Sex Robots, Companions and the Future of Human Interaction

in #life8 years ago

Theres a new advertisement going around for a product called gatebox, which is a type of AI that not only controls your home but will display your favorite anime character, or “waifu”, who will interact with you like a girlfriend substitute. We have explored this idea many times before, most notably with the movie “Her” which follows a similar presence. It makes you wonder what the human mind actually needs to be stimulated and if human to human interaction will be necessary in the future. Most of all it makes you wonder what might be the consequences of such devices.

Human beings are social creatures, there is no denying that, but our bodies can be tricked into thinking we are having social interactions through various ways. Our primary purpose is the reproduce, but through masturbation we can trick our bodies into not pursuing real women, we can trick our mind into thinking we are having real social interaction through online games, ect. So it is very possible to fathom that in 100 years rather than seek a human partner, many of us might choose a virtual one instead. Some people may say that sex would be required to truly complete the immersion experience, but that can be created in the long run as well.

There may not be a way to get more intimate with a virtual program now, but as AI develops and the necessity breeds invention of new ways to interact with your virtual partner, solutions will be created. It isn’t entirely impossible to think that you could essentially put an advanced AI into a human shaped container that you find attractive. This isn’t a human being, but like I said before, our minds can be easily tricked into finding humanity in an AI program. There may be fundamental differences, but if there is a substitute that many people find easier and more fulfilling than a real life relationship, it will be taken advantage of.

The real problem comes when human beings stop reproducing with each other and opt for an easier less tolling experience instead. Think about things from a person’s point of view. You get home from a long day and a robot is there to massage you, cook you dinner, clean, ect. , while on the flip side your wife or girlfriend might be waiting for you and upset that you forgot to pick up groceries or about another petty issue. Most people are probably going to opt for the experience of the robot instead. If a substitute is good enough or better than the real thing, people are going to take that option.

In most modern economic growth theory, a heavy emphasis is put on population growth, which would obviously be a problem with this new type of system. As it is, many countries are on the verge, or in, negative population growth. Japan for example, where many human relationships are already unsuccessful due to a plethora of factors, going your entire life unmarried or without children is not uncommon. While the government has tried to remedy the problem, it doesn’t seem to be working. We might need to completely rethink how our economies function if this is the way forward.

In all likelihood, at some point in the future we will see many of the worlds populations start to decline as the need for having more children disappears with modernization and the invention of these robots would only worsen the problem. However that being said, maybe this isn’t a bad thing, as we might not need to work so hard or have so many people if we can have AI which does everything for us. We might just be able to enjoy our existence on this earth without having to work. We would have to rethink the entire way we look at things, but it isn’t impossible to think this may happen.

Regardless of where we are headed in the future, I do think that at some level these types of comfort/relationship AI bots will become more common place as they serve a fundamental need that human beings have to be social. Many people lack the social skills to interact with other human beings, but with a robot that is programmed to interact with you no matter what, it can give people a new outlook on life. It is no surprise that in a country like Japan this product gatebox would come out, because many there are struggling with human interaction on a daily basis. Many people in Japan can’t even talk to the opposite sex throughout their entire life. Overall whether this invention is used as a learning tool or as a main source of interaction, it benefits those who need it most.



I do think and hope population will decline, but I am not at all afraid of the end of penis-vagina sex. I don't think that is something we should worry about.

You can trick yourself only for so long.

Not sure reproduction can (or should) be called a purpose, maybe means to one. Is someone who can't reproduce without their main purpose?

my guess is that with that kind of tech there will also be the tech for more Virtual Reality. Why get on a bus? Why not 'go to work' virtually?

and then there's direct neural interface tech. 'virtual' can be as real as you want it to be.
zero chance of getting the 'girlfriend' pregnant...
but WAIT...there's MORE...she won't NAG.

On the test grounds, some societies have managed to become so utterly alienated from other human beings that it leaves them to the hands of others to decide what they'll be "allowed" to do or not, their own critical judgement and creative-thinking outsourced to the hands of people and machine ruling their lives. This way, they don't have to think, they leave it to the ones in charge, who would apparently know better for the benefit of the whole above their own needs, almost all the time...

Healthy human interactions are greatly needed, on demand really, but their legitimacy not only frown upon by the norms of our Occidental values, but even put down. Affection toward another human being is seen too often as gross or even ugly. So many children reflect unabashedly this judgement out loud in classrooms all over North America and Europe. Being a human in all its forms, colours, and healthy behaviours are perceived more and more s a threat to establishment and the status quo pound on the ones that are either different or want to be different from this uprising despotic philosophy. Can you tell I have a lot of vinegar running through my veins right now!?! O.k., time to chill a bit and pass the ball over otherwise this will turn into a rant.

Are we simply too afraid of being ourselves for fear of being put down, harshly judged? Maybe it is time for many of us to rise in our differences and introduce others to the celebration of it all! May this time allow us to find the strength to rise and fight for our rights to be ourselves. Thanks for this sobering article which underlines emergent and urgent action from so many of us. Namaste :)

Please notice that such a robots would have mostly men as customers. Women are more into parenting than into sex: parenting just need sex to happen. So a sex robot which cannot parent , neither support her parenthood, would be less attractive. I suspect a product for men would have more appeal.

Blinded by science ...

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