Is anxiety affecting my life/productivity?

in #life7 years ago

I know it's been a month since the new year started and I had set my goals, and I know I have to get stuff done and have a roadmap to follow in order to achieve them, but what happens when anxiety and depression try to hold you down?

My main problem is dealing with multiple negative thoughts or stressful events at once. I thought everything started 5 years ago but I think I've been dealing with anxiety since I was a kid, and I just didn't know this illness even existed... few years ago, thoughts about how incapable I was, afraid of failure would consume my mind, I was not able to focus anymore and I constantly felt like I was choking, sometimes I would even shut down, stay in bed the whole day, I was not able to go out because I was so scared that something would have happened​​ to me. This made me think that achieving my goals was impossible. Those were 2 of the worst years of my life, it was really hard, I was not able to even find a "normal" job because I'd get anxiety just thinking about the interview, thinking about my tasks, if I was going to be able to achieve them, etc., but little by little I learned how to leave with it and how to trick myself and focus on one step at a time... even tho I had really bad days, it would only be temporary​, until this last December, I found out my mom was sick, I felt how my heart dropped along with my whole world... I never thought I was going to hear that from the stronger woman I've ever known... I tried to be as strong as I could in front of her but inside me, I was dying!... that happened 2 days before my birthday, and she told me she had an appointment with the Dr. on Dec 4th (my birthday) and she wanted me to go with her... we spent the whole day at the hospital... and when the Dr. finally confirmed her diagnosis and told us she needed surgery ASAP, all I could think about was how much I love her, all the times we've shared together and how short life is... anyways, I don't want to get into details, but I knew how tough this year was going to be... I started to think about all those negative thoughts again, not being able to sleep at night ... etc... even tho I try to be strong in front of her, when I am alone, I just can't help it... I know she will be able to go thru all this and at the end, ​we will just look back and smile at eachother and say - we did it!!!- , but I don't want my anxiety to get in the way... not right now when she needs me the most.

On the other hand, I am sooo happy to get to know so many positive people on​ this platform, people who make​ me smile and give me so much support even tho they don't know me... It's usually very hard for me to open up in person, and now it's so crazy how I'm writing this for everyone to see...

Is anyone else dealing with anxiety? how do you overcome depression?


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

It is decidedly so

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Hey there

I just today made a post about this. People who don't suffer from this, will never understand. I do.

Please take care of yourself. Anxiety is not a problem with your personality or mind. It's a serious physical brain disorder. I worked in the advertising industry for almost 20 years, under unbearable stress and trying to manage my bipolar/anxiety. My mind held up, thankfully, but my body gave in by developing autoimmune disease, leaving me unable to provide for myself.

There is no cure for depression and anxiety yet. Hopefully you'll find some medication that actually work, plus exercise does help if at all possible. Be very careful of Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, etc. They should only be used for no more than 10 days during times of unbearable suffering.

Here is my opinionated and completely subjective article:

If you take anything from this, know that there are millions of us who have to fight this fight. And that I understand.

Just rather choose a slower and simpler lifestyle if possible, even if it means having to go without some luxuries or having less money. You can't buy back your health once it's gone. Stress on top of anxiety is a silent killer. As in you can just about smoke 10 cigarettes a day equivalent.

Try and avoid recreational substances, especially alcohol and stimulants. You will get progressively worse and addiction is always just around the corner for people like us.

Strength to you

Hola @carolinapina, upv0t3
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