Buy Your Own Missile Silo Home

in #life7 years ago

There are two types of real estate that I always wonder who the owners are. The first are castles all around Europe which some people have taken up residence and spent millions of dollars to renovate. The second are the cold war era missile silos and bunkers that the government tries to sell. No doubt if you were a serious doomsday prepper, a missile silo would be a cool thing to own, but in terms of practicality im not so sure the cost warrants the purchase.

So if this is news to you, the United States government basically created tons of missile silo locations during the cold war in fear of an invasion or possible nuclear war with Russia. Although these silos themselves cost close to a hundred million to make, the government now has little use for them and auctions them as is to the public at pennies on the dollar. This has prompted some people who fear a nuclear war might still occur, to buy up these silos, completely renovate them and stock them with anything they would need in case of emergency.

These silos are cheap to purchase, but the real price is in renovating them and actually making them livable. For the most part, the vast majority of them are rusted beyond belief and inhabited by god knows what kind of creatures. Even returning the silo to its former glory would cost hundreds of thousands and designing it to your specific taste would cost millions. The other problem is stocking it with food and other things that would make it comfortable, often means throwing a ton of things out that become expired, or cycling the food and eating an all can diet in your regular time.

The biggest problem with owning these silos though is that they are usually in the middle of nowhere, so keeping them maintained and up to date would be almost a full time job if you lived somewhere else. Also if there were a nuclear bomb dropped in your area, you usually wouldnt have enough time to reach it and get underground. If you were underground I couldnt imagine the time being spent there being very fun.

Im the type of person who, if a nuclear war broke out and destroyed half the world, wouldnt really want to live in the first place. If living is pain and misery, I just dont see the point of prolonging it at that point. However, I do definitely realize there are people who are survivalist types and a nuclear war breaking out or zombie apocalypse is their version of a wet dream come true. I hope the world never needs a use for any of these missile silos and the people who own them, but at the same time I think they are a cool wacky remnant of a bygone era.

If you want to check out some silos for sale I will put some links below:



hahaha this is a bit scary bro... I wonder if everyone has a missile with a nuk head,,,, Earth will be no more earth that we know.
anyway this is a good post and I hope very much that there will be no nuclear attack or explosion, because this will destroy us all.
Thank God Governments are thinking wisely lately about the danger of these scary nuclear weapons if countries have a nuclear weapons in 1945 as they do now I think the majority of us wont even see the sun on earth today.

I would imagine they had something that makes big explosions lol. I mean the US and Russia both have enough nukes to level the world.

Yes indeed... in addition to Russia and USA there are other countries like North Korea, Israil, Pakistan and Iran. if they all fight once I really dont want to imagine what could happen lool.
It really scares me,, I just want to see life goes on normally without a need for all that

Interesting relics of the past! I totally agree with you when you mention...

Also if there were a nuclear bomb dropped in your area, you usually wouldnt have enough time to reach it and get underground.

Acquiring the bunker is a small fraction in the perfect cumulation of events necessary to survive an apocalypse! You need adequate housing, food, sane people, clean air, security from bandits, etc.

On a side note, a few years ago I saw this interesting psychological movie where a teacher and a group of students run through scenarios on surviving a nuclear bomb. I think you guys would find it interesting! So many factors come into play when surviving in a shelter... well more than I thought of.

Check out the trailer Here

Yeah thats why I ultimate say i would just want to die if the entire planet was going to turn into an apocalypse. I have no intention of living in that wasteland.

I'm sure you could make a ton of money by renting out a nice missile silo home out on airbnb though - perfect for the Lonely Planet crowd :)

Yeah this isnt a terrible idea as an attraction hotel.

Hahah this is wild! I knew these existed, but had no idea how many there were. I think I'll stick to my plan to build a house with wood and stone :)

Im with you on that one, cool for a visit or maybe a night's stay, but definitely not a lifetime.

I've seen some of these on Airbnb before, it really would be cool to check it out for a night. It would probably give me nightmares though lol

Imagine a guy on a date trying to persuade the girl to come with him after the dinner and she says yes. And he's like:" I have a very special home, very unique!" And she thinks: "Oh wow, amazing! He is such an individualist!" And when they reach the nuclear missile underground silo house she's just like: "WTF?!?!?!" and her romantic feelings turn into a feeling between a creepy kidnapping-psycho-movie and the video game "Fallout" :D

Don't know why but this scenery came into my mind but now I wonder how your date would react to your house :D

Instead of a romantic glass of wine on the balcony there is a canned soup underground in a cement bunker :D

hahaha that would be hilarious, you should write a movie script about it.

Hahahaha oh my gosh, this would be a hell lot of fun :D Thank you!! :D

they would be a pain to keep clean. The old henry hoover just would not cut it.

Old missile silos and bunkers in the middle of nowhere are excellent only if you want to keep your child isolated until his 40's:

Old missile silos and bunkers in the middle of nowhere are excellent only if you want to keep your child isolated until his 40s.

this looks really interesting

It's a bit childish but still cute movie, check it out if you have the time.

I would like to get one but this looks very expensive for me.
I hope all wars will end and we will use this money spent on weapons and armies to stop poverty and illiteracy in the whole world.
This is my own and only wish

Lol this would make the ultimate man cave, saves you from the nukes and zombies, too. Not to mention a Steem rocket that takes you to the moon!

If you are a death metal rock band with limited success this might be worth looking at - at least you will not disturb anybody when training there ;-)

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