someone is, is of no consideration. A woman could hit you wrong and you might die. As long as they are initiating the violence, the results should be on them.

But it supports my argument that everyone should wear a body cam.

Holly shit! She tried to Spartan kick him backwards down a stairwell! Jeez
You are right about how if they hit you wrong you might die.
One time there was a fight at a high school and a teacher tried to break it up and it caused him to fall and he hit his temple on a pencil sharpener and it killed him.

People don't realize. I had two friends who were play fighting once and one guy kind of flipped the other guy onto the couch, but he missed a little and his back landed on the arm of the couch. He never woke up. Like two years later he died still in the hospital. Dwight Nue, good friend. My other friend moved out of town and no one ever heard from him again. After that, I don't play. It's all way to crucial to be just messing around with. That's when I started taking my training seriously.

Man that is a sad story but yeah I can imagine that happening.

I'd probably compromise and use a submission technique.

That could work. I would use Jedi mind tricks on her!

Great post. Tough call.......

Hehehe, Yeah everyone will want to tippy toe around this one for sure. It is easy for us to look at the surveillance video and say. Well he should have walked away. Most likely everyone in that place was drunk after being at the bars and who knows what the fight was about. Probably something stupid. If this thing goes to trial I just have a feeling that the jury will side with her especially in a place like Oklahoma. But who knows. If they are huge Sooner fans they might figure she is distracting Joe from his on-field duties. Time will tell.

Probably best to walk away. She could be a 3rd degree black belt....... 🤕

You are right. That could have been Ronda Rousey and she might have opened up a can of whoop ass on him.

I get the feeling he didn't just ask her directions. She looks like she got a concussion. Why didn't she just use words?

Good question. She might be violent by nature. This time she picked a mismatch.

I think you need a woman to weigh in here, and as a woman I say Yes, a guy should be able to defend himself. If the guy is a great deal stronger there's no reason why he can't "pull" his punch so to speak and still get the message across that if you're going to be violent, expect violence in return. Though unless you get a situation like @craig-grant where the female is showing her true colors, women do tend to be favored. And it's unfortunate, because there are definitely times where a girl should get a wake-up call. And if a girl is stronger and picks the fight? It should not be a gender thing. My opinion? The woman in the video is an asshole. (See the masculine slant on my insult? :) ) And an embarrassment to my gender as a whole.

Personally I feel that if he ended up getting a misdemeanor for this incident I don't understand why she wouldn't get a legal charge against her too for assault since she struck first. She was also a student so why didn't she get punished for starting a fight when he had to sit out the entire 2014 season? Just to be fair since they were both fighting.
Thank you for your comment.

This is a serious issue, and one that feminists are trying to make completely one-sided. (and succeeding.)

In Kalifornia, if there is a domestic dispute the man is removed from the home. In Zona, the larger person (usually the man) is removed from the home.

In domestic abuse situations, it is much more common that the woman starts it.
Compare Gay and Lesbian couples. Lesbian couples >> Gay couples when it comes to domestic abuse.

In situations where only one of the couple is hitting the other, it is twice as likely to be the woman.

The law almost always comes down on the side of the female. The current legal advice is if she starts hitting you, leave. If she is blocking your way to the door, climb out a window. In no way touch her.

The phrase "A man should never hit a lady" is misused. First off, a lady doesn't start hitting when things don't go her way. And, the real reason is that when a man hits a woman, its all over. (like in the video)

A man should be able to hit a bitch after she has started attacking him.
(remember, bitches will use weapons; they feel entitled too, because they are the weaker sex)
Or, I should say, any person should be able to defend themselves from any other person attacking them.

Thank you for your comment.

As a survivor of domestic violence and a feminist, I am having such a hard time with this. I don't think men should hit women and I don't think women should hit men. I think the better course of action is to subdue or restrain, in either case. Both parties should be able to defend themselves but that shouldn't be by knocking the other party out. The issue is that typically, the man is much stronger than the woman and this puts her in greater danger. Also, many more women are abused and murdered by men than vice versa although it totally does happen. Idk man this is hard

I'm sorry you had to go through a domestic violence situation. Yeah it would have been nice if she would have never punched and hit him in the face or if he would have walked away and never hit her but unfortunately the situation got the best of them and they reacted in the moment.
I just don't feel that they can go by the resulting damage to determine who is at fault. I have watched a lot of MMA fights and just slightly different placement of a punch can "rock" or "stun" a fighter or cause a knock out. A person could seemingly land 10 solid punches on another fighter and then get hit in the right spot and be out cold.
I wish these two could just kiss and make up though.

Wow she was out of hand. I think he learned that upper cut move from playing Mortal Kombat 2 on the Sega Genesis.

Yeah, she had it coming because she won't stop cursing.

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