Is Bitcoin about to Tank?

in #life7 years ago

"He said bitcoin’s transaction times, costs and lead times have undercut bitcoin’s value as an investment".Bitcoin transaction fees have doubled every three months, and it now takes an average 4.5 hours to confirm a transaction. Fees reached $26 per trade recently, according to Ars Technica. This is a huge transaction charge because for Bitcoin Cash, the fee is a tiny fee of 0.012$. He maintains that the blockchain of Bitcoin Cash is made do maintain much larger amounts of data with 8mb of space. He also speculates that Bitcoin Cash will be rebranded to the name Bitcoin, and Bitcoin itself would dissolve. I have included the link to the official article,

I don't know about you guys, but when a co-founder of Bitcoin goes publicly and states that Bitcoin is going to fail, Im starting to worry. To switch all of my bitcoin to bitcoin cash? Or is this purely speculation. Please share comment and share your opinions with me my steemit people. Is bitcoin going to die?